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Use of AI for OEIS Submissions is Forbidden
The use of text-generative AI programs such as Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 in creating submissions to the OEIS (new sequences, updates, comments, etc.) is forbidden. This includes:
1) Individual submissions that are wholly or substantially the product of a text-generative AI, such that the person submitting the sequence (along with any other sources quoted or cited) could not reasonably be considered the direct and controlling author of the submission; and
2) Bulk or serial submissions of sequences generated by LLM AI or any other automated, mechanical, or programmatic process.
In imposing this ban we are following the lead of the American Association for the Advancement of Science -- publisher of the journal Science -- which has totally banned the use of LLMs in writing papers [see story in Nature, Vol. 622, October 12 2023, pp. 234-236].
The reason is that an LLM is like an assistant who will tell you what it thinks you want to hear, without regard to the truth. You can not assume that anything it says is correct.