Numbers simultaneously square and centered square. E.g., a(1)=25 because 25 is the fourth centered square number and the fifth square number. - Steven Schlicker, Apr 24 2007
From Ant King, Nov 09 2011: (Start)
Indices of positive hexagonal numbers that are also perfect squares.
As n increases, this sequence is approximately geometric with common ratio r = lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-1) = (1 + sqrt(2))^4 = 17 + 12 * sqrt(2).
Also indices of hexagonal numbers (A000384) which are also centered octagonal numbers (A016754). - Colin Barker, Jan 25 2015
Also positive integers x in the solutions to 4*x^2 - 8*y^2 - 2*x + 8*y - 2 = 0, the corresponding values of y being A253826. - Colin Barker, Jan 25 2015
Squares that are sum of two consecutive squares: y^2 = (k + 1)^2 + k^2 is equivalent to x^2 - 2*y^2 = -1 with x = 2*k + 1. - Jean-Christophe Hervé, Nov 11 2015
Squares in the main diagonal of the natural number array, A000027. - Clark Kimberling, Mar 12 2023
Albert H. Beiler, Recreations in the Theory of Numbers, Dover, NY, 1964, p. 256.
Muniru A Asiru, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..100
Daniel C. Fielder, Special integer sequences controlled by three parameters, Fibonacci Quarterly 6, 1968, 64-70.
M. A. Gruber, Artemas Martin, A. H. Bell, J. H. Drummond, A. H. Holmes, and H. C. Wilkes, Problem 47, Amer. Math. Monthly, 4 (1897), 25-28.
Thomas Koshy, Products Involving Reciprocals of Gibonacci Polynomials, The Fibonacci Quarterly, Vol. 60, No. 1 (2022), pp. 15-24.
Giovanni Lucca, Integer Sequences and Circle Chains Inside a Circular Segment, Forum Geometricorum, Vol. 18 (2018), 47-55.
Steven C. Schlicker, Numbers Simultaneously Polygonal and Centered Polygonal, Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 84, No. 5, December 2011
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Hexagonal Square Number.
Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients, signature (35,-35,1).
From Benoit Cloitre, Jan 19 2003: (Start)
a(n) = A078522(n) + 1.
a(n) = ceiling(A*B^n) where A = (3 + 2*sqrt(2))/8 and B = 17 + 12*sqrt(2). (End)
G.f.: (1-10x+x^2)/((1-x)(1-34x+x^2)).
a(n) = ceiling(A046176(n)/sqrt(2)). - Helge Robitzsch (hrobi(AT), Jul 28 2000
a(n+1) = 17*a(n) - 4 + 12*sqrt(2*a(n)^2 - a(n)). - Richard Choulet, Sep 14 2007
Define x(n) + y(n)*sqrt(8) = (4+sqrt(8))*(3+sqrt(8))^n, s(n) = (y(n)+1)/2; then a(n) = (1/2)*(2+4*(s(n)^2 - s(n))). - Steven Schlicker, Apr 24 2007
From Ant King, Nov 09 2011: (Start)
a(n) = 35*a(n-1) - 35*a(n-2) + a(n-3).
a(n) = 34*a(n-1) - a(n-2) - 8.
a(n) = 1/8 * ((1 + sqrt(2))^(4*n-2) + (1 - sqrt(2))^(4*n-2) + 2).
a(n) = ceiling((1/8) * (1 + sqrt(2))^(4*n-2)). (End)
From Ravi Kumar Davala, May 26 2013: (Start)
a(n+2) = 577*a(n) - 144 + 408*sqrt(2*a(n)^2 - a(n)).
a(n+1)*a(n-1) = (a(n)+4)^2. (End)
Limit_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-1) = A156164. - César Aguilera, Jan 28 2018
sqrt(2*a(n))-1 = A002315(n). - Ezhilarasu Velayutham, Apr 05 2019
4*a(n) = 1 +3*A077420(n). - R. J. Mathar, Mar 05 2024
Product_{n>=0} (1 + 4/a(n)) = 2*sqrt(2) + 3 (Koshy, 2022, section 3, p. 19). - Amiram Eldar, Jan 23 2025
From Ravi Kumar Davala, May 26 2013: (Start)
A001333(0)=1, A001333(4)=17, A001333(8)=577, A000129(0)=0, A000129(2)=2, A000129(4)=12, A000129(8)=408 so clearly
a(n+1)*a(n-1) = (a(n)+4)^2 , with n=1 is 841*1=(25+4)^2, for n=2 , 28561*25=(841+4)^2.
1 = 1 + 0, 25 = 16 + 9, 841 = 29^2 = 21^2 + 20^2 = 441 + 400.
CP := n -> 1+1/2*4*(n^2-n): N:=10: u:=3: v:=1: x:=4: y:=1: k_pcp:=[1]: for i from 1 to N do tempx:=x; tempy:=y; x:=tempx*u+8*tempy*v: y:=tempx*v+tempy*u: s:=(y+1)/2: k_pcp:=[op(k_pcp), CP(s)]: end do: k_pcp; # Steven Schlicker, Apr 24 2007
LinearRecurrence[{35, -35, 1}, {1, 25, 841}, 15] (* Ant King, Nov 09 2011 *)
CoefficientList[Series[(1 - 10 x + x^2) / ((1 - x) (1 - 34 x + x^2)), {x, 0, 33}], x] (* Vincenzo Librandi, Jan 20 2018 *)
(PARI) a(n)=if(n<0, 0, sqr(subst(poltchebi(n+1)+poltchebi(n), x, 3)/4))
(PARI) vector(40, n, n--; (([5, 2; 2, 1]^n)[1, 1])^2) \\ Altug Alkan, Nov 11 2015
(GAP) a := [1, 25, 841];; for i in [4..10^2] do a[i] := 35*a[i-1] - 35*a[i-2] + a[i-3]; od; a; # Muniru A Asiru, Jan 17 2018
(Magma) I:=[1, 25, 841]; [n le 3 select I[n] else 35*Self(n-1)-35*Self(n-2)+Self(n-3): n in [1..20]]; // Vincenzo Librandi, Jan 20 2018
Entry edited by N. J. A. Sloane, Sep 14 2007