This table shows the coefficients of combinatorial formulas needed for generating the sequential sums of p-th powers of binomial coefficients C(n,6). The p-th row (p>=1) contains a(i,p) for i=1 to 6*p-5, where a(i,p) satisfies Sum_{i=1..n} C(i+5,6)^p = 7 * C(n+6,7) * Sum_{i=1..6*p-5} a(i,p) * C(n-1,i-1)/(i+6).
1, 1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6, 1, 1, 48, 687, 4850, 20385, 55908, 104959, 137886, 127050, 80640, 33642, 8316, 924, 1, 342, 21267, 527876, 7020525, 58015362, 324610399, 1297791264, 3839203452, 8595153000, 14760228672, 19560928464, 19987430694
From Peter Bala, Mar 11 2018: (Start)
The table entries T(n,k) are the coefficients when expressing the polynomial C(x+6,6)^p of degree 6*p in terms of falling factorials: C(x+6,6)^p = Sum_{k = 0..6*p} T(p,k)*C(x,k). It follows that Sum_{i = 0..n-1} C(i+6,6)^p = Sum_{k = 0..6*p} T(p,k)*C(n,k+1). (End)
a(i, p) = Sum_{k=1..[2*i+1+(-1)^(i-1)]/4} [ C(i-1, 2*k-2)*C(i-2*k+7, i-2*k+1)^(p-1) -C(i-1, 2*k-1)*C(i-2*k+6, i-2*k)^(p-1) ]
From Peter Bala, Mar 11 2018: (Start)
The following remarks assume the row and column indices start at 0.
T(n,k) = Sum_{i = 0..k} (-1)^(k-i)*binomial(k,i) * binomial(i+6,6)^n. Equivalently, let v_n denote the sequence (1, 7^n, 28^n, 84^n, ...) regarded as an infinite column vector, where 1, 7, 28, 84, ... is the sequence binomial(n+6,6) - see A000579. Then the n-th row of this table is determined by the matrix product P^(-1)*v_n, where P denotes Pascal's triangle A007318.
Recurrence: T(n+1,k) = Sum_{i = 0..6} C(6,i)*C(k+6-i,6)*T(n,k-i) with boundary conditions T(n,0) = 1 for all n and T(n,k) = 0 for k > 6*n.
n-th row polynomial R(n,x) = (1 + x)^6 o (1 + x)^6 o ... o (1 + x)^6 (n factors), where o denotes the black diamond product of power series defined in Dukes and White.
R(n+1,x) = 1/6!*(1 + x)^6 * (d/dx)^6(x^6*R(n,x)).
R(n,x) = Sum_{i >= 0} binomial(i+6,6)^n*x^i/(1 + x)^(i+1).
(1 - x)^(6*n)*R(n,x/(1 - x)) appears to equal the n-th row polynomial of A237252. (End)
Row 3 contains 1,48,687,...,924, so Sum_{i=1..n} C(i+5,6)^3 = 7 * C(n+6,7) * [ a(1,3)/7 + a(2,3)*C(n-1,1)/8 + a(3,3)*C(n-1,2)/9 + ... + a(13,3)*C(n-1,12)/19 ] = 7 * C(n+6,7) * [ 1/7 + 48*C(n-1,1)/8 + 687*C(n-1,2)/9 + ... + 924*C(n-1,12)/19 ]. Cf. A086028 for more details.
seq(seq(add( (-1)^(k-i)*binomial(k, i)*binomial(i+6, 6)^n, i = 0..k), k = 0..6*n), n = 0..5); # Peter Bala, Mar 11 2018
a[i_, p_] := Sum[Binomial[i - 1, 2*k - 2]*Binomial[i - 2*k + 7, i - 2*k + 1]^(p - 1) - Binomial[i - 1, 2*k - 1]*Binomial[i - 2*k + 6, i - 2*k]^(p - 1), {k, 1, (2*i + 1 + (-1)^(i - 1))/4}]; Table[If[p == 1, 1, a[i, p]], {p, 1, 10}, {i, 1, 6*p - 5}]//Flatten (* G. C. Greubel, Nov 23 2017 *)
(PARI) {a(i, p) = sum(k=1, (2*i + 1 + (-1)^(i - 1))/4, binomial(i - 1, 2*k - 2)*binomial(i - 2*k + 7, i - 2*k + 1)^(p - 1) - binomial(i - 1, 2*k - 1)*binomial(i - 2*k + 6, i - 2*k)^(p - 1))}; for(p=1, 8, for(i=1, 6*p-5, print1(if(p==1, 1, a(i, p)), ", "))) \\ G. C. Greubel, Nov 23 2017
Edited by Dean Hickerson, Aug 16 2003