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Template:Selected Recent Additions
From OeisWiki
Selected Recent Additions
- A239797 Decimal expansion of .
- A238271 Decimal expansion of .
- A237042 UPC check digits.
- A236603 Lowest canonical Gray cycles of length .
- A235365 Smallest odd prime factor of .
- A234522 Decimal expansion of .
- A233748 Number of graphs on n vertices with edges colored with at most four interchangeable colors under the symmetries of the full edge permutation group.
- A232499 Number of unit squares, aligned with a Cartesian grid, completely within the first quadrant of a circle centered at the origin ordered by increasing radius.
- A231963 Concatenate with its UPC check digit.
- A230624 Numbers with property that for every base , there is a number such that , where is the sum of digits in the base expansion of .
Everything below this line is in the <noinclude> ... </noinclude> section.
Selected Older Additions
- A229938 Decimal expansion of Hartree energy in Joules.
- A228538 -values in the solution to the Pell equation .
- A227538 Smallest such that a partition of into distinct parts with perimeter exists.
- A226527 Slowest-growing sequence of 3-almost primes (trientprimes) where sums to 1 without actually reaching it.
- A225225 Second smallest prime quadratic non-residue modulo the -th prime.
- A224224 Numerators of continued fraction convergents to .
- A223909 Maxodious numbers.
- A222298 Length of the Gaussian prime spiral beginning at the n-th positive real Gaussian prime.
- A221558 Consecutive values produced by the C++ mt19937_64 (Mersenne twister) random number generator with the default seed (5489).
- A220351 Decimal expansion of .
- A219705 Decimal expansion of .
- A218459 Smallest positive integer such that the prime has a solution in integers.
- A217281 Prime numbers on the front cover of the paperback editions of Marcus du Sautoy's book The Music of the Primes.
- A216582 Decimal expansion of .
- A215009: Numbers which are "easy" to key on a computer number pad.
- A214282: Largest Euler characteristic of a downset on an -dimensional cube.
- A213025: Balanced semiprimes.
- A212709: Positive integers not of the form , with prime and and nonzero integers.
- A211856: Number of representations of as a sum of products of distinct pairs of positive integers, considered to be equivalent when terms or factors are reordered.
- A211074: Decimal expansion of .
- A210209: GCD of all sums of consecutive Fibonacci numbers.
- A209899: Floor of the expected number of empty cells in a random placement of balls into cells.
- A208981: Number of iterations of the Collatz recursion required to reach a power of 2.
- A207524: Number of rational numbers such that and is less than or equal to the greatest quotient of consecutive Fibonacci numbers having denominator up to .
- A206786: Remainder of divided by 341.
- A205672: Nonnegative values of solutions to the Diophantine equation .
- A204044: Lozenge Gaussian integer factorial, product of all Gaussian integers except 0 for which .
- A203907: Successor function for Conway's PRIMEGAME.
- A202955: Decimal expansion of
- A201052: Maximal number of integers that can be chosen from 1 to so that all subsets have distinct sums.
- A200000: Number of meanders filling out an by grid, reduced for symmetry.
- A199500: Reciprocal of the imaginary part of the first zeta zero divided by .
- A198683: Number of distinct values taken by (with 's and parentheses inserted in all possible ways) where is the imaginary unit and denotes the principal value of the power function.
- A197723: Decimal expansion of
- A196511: Primes for which there are primes such that
- A195637: Number of distinct residues of for
- A194156: Prime number that appears the most often as the th prime factor of an integer in a factorization given in ascending order.
- A193805: A generalization of Euler's totient function.
- A192512: Number of ludic numbers not greater than .
- A191150: Hypersigma(): sum of the divisors of plus the recursive sum of the divisors of the restricted divisors.
- A190149: Even numbers (written in binary) such that in base 2 dismal arithmetic, the sum of the divisors of is a number containing a 0 (in binary).
- A189243: Number of ways to dissect a rectangle into rectangles with equal area.
- A188382: Primes of the form .
- A187487: Numerator of minus th harmonic number.
- A187243: Number of ways of making change for cents using coins of 1, 5, 10 cents.
- A186830: Keith sequence for the number 197.
- A185086: Primes of the form where is a prime.
- A184336: .
- A184117: Lower -Wythoff sequence, where .
- A181437: Size of the longest increasing sequence of primes starting with 2, 3 and with second order differences bounded by .
- A180442: Numbers such that a sum of two or more consecutive squares beginning with is a square.
- A179311 – A179836: , where is the Riemann zeta function and is the imaginary unit.
- A178830: Number of distinct partitions of into two sets and with the product of the elements of equal to the sum of elements in .
- A174292: Spoof-perfect numbers.
This is modelled on the Recent Additions pane of the main page of the IMSLP Petrucci Music Library. However, on that site, if someone adds a hundred Graupner chorales at more or less the same time, then that's all you see in Recent Additions for quite a while.
This is meant to be a little bit more selective. Many important sequences are added to the OEIS every day, but listing here should be conditioned on the general interest of the new sequence being quite particularly obvious.