
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Odd bisection of A260443 (the even terms): a(n) = A260443((2*n)+1).
2, 6, 18, 30, 90, 270, 450, 210, 630, 6750, 20250, 9450, 15750, 47250, 22050, 2310, 6930, 330750, 3543750, 1653750, 4961250, 53156250, 24806250, 727650, 1212750, 57881250, 173643750, 18191250, 8489250, 25467750, 2668050, 30030, 90090, 40020750, 1910081250, 891371250, 9550406250, 455814843750, 212713593750
From David A. Corneth, Oct 22 2016: (Start)
The exponents of the prime factorization of a(n) are first nondecreasing, then nonincreasing.
The exponent of 2 in the prime factorization of a(n) is 1. (End)
a(n) = A260443((2*n)+1).
a(0) = 2; for n >= 1, a(n) = A260443(n) * A260443(n+1).
Other identities. For all n >= 0:
A007949(a(n)) = A005811(n). [See comments in A125184.]
A156552(a(n)) = A277189(n), a(n) = A005940(1+A277189(n)).
A048675(a(n)) = 2n + 1. - David A. Corneth, Oct 22 2016
A001222(a(n)) = A007306(1+n).
A056169(a(n)) = A284267(n).
A275812(a(n)) = A284268(n).
A248663(a(n)) = A283975(n).
A000188(a(n)) = A283484(n).
A247503(a(n)) = A284563(n).
A248101(a(n)) = A284564(n).
A046523(a(n)) = A284573(n).
a(n) = A277198(n) * A284008(n).
a(n) = A284576(n) * A284578(n) = A284577(n) * A000290(A284578(n)).
A method to find terms of this sequence, explained by an example to find a(7). To find k = a(7), we find k such that A048675(k) = 2*7+1 = 15. 7 has the binary partitions: {[7, 0, 0], [5, 1, 0], [3, 2, 0], [1, 3, 0], [3, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]}. To each of those, we prepend a 1. This gives the binary partitions of 15 starting with a 1. For example, for the first we get [1, 7, 0, 0]. We see that only [1, 5, 1, 0], [1, 3, 2, 0] and [1, 1, 1, 1] start nondecreasing, then nonincreasing, so we only check those. These numbers will be the exponents in a prime factorization. [1, 5, 1, 0] corresponds to prime(1)^1 * prime(2)^5 * prime(3)^1 * prime(4)^0 = 2430. We find that [1, 1, 1, 1] gives k = 210 for which A048675(k) = 15 so a(7) = 210. - David A. Corneth, Oct 22 2016
a[n_] := a[n] = Which[n < 2, n + 1, EvenQ@ n, Times @@ Map[#1^#2 & @@ # &, FactorInteger[#] /. {p_, e_} /; e > 0 :> {Prime[PrimePi@ p + 1], e}] - Boole[# == 1] &@ a[n/2], True, a[#] a[# + 1] &[(n - 1)/2]]; Table[a[2 n + 1], {n, 0, 38}] (* Michael De Vlieger, Apr 05 2017 *)
(Scheme, two versions)
(define (A277324 n) (A260443 (+ 1 n n)))
(define (A277324 n) (if (zero? n) 2 (* (A260443 n) (A260443 (+ 1 n)))))
from sympy import factorint, prime, primepi
from operator import mul
def a003961(n):
return 1 if n==1 else reduce(mul, [prime(primepi(i) + 1)**F[i] for i in F])
def a260443(n): return n + 1 if n<2 else a003961(a260443(n//2)) if n%2==0 else a260443((n - 1)//2)*a260443((n + 1)//2)
def a(n): return a260443(2*n + 1)
print([a(n) for n in range(101)]) # Indranil Ghosh, Jun 21 2017
Cf. A277200 (same sequence sorted into ascending order).
Sequence in context: A373515 A288815 A277200 * A034881 A352813 A146345
Antti Karttunen, Oct 10 2016
More linking formulas added by Antti Karttunen, Apr 16 2017