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The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®) Wiki

This is the Wiki part of the OEIS

  • Many pages of information about the OEIS--everything except the sequences themselves. See below.

Announcement: The Sequence Fans mailing list is reborn as a Google Group

  • Sadly, it appears that Olivier Gerard, the moderator of the three OEIS mailing lists (SeqFans, Associate-Eds, and Eds-in-Chief) passed away in September 2024. This is a great loss, Olivier was an Editor-in-Chief of the OEIS and founded these mailing lists and moderated them for decades.
  • To replace the three lists we have set up two Google Groups. The main one is a Google Group called SeqFan, URL, email address This will replace both the old Seq Fan list and the Associate-Eds list. It will discuss interesting sequences, especially open problems, matters concerning the OEIS database and the website, announcements, etc.
  • To join the new group, if you were a member of the old groups or are a potential new member:
    1. Sign into Google.
    2. Go to,
    3. Click "Join this group".
    4. Wait for Robert C. Lyons or me to approve your request. We are in the New York time zone.
  • The second new group is a very small group restricted to OEIS Editors-in-Chief: URL, email: We have already invited all the Eds-in-Chief to join it.
  • We have not been able to recover the names of the people on the old list, so if you know someone who is not on the new list, please point them to this announcement.
  • Posted by Robert C. Lyons and Neil J. A. Sloane, Oct 18 2024







The OEIS is owned, maintained and supported by The OEIS Foundation Inc. - please give generously!