This site is supported by donations to The OEIS Foundation.
When a sequence is being reviewed in the Proposed Drafts stack, and you see ongoing discussions between the submitter and the Editors-in-Chief, DO NOT step in and try to help.
This causes a great deal of trouble and confusion for everyone.
Leave this sequence alone. Leave the editing to the professionals, the Editors-in-Chief.
If you have comments, formulas, links, programs, etc., to add, WAIT until the sequence has been approved and is no longer being edited. THEN you can propose your edits.
When you pass an open door in a hospital and you see a team of doctors working on a patient, you do not step in and try to help.
It's hard enough for the editors to address one thing at a time and additional changes delay the original submitter.
Occasionally a user discovers they can get around their draft limit by editing in other people's drafts, and promptly proceeds to interfere throughout the drafts queue. That's very bad. Don't do that.
You have the freedom to edit anywhere, even when you're not a designated editor, because you might be doing joint work, and because you can be trusted.
In contrast to wikis which are a free-for-all, changes to OEIS entries are individually signed, dated and reviewed.