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Index to OEIS: Section Ph
Index to OEIS: Section Ph
- This is a section of the Index to the OEIS®.
- For further information see the main Index to OEIS page.
- Please read Index: Instructions For Updating Index to OEIS before making changes to this page.
- If you did not find what you were looking for in this Index, you can always search the database for a particular word or phrase.
- Full list of sections:
[ Aa | Ab | Al | Am | Ap | Ar | Ba | Be | Bi | Bl | Bo | Br | Ca | Ce | Ch | Cl | Coa | Coi | Com | Con | Cor | Cu | Cy | Da | De | Di | Do | Ea | Ed | El | Eu | Fa | Fe | Fi | Fo | Fu | Ga | Ge | Go | Gra | Gre | Ha | He | Ho | Ia | In | J | K | La | Lc | Li | Lo | Lu | M | Mag | Map | Mat | Me | Mo | Mu | N | Na | Ne | Ni | No | Nu | O | Pac | Par | Pas | Pea | Per | Ph | Poi | Pol | Pos | Pow | Pra | Pri | Pro | Ps | Qua | Que | Ra | Rea | Rel | Res | Ro | Ru | Sa | Se | Si | Sk | So | Sp | Sq | St | Su | Sw | Ta | Te | Th | To | Tra | Tri | Tu | U | V | Wa | We | Wi | X | Y | Z | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
phi : see golden ratio phi
phi(n) (A000010): see totient function phi(n)
Phi(n): A005728*
phi, Phi: A000108, A001006, A007477, A025262, A025268
- see angular momentum
- Physical Constants
- pi(x), number of primes <= x: A000720*
- pi(x), pi(10^n): A006880
- pi_{4,1}(x): A066339, pi_{4,3}(x): A066490, their difference (one of the great prime races): A066520
- Pi, approximations of: A068028 = 22/7, A068079 = 355/113, A068089 = 104348/33215, [see also: convergents, continued fractions]
- A216542 (Sum (-1)^(k-1)/(2k-1), k=1..5e4), A013706 (twice that), A216543 (4x that),
- A216544 (Sum (-1)^(k-1)/(2k-1), k=1..5e5), A216545 (twice that), A013705 (4x that),
- A216546 (Sum (-1)^(k-1)/(2k-1), k=1..5e6), A216547 (twice), A216548 (4 times), A195793 (arctan(10^6) ~ Pi/2 - 10^-6).
- [See also: series for Pi].
- Pi, continued cotangent for: A002667*
- Pi, continued fraction for: A001203*; records therein: A007541, A033089, A033090.
- Pi, decimal expansion of: A000796*, A011545: digits 1..n concatenated, A005042: primes therein; A092845: reverse(A011545), A007523: primes therein.
- Pi in base b: A004601 (b=2), A004602 (b=3), A004603 (b=4), A004604 (b=5), A004605 (b=6), A004606 (b=7), A006941 (b=8), A004608 (b=9),
- Pi, Egyptian fractions for : A001466*, variants (essentialy the same): A182257, A224230. Pi = Sum 1/a(n) (signed): A001467. Egyptian fraction for 1/Pi: A006524.
- Pi, decimal expansion of, related to : A001355: Pie, interlace digits of Pi and e, A058382: continued fraction of Pie,
- Pi, decimal expansion of, strings of digits in :
- A037008 + 1 = A014976 (position of "0"s), A050201 (position of "00"s), A050202, A083598, A083599, A083600, A083601 (seven "0"s)
- A037000 + 1 = A053745 (position of "1"s), A050208 (position of "11"s), A050209, A083602, A083603, A083604, A083605 (seven "1"s).
- A037001 + 1 = A053746 (position of "2"s), A050215, A083606, A083607, A083608, A083609, A118079 (seven "2"s)
- A037002 + 1 = A053747 (position of "3"s), A050222, A083610, A083611, A083612, A083613, A083614 (seven "3"s)
- A037003 + 1 = A053748 (position of "4"s), A050230, A083615, A083616, A083617, A083618, A083619 (seven "4"s)
- A037004 + 1 = A053749 (position of "5"s), A050238, A083620, A083621, A083622, A083623, A083624 (seven "5"s)
- A037005 + 1 = A053750 (position of "6"s), A050245, A083625, A083626, A083627, A083628, A083629, A083630 (eight "6"s)
- A036974 + 1 = A053751 (position of "7"s), A050254, A083631, A083632, A083633, A083634, A083635, A083636 (eight "7"s)
- A037006 + 1 = A053752 (position of "8"s), A050263, A083637, A083638, A083639, A083640, A083641 (seven "8"s)
- A037007 + 1 = A053753 (position of "9"s), A050272, A083642, A083643, A083644, A083645, A083646 (seven "9"s)
- exactly k consecutive equal digits: A049518 (k=2), A049519, A049520, A049521, A049534 (k=6).
