Square array T(n, k) = numerator( zeta_r(2*n) * sqrt(A003658(k + 2)) / Pi^(4*n) ), read by antidiagonals, where zeta_r is the Dedekind zeta-function over r and r is the real quadratic field with discriminant A003658(k + 2).
0, 2, 0, 4, 1, 0, 536, 11, 1, 0, 2888, 361, 23, 2, 0, 3302008, 24611, 1681, 116, 4, 0, 12724582576, 2873041, 257543, 267704, 328, 4, 0, 18194938976, 27233033477, 67637281, 3741352, 92656, 88, 1, 0, 875222833138832, 11779156811, 18752521534133, 1156377368, 479214352, 287536, 29, 2, 0
T(n, k) = numerator( 2^(n*4) * n^2 * zeta_r(1 - 2*n) /((2*n)!^2 * A003658(k + 2)^(2*n - 1)) ), where zeta_r is the Dedekind zeta-function over r and r is the real quadratic field with discriminant A003658(k + 2).
T(n, 0) = numerator((5^(-2*n)*(zeta(2*n, 1/5) - zeta(2*n, 2/5) - zeta(2*n, 3/5) + zeta(2*n, 4/5) ))*zeta(2*n)*sqrt(5)*Pi^(-4*n)). A sum of Hurwitz zeta functions with signs according A080891.
T(n, 1) = numerator( 2^(n*4) * n^2 * zeta(1 - 2*n) * (-1)^n * A000464(n+1) /((2*n)!^2 * 8^(2*n - 1)) ).
T(n, 2) = numerator( 2^(n*4) * n^2 * zeta(1 - 2*n) * (-1)^n * A000191(n+1) /((2*n)!^2 * 12^(2*n - 1)) ).
T(n, 3) = numerator((13^(-2*n)*(zeta(2*n, 1/13) - zeta(2*n, 2/13) + zeta(2*n, 3/13) + zeta(2*n, 4/13) - zeta(2*n, 5/13) - zeta(2*n, 6/13) - zeta(2*n, 7/13) - zeta(2*n, 8/13) + zeta(2*n, 9/13) + zeta(2*n, 10/13) - zeta(2*n, 11/13) + zeta(2*n, 12/13) ))*zeta(2*n)*sqrt(13)*Pi^(-4*n)). A sum of Hurwitz zeta functions with signs according the Dirichlet character X13(12,.).
T(n, 6) = numerator( 2^(n*4) * n^2 * zeta(1 - 2*n) * (-1)^n * A000411(n+1) /((2*n)!^2 * 24^(2*n - 1)) ).
T(n, 7) = numerator( 2^(n*4) * n^2 * zeta(1 - 2*n) * (-1)^n * A064072(n+1) /((2*n)!^2 * 28^(2*n - 1)) ).
T(n, 11) = numerator( 2^(n*4) * n^2 * zeta(1 - 2*n) * (-1)^n * A064075(n+1) /((2*n)!^2 * 40^(2*n - 1)) ).
T(n, k) = numerator( 2^(n*4) * n^2 * zeta(1 - 2*n) * (-1)^n * d(A003658(k+2)/4, n+1) /((2*n)!^2 * 40^(2*n - 1)) ), for all k where A003658(k+2) is a multiple of four (The discriminant of the quadratic field is from 4*A230375). d() are the generalized tangent numbers.
T(0, k) = 0, because for a real quadratic number field the discriminant D is positive, hence the Kronecker symbol (D/-1) = 1. This means the associated Dirichlet L-function will be zero at s = 0 inside the expression zeta_r(s) = zeta(s)*L(s, x).
The array begins:
0, 0, 0, 0, 0
2, 1, 1, 2, 4
4, 11, 23, 116, 328
536, 361, 1681, 267704, 92656
2888, 24611, 257543, 3741352, 479214352
3302008, 2873041, 67637281, 1156377368, 14816172016
12724582576, 27233033477, 18752521534133, 753075777246704, 16476431095568992
\p 700
row(n) = {v=[]; for(k=2, 50, if(isfundamental(k), v=concat(v, numerator(bestappr(sqrt(k)*lfun(x^2-(k%2)*x-floor(k/4), 2*n)/Pi^(4*n)))))); v}
z(n, d) = if(n == 0, 0, (1/(-2*n))*bernfrac(2*n)*d^(2*n-1)*sum(k=1, d-1, kronecker(d, k)*subst(bernpol(2*n), x, k/d)*(1/(-2*n))))
row(n) = {v=[]; for(k=2, 100, if(isfundamental(k), v=concat(v, numerator((2^(n*4)*n^2*z(n, k))/((2*n)!^2 * (k^(2*n-1))))))); v} \\ more accuracy here
(Sage) # Only suitable for small n and k
def T(n, k):
discs = [fundamental_discriminant(i) for i in range(1, 4*k+10)]
D = sorted(list(set(discs)))[k+1]
zetaK = QuadraticField(D).zeta_function(1000)
val = (zetaK(2*n)*sqrt(D)/(pi^(4*n))).n(1000).nearby_rational(2^-900)
return val.numerator() # Robin Visser, Mar 19 2024
Cf. A370411 (denominators).
Cf. A002432 (denominators zeta(2*n)/Pi^(2*n)).
Cf. A046988 (numerators zeta(2*n)/Pi^(2*n)).
Coefficients of Dedekind zeta functions for real quadratic number fields of discriminants 5, 8, 12, 13, 17, 21, 24, 28, 29, 33, 37, 40 are A035187, A035185, A035194, A035195, A035199, A035203, A035188, A035210, A035211, A035215, A035219, A035192, respectively.
Sequence in context: A291929 A327807 A188448 * A355917 A304789 A264379
Thomas Scheuerle, Feb 22 2024