Numbers that are the sum of 4 nonzero 10th powers.
4, 1027, 2050, 3073, 4096, 59052, 60075, 61098, 62121, 118100, 119123, 120146, 177148, 178171, 236196, 1048579, 1049602, 1050625, 1051648, 1107627, 1108650, 1109673, 1166675, 1167698, 1225723, 2097154, 2098177, 2099200, 2156202, 2157225
As the order of addition doesn't matter we can assume terms are in nondecreasing order. - David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020
David A. Corneth, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (first 1000 terms from T. D. Noe)
From David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020: (Start)
65969099123 is in the sequence as 65969099123 = 7^10 + 7^10 + 9^10 + 12^10.
1099804917226 is in the sequence as 1099804917226 = 4^10 + 5^10 + 7^10 + 16^10.
1164925542026 is in the sequence as 1164925542026 = 5^10 + 9^10 + 12^10 + 16^10. (End)
k = 4; p = 10; amax = 3*10^6; bmax = amax^(1/p) // Ceiling; Clear[b]; b[0] = 1; Select[Table[Total[Array[b, k]^p], {b[1], b[0], bmax}, Evaluate[ Sequence @@ Table[{b[j], b[j-1], bmax}, {j, 1, k}]]] // Flatten // Union, # <= amax&] (* Jean-François Alcover, Jul 19 2017 *)
A###### (x, y): Numbers that are the form of x nonzero y-th powers.
Cf. A000404 (2, 2), A000408 (3, 2), A000414 (4, 2), A003072 (3, 3), A003325 (3, 2), A003327 (4, 3), A003328 (5, 3), A003329 (6, 3), A003330 (7, 3), A003331 (8, 3), A003332 (9, 3), A003333 (10, 3), A003334 (11, 3), A003335 (12, 3), A003336 (2, 4), A003337 (3, 4), A003338 (4, 4), A003339 (5, 4), A003340 (6, 4), A003341 (7, 4), A003342 (8, 4), A003343 (9, 4), A003344 (10, 4), A003345 (11, 4), A003346 (12, 4), A003347 (2, 5), A003348 (3, 5), A003349 (4, 5), A003350 (5, 5), A003351 (6, 5), A003352 (7, 5), A003353 (8, 5), A003354 (9, 5), A003355 (10, 5), A003356 (11, 5), A003357 (12, 5), A003358 (2, 6), A003359 (3, 6), A003360 (4, 6), A003361 (5, 6), A003362 (6, 6), A003363 (7, 6), A003364 (8, 6), A003365 (9, 6), A003366 (10, 6), A003367 (11, 6), A003368 (12, 6), A003369 (2, 7), A003370 (3, 7), A003371 (4, 7), A003372 (5, 7), A003373 (6, 7), A003374 (7, 7), A003375 (8, 7), A003376 (9, 7), A003377 (10, 7), A003378 (11, 7), A003379 (12, 7), A003380 (2, 8), A003381 (3, 8), A003382 (4, 8), A003383 (5, 8), A003384 (6, 8), A003385 (7, 8), A003387 (9, 8), A003388 (10, 8), A003389 (11, 8), A003390 (12, 8), A003391 (2, 9), A003392 (3, 9), A003393 (4, 9), A003394 (5, 9), A003395 (6, 9), A003396 (7, 9), A003397 (8, 9), A003398 (9, 9), A003399 (10, 9), A004800 (11, 9), A004801 (12, 9), A004802 (2, 10), A004803 (3, 10), A004804 (4, 10), A004805 (5, 10), A004806 (6, 10), A004807 (7, 10), A004808 (8, 10), A004809 (9, 10), A004810 (10, 10), A004811 (11, 10), A004812 (12, 10), A004813 (2, 11), A004814 (3, 11), A004815 (4, 11), A004816 (5, 11), A004817 (6, 11), A004818 (7, 11), A004819 (8, 11), A004820 (9, 11), A004821 (10, 11), A004822 (11, 11), A004823 (12, 11), A047700 (5, 2).
Sequence in context: A217024 A013780 A139300 * A221228 A159859 A110499
Removed incorrect program. - David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020