- at least k consecutive equal digits: A049514 (k=2), A049515, A049516 (k=4), A049517 (k=5).
- occurrences of '0123456789': A101815, of '9876543210': A101816.
- Pi, decimal expansion of, strings of digits in, first occurrence of :
- n consecutive equal digits: A049522 (exactly n), A049523 (at least n).
- at least n times the same digit: A035117 ('1's), A050281 ('2's), A050282, A050283, A050284, A050286, A050287, A048940 ('9's).
- exactly n times the same digit: A050279 ('0's), A096755 ('1's), A096756, A096757, A096758, A096759, A096760, A096761, A096762, A096763 ('9's).
- concatenate(1,...,n): A121280(n) = A068987(n) - 1; first digits of e = 2.718...: A090898; digits of Pi in e: A115234.
- the string n: A176341.
- Pi, series for : A007514 (= A075874, essentially): Sum a(n)/n! = Pi. A005148, A005149, A006934: other series for Pi. [See also: Egyptian fractions for Pi]
- Pi, see also: A002161: sqrt(Pi), A002388: Pi^2, A039661: e^Pi, A059850: Pi^e.
piano keyboard: A059620*, A079731, A060106, A060107, A081031, A081032, A356464
picture-perfect numbers: A069942
pieces: see also under partitions
Pierce expansions: A006275, A006276, A006283, A006284
Pierpont primes: see primes, Pierpont
Pisano numbers: see Pisano periods
Pisano periods: A001175*
- Pisano periods, generalized: listed in R. J. Mathar, A Table of Pisano Period Lengths (1) A000032, A000034, A000045, A000051, A000073, A000129, A000213, A000225, A000285, A000290, A000292, A000578, A001045, A001060, A001075, A001076, A001175, A001333, A001353, A001519, A001590, A001608, A001644, A001834, A001906, A002532, A002533, A002605, A002878, A003462, A003665, A003688, A005248, A005668, A006012, A006130, A006131, A006138, A006190, A006355
- Pisano periods, generalized: listed in R. J. Mathar, A Table of Pisano Period Lengths (2) A006495, A007070, A007482, A009116, A009545, A010892, A013655, A014551, A014983, A015440, A015441, A015442, A015443, A015518, A015519, A015521, A015523, A015530, A015531, A015532, A015535, A015537, A015540, A015541, A015551, A015564, A015568, A015574, A015576, A015580, A015584, A015587, A015591, A016116, A020695, A020701, A020712, A020992, A021006, A022086
- Pisano periods, generalized: listed in R. J. Mathar, A Table of Pisano Period Lengths (3) A022095, A022097, A022098, A022099, A022100, A022101, A022102, A022103, A026150, A028859, A030195, A038608, A038754, A046717, A046738, A048573, A048693, A048694, A049347, A052533, A052918, A054490, A055099, A056594, A057079, A057087, A057088, A057597, A057681, A061084, A061347, A063727, A072263, A072265, A077917, A077957, A077966, A077985, A078008, A078020
- Pisano periods, generalized: listed in R. J. Mathar, A Table of Pisano Period Lengths (4) A078069, A083099, A083858, A085750, A087451, A090132, A090591, A094359, A098149, A098150, A099087, A099843, A104217, A104769, A104934, A105476, A106291, A106293, A107920, A108520, A110512, A122994, A123335, A125905, A130472, A132429, A164539, A174191, A175181, A175182, A175183, A175184, A175185, A175286, A175289, A175290, A175291, A186646
- Pisot sequences, definitions: A008776*
- Pisot sequences, warning about recurrences for: A010925
- Pisot sequences: ( 1) A000302, A000351, A000400, A000420, A001018, A001019, A001519, A004171, A007283
- Pisot sequences: ( 2) A007699, A008776 (has Maple code for most variants), A009056, A010900, A010901, A010902, A010903, A010904, A010905, A010906, A010907
- Pisot sequences: ( 3) A010909, A010910, A010911, A010912, A010913, A010914, A010915, A010916, A010917, A010919, A010920
