
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Number of partitions of n into parts >= 3.
1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 17, 21, 25, 33, 39, 49, 60, 73, 88, 110, 130, 158, 191, 230, 273, 331, 391, 468, 556, 660, 779, 927, 1087, 1284, 1510, 1775, 2075, 2438, 2842, 3323, 3872, 4510
a(0) = 1 because the empty partition vacuously has each part >= 3. - Jason Kimberley, Jan 11 2011
Number of partitions where the largest part occurs at least three times. - Joerg Arndt, Apr 17 2011
By removing a single part of size 3, an A026796 partition of n becomes an A008483 partition of n - 3.
For n >= 3 the sequence counts the isomorphism classes of authentication codes AC(2,n,n) with perfect secrecy and with largest probability 0.5 that an interceptor could deceive with a substituted message. - E. Keith Lloyd (ekl(AT)soton.ac.uk).
For n >= 1, also the number of regular graphs of degree 2. - Mitch Harris, Jun 22 2005
(1 + 0*x + 0*x^2 + x^3 + x^4 + x^5 + 2*x^6 + ...) = (1 + x + 2*x^2 + 3*x^3 + 5*x^4 + ...) * 1 / (1 + x + 2*x^2 + 2*x^3 + 3*x^4 + 3*x^5 + 4*x^6 + 4*x^7 + ...). - Gary W. Adamson, Jun 30 2009
Because the triangle A051031 is symmetric, a(n) is also the number of (n-3)-regular graphs on n vertices. Since the disconnected (n-3)-regular graph with minimum order is 2K_{n-2}, then for n > 4 there are no disconnected (n-3)-regular graphs on n vertices. Therefore for n > 4, a(n) is also the number of connected (n-3)-regular graphs on n vertices. - Jason Kimberley, Oct 05 2009
Number of partitions of n+2 such that 2*(number of parts) is a part. - Clark Kimberling, Feb 27 2014
For n >= 1, a(n) is the number of (1,1)-separable partitions of n, as defined at A239482. For example, the (1,1)-separable partitions of 11 are [10,1], [7,1,2,1], [6,1,3,1], [5,1,4,1], [4,1,2,1,2,1], [3,1,3,1,2,1], so that a(11) = 6. - Clark Kimberling, Mar 21 2014
From Peter Bala, Dec 01 2024: (Start)
Let P(3, n) denote the set of partitions of n into parts k >= 3. Then A000041(n) = (1/2) * Sum_{parts k in all partitions in P(3, n+3)} phi(k), where phi(k) is the Euler totient function (see A000010). For example, with n = 5, there are 3 partitions of n + 3 = 8 into parts greater then 3, namely, 8, 5 + 3 and 4 + 4, and (1/2)*(phi(8) + phi(5) + phi(3) + 2*phi(4)) = 7 = A000041(5). (End)
Andrew van den Hoeven, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..10000 (first 301 terms from Vincenzo Librandi)
Peter Adams, Saad I. El-Zanati, Peter Florido, and William Turner, On 2-Factorizations of the Complete 3-Uniform Hypergraph of Order 12 Minus a 1-Factor, Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (SEICCGTC 2021) Springer Proc. Math. Stat., Vol 448, pp. 383-392. See p. 326.
Roland Bacher and P. De La Harpe, Conjugacy growth series of some infinitely generated groups, hal-01285685v2, 2016.
Kevin Beanland and Hung Viet Chu, On Schreier-type Sets, Partitions, and Compositions, arXiv:2311.01926 [math.CO], 2023.
R.-Q. Feng, J. H. Kwak and E. K. Lloyd, Isomorphism classes of authentication codes, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 69 (2004), no. 2, 203-215.
Elisabeth Gaar and Daniel Krenn, Metamour-regular Polyamorous Relationships and Graphs, arXiv:2005.14121 [math.CO], 2020.
F. Jouneau-Sion and O. Torres, In Fisher's net: exact F-tests in semi-parametric models with exchangeable errors, August 2014, preprint on ResearchGate.
Johan Kok, Degree affinity number of certain 2-regular graphs, Open J. of Disc. Appl. Math. (2020) Vol. 3, No. 3, 77-84.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Two-Regular Graph.
a(n) = p(n) - p(n - 1) - p(n - 2) + p(n - 3) where p(n) is the number of unrestricted partitions of n into positive parts (A000041).