- Pisot sequences: ( 4) A010924, A010925, A011557, A014001, A014002, A014003, A014004, A014005, A014006, A014007, A014008
- Pisot sequences: ( 5) A018920, A019492, A020695, A020696, A020698, A020701, A020702, A020704, A020705, A020706
- Pisot sequences: ( 6) A020708, A020709, A020710, A020711, A020712, A020713, A020714, A020715, A020716, A020717, A020718
- Pisot sequences: ( 7) A020720, A020721, A020722, A020723, A020727, A020728, A020729, A020730, A020732, A020734, A020735
- Pisot sequences: ( 8) A020736, A020737, A020739, A020741, A020742, A020743, A020744, A020745, A020746, A020747, A020748, A020749
- Pisot sequences: ( 9) A020750, A020751, A020752, A021000, A021001, A021004, A021006, A021008, A021011, A021013, A021014, A048575
- Pisot sequences: (10) A048576, A048577, A048578, A048579, A048580, A048581, A048582, A048583, A048584, A048585, A048586, A048587
- Pisot sequences: (11) A048588, A048589, A048590, A048591, A048592, A048624, A048625, A048626, A051016, A051017
- Pisot sequences E: A000079 (1,2), A000244 (1,3) and (3,9), A007484 (2,7), A007699 (10,219), A008776 (2,6), A010914 (5,17), A020707 (4,8), A020719 (7,8), A020695 (2,3), A020701 (3,5), A020706 (4,6), A020720 (7,9), A020729 (2,10). A010908 (4,21)
- Pisot sequences L: A000079 (1,2) A000051 (2,3) A000244 (1,3) (3,9) A008776 (2,6) A018910 (4,5) A018913 (1,9) A018918 (3,6) A018919 (3,9) A020706 (4,6) A020707 (4,8) A020729 (2,10) A020737 (5,9) A048577 (3,4) A048578 (3,5)
- Pisot sequences P: A000079 (1,2) A000244 (1,3) (3,9) A008776 (2,6) A020701 (3,5) A020707 (4,8) A020719 (7,8) A020720 (7,9) A020727 (2,7) A020729 (2,10) A021006 (4,11)
- Pisot sequences S (Shallit): A018902 (1,4) A018903 (1,5) A018904 (1,6) A018906 (2,6) A018907 (2,7) A018908 (3,4) A018909 (3,6) A022019 (2,32) A022021 (5,20) A022022 (5,45) A022023 (6,30)
- Pisot sequences T: A000079 (1,2) A000244 (1,3) (3,9) A008776 (2,6) A010920 (3,13) A010922 (14,23) A018914 (2,5) A018915 (2,6) A018916 (2,8) A018917 (3,5) A018920 (3,10) A020707 (4,8) A020719 (7,8) A020729 (2,10)
- planar graphs: see graphs, planar
- planar vs plane: some authors make a distinction between "plane", meaning embedded in the plane with a distinguished exterior region, and "planar", meaning embedded in the sphere (with no distinguished region)
plastic constant: A060006
plastic number: A060006
plots, misleading: see deceptive plots
plots, sequences with interesting: see graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting
plus perfect numbers: A005188*
- This is a section of the Index to the OEIS®.
- For further information see the main Index to OEIS page.
- Please read Index: Instructions For Updating Index to OEIS before making changes to this page.
- If you did not find what you were looking for in this Index, you can always search the database for a particular word or phrase.
- Full list of sections:
[ Aa | Ab | Al | Am | Ap | Ar | Ba | Be | Bi | Bl | Bo | Br | Ca | Ce | Ch | Cl | Coa | Coi | Com | Con | Cor | Cu | Cy | Da | De | Di | Do | Ea | Ed | El | Eu | Fa | Fe | Fi | Fo | Fu | Ga | Ge | Go | Gra | Gre | Ha | He | Ho | Ia | In | J | K | La | Lc | Li | Lo | Lu | M | Mag | Map | Mat | Me | Mo | Mu | N | Na | Ne | Ni | No | Nu | O | Pac | Par | Pas | Pea | Per | Ph | Poi | Pol | Pos | Pow | Pra | Pri | Pro | Ps | Qua | Que | Ra | Rea | Rel | Res | Ro | Ru | Sa | Se | Si | Sk | So | Sp | Sq | St | Su | Sw | Ta | Te | Th | To | Tra | Tri | Tu | U | V | Wa | We | Wi | X | Y | Z | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]