G.f.: Product_{m>=3} 1/(1-x^m).
G.f.: (Sum_{n>=0} x^(3*n)) / (Product_{k=1..n} (1 - x^k)). - Joerg Arndt, Apr 17 2011
a(n) = A121081(n+3) - A121659(n+3). - Reinhard Zumkeller, Aug 14 2006
Euler transformation of A179184. a(n) = A179184(n) + A165652(n). - Jason Kimberley, Jan 05 2011
a(n) ~ Pi^2 * exp(Pi*sqrt(2*n/3)) / (12*sqrt(3)*n^2). - Vaclav Kotesovec, Feb 26 2015
G.f.: exp(Sum_{k>=1} x^(3*k)/(k*(1 - x^k))). - Ilya Gutkovskiy, Aug 21 2018
a(n) = Sum_{j=0..floor(n/2)} A008284(n-2*j,j). - Gregory L. Simay, Apr 27 2023
G.f.: 1 + Sum_{n >= 1} x^(n+2)/Product_{k = 0..n-1} (1 - x^(k+3)). - Peter Bala, Dec 01 2024
series(1/product((1-x^i), i=3..50), x, 51);
ZL := [ B, {B=Set(Set(Z, card>=3))}, unlabeled ]: seq(combstruct[count](ZL, size=n), n=0..46); # Zerinvary Lajos, Mar 13 2007
with(combstruct):ZL2:=[S, {S=Set(Cycle(Z, card>2))}, unlabeled]:seq(count(ZL2, size=n), n=0..46); # Zerinvary Lajos, Sep 24 2007
with(combstruct):a:=proc(m) [A, {A=Set(Cycle(Z, card>m))}, unlabeled]; end: A008483:=a(2):seq(count(A008483, size=n), n=0..46); # Zerinvary Lajos, Oct 02 2007
f[1, 1] = 1; f[n_, k_] := f[n, k] = If[n < 0, 0, If[k > n, 0, If[k == n, 1, f[n, k + 1] + f[n - k, k]]]]; Table[ f[n, 3], {n, 49}] (* Robert G. Wilson v, Jan 31 2011 *)
Rest[Table[Count[IntegerPartitions[n], p_ /; MemberQ[p, 2*Length[p]]], {n, 50}]] (* Clark Kimberling, Feb 27 2014 *)
(Magma) p := NumberOfPartitions; A008483 := func< n | n eq 0 select 1 else n le 2 select 0 else p(n) - p(n-1) - p(n-2) + p(n-3)>; // Jason Kimberley, Jan 11 2011
(PARI) a(n) = numbpart(n)-numbpart(n-1)-numbpart(n-2)+numbpart(n-3) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Jul 19 2011
Essentially the same sequence as A026796 and A281356.
From Jason Kimberley, Nov 07 2009 and Jan 05 2011 and Feb 03 2011: (Start)
Not necessarily connected simple regular graphs: A005176 (any degree), A051031 (triangular array), specified degree k: A000012 (k=0), A059841 (k=1), this sequence (k=2), A005638 (k=3), A033301 (k=4), A165626 (k=5), A165627 (k=6), A165628 (k=7).
2-regular simple graphs: A179184 (connected), A165652 (disconnected), this sequence (not necessarily connected).
2-regular not necessarily connected graphs without multiple edges [partitions without 2 as a part]: this sequence (no loops allowed [without 1 as a part]), A027336 (loops allowed [parts may be 1]).
Not necessarily connected 2-regular graphs with girth at least g [partitions into parts >= g]: A026807 (triangle); chosen g: A000041 (g=1 -- multigraphs with loops allowed), A002865 (g=2 -- multigraphs with loops forbidden), this sequence (g=3), A008484 (g=4), A185325 (g=5), A185326 (g=6), A185327 (g=7), A185328 (g=8), A185329 (g=9).
Not necessarily connected 2-regular graphs with girth exactly g [partitions with smallest part g]: A026794 (triangle); chosen g: A002865 (g=2), A026796 (g=3), A026797 (g=4), A026798 (g=5), A026799 (g=6), A026800(g=7), A026801 (g=8), A026802 (g=9), A026803 (g=10), ... (End)
Cf. A008284.
Sequence in context: A132326 A351595 A027195 * A281356 A026796 A008925
T. Forbes (anthony.d.forbes(AT)googlemail.com)