
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Triangular array: the fission of the polynomial sequence ((x+1)^n: n >= 0) by the polynomial sequence ((x+2)^n: n >= 0). (Fission is defined at Comments.)
1, 1, 4, 1, 7, 13, 1, 10, 34, 40, 1, 13, 64, 142, 121, 1, 16, 103, 334, 547, 364, 1, 19, 151, 643, 1549, 2005, 1093, 1, 22, 208, 1096, 3478, 6652, 7108, 3280, 1, 25, 274, 1720, 6766, 17086, 27064, 24604, 9841, 1, 28, 349, 2542, 11926, 37384, 78322, 105796
Suppose that p = p(n)*x^n + p(n-1)*x^(n-1) + ... + p(1)*x + p(0) is a polynomial and that Q is a sequence of polynomials:
q(k,x) = t(k,0)*x^k + t(k,1)*x^(k-1) + ... + t(k,k-1)*x + t(k,k),
for k = 0, 1, 2, ... The Q-downstep of p is the polynomial given by
D(p) = p(n)*q(n-1,x) + p(n-1)*q(n-2,x) + ... + p(1)*q(0,x). (Note that p(0) does not appear. "Q-downstep" as just defined differs slightly from "Q-downstep" as defined for a different purpose at A193649.)
Now suppose that P = (p(n,x): n >= 0) and Q = (q(n,x): n >= 0) are sequences of polynomials, where n indicates degree. The fission of P by Q, denoted by P^^Q, is introduced here as the sequence W = (w(n,x): n >= 0) of polynomials defined by w(0,x) = 1 and w(n,x) = D(p(n+1,x)).
Strictly speaking, ^^ is an operation on sequences of polynomials. However, if P and Q are regarded as numerical triangles (of coefficients of polynomials), then ^^ can be regarded as an operation on numerical triangles. In this case, row n of P^^Q, for n > 0, is given by the matrix product P(n+1)*QQ(n), where P(n+1) =(p(n+1,n+1), p(n+1,n), ..., p(n+1,2), p(n+1,1)) and QQ(n) is the (n+1)-by-(n+1) matrix given by
q(n,0) .. q(n,1)............. q(n,n-1) .... q(n,n)
0 ....... q(n-1,0)........... q(n-1,n-2)... q(n-1,n-1)
0 ....... 0.................. q(n-2,n-3) .. q(n-2,n-2)
0 ....... 0.................. q(1,0) ...... q(1,1)
0 ....... 0 ................. 0 ........... q(0,0).
Here, the polynomial q(k,x) is taken to be
q(k,0)*x^k + q(k,1)x^(k-1) + ... + q(k,k)*x + q(k,k);
i.e., "q" is used instead of "t".
Example: Let p(n,x) = (x+1)^n and q(n,x) = (x+2)^n. Then
w(0,x) = 1 by the definition of W,
w(1,x) = D(p(2,x)) = 1*(x+2) + 2*1 = x + 4,
w(2,x) = D(p(3,x)) = 1*(x^2+4*x+4) + 3*(x+2) + 3*1 = x^2 + 7*x + 13,
w(3,x) = D(p(4,x)) = 1*(x^3+6*x^2+12*x+8) + 4*(x^2+4x+4) + 6*(x+2) + 4*1 = x^3 + 10*x^2 + 34*x + 40.
From these first 4 polynomials in the sequence P^^Q, we can write the first 4 rows of P^^Q when P, Q, and P^^Q are regarded as triangles:
In the following examples, r(P^^Q) is the mirror of P^^Q, obtained by reversing the rows of P^^Q. Let u denote the polynomial x^n + x^(n-1) + ... + x + 1.
Regarding A193842,
col 1 ...... A000012
col 2 ...... A016777
col 3 ...... A081271
w(n,n) ..... A003462
w(n,n-1) ... A014915
Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, Hypergeometric function, analytic properties.
Clark Kimberling, Fusion, Fission, and Factors, Fib. Q., 52(3) (2014), 195-202.
From Peter Bala, Jul 16 2013: (Start)
T(n,k) = Sum_{i = 0..k} 3^(k-i)*binomial(n-i,k-i).
O.g.f.: 1/((1 - x*t)*(1 - (1 + 3*x)*t)) = 1 + (1 + 4*x)*t + (1 + 7*x + 13*x^2)*t^2 + ....
The n-th row polynomial is R(n,x) = (1/(2*x + 1))*((3*x + 1)^(n+1) - x^(n+1)). (End)
T(n,k) = T(n-1,k) + 4*T(n-1,k-1) - T(n-2,k-1) - 3*T(n-2,k-2), T(0,0) = 1, T(1,0) = 1, T(1,1) = 4, T(n,k) = 0 if k < 0 or if k > n. - Philippe Deléham, Jan 17 2014
T(n,k) = 3^k * C(n,k) * hyp2F1(1, -k, -n, 1/3) with or without the additional term -0^(n-k)/2 depending on the exact definition of the hypergeometric function used. Compare formulas 15.2.5 and 15.2.6 in the DLMF reference. - Peter Luschny, Jul 23 2014
First six rows, for 0 <= k <= n and 0 <= n <= 5:
fission := proc(p, q, n) local d, k;
p(n+1, 0)*q(n, x)+add(coeff(p(n+1, x), x^k)*q(n-k, x), k=1..n);
seq(coeff(%, x, n-k), k=0..n) end:
A193842_row := n -> fission((n, x) -> (x+1)^n, (n, x) -> (x+2)^n, n);
for n from 0 to 5 do A193842_row(n) od; # Peter Luschny, Jul 23 2014
# Alternatively:
p := (n, x) -> add(x^k*(1+3*x)^(n-k), k=0..n): for n from 0 to 7 do [n], PolynomialTools:-CoefficientList(p(n, x), x) od; # Peter Luschny, Jun 18 2017
(* First program *)
z = 10;
p[n_, x_] := (x + 1)^n;
q[n_, x_] := (x + 2)^n
p1[n_, k_] := Coefficient[p[n, x], x^k];
p1[n_, 0] := p[n, x] /. x -> 0;
d[n_, x_] := Sum[p1[n, k]*q[n - 1 - k, x], {k, 0, n - 1}]
h[n_] := CoefficientList[d[n, x], {x}]
TableForm[Table[Reverse[h[n]], {n, 0, z}]]
Flatten[Table[Reverse[h[n]], {n, -1, z}]] (* A193842 *)
TableForm[Table[h[n], {n, 0, z}]] (* A193843 *)
Flatten[Table[h[n], {n, -1, z}]]
(* Second program *)
Table[SeriesCoefficient[((x+3)^(n+1) -1)/(x+2), {x, 0, n-k}], {n, 0, 10}, {k, 0, n}]//Flatten (* G. C. Greubel, Feb 18 2020 *)
from mpmath import mp, hyp2f1
mp.dps = 100; mp.pretty = True
def T(n, k):
return 3^k*binomial(n, k)*hyp2f1(1, -k, -n, 1/3)-0^(n-k)//2
for n in range(7):
print([int(T(n, k)) for k in (0..n)]) # Peter Luschny, Jul 23 2014
(Sage) # Second program using the 'fission' operation.
def fission(p, q, n):
F = p(n+1, 0)*q(n, x)+add(expand(p(n+1, x)).coefficient(x, k)*q(n-k, x) for k in (1..n))
return [expand(F).coefficient(x, n-k) for k in (0..n)]
A193842_row = lambda k: fission(lambda n, x: (x+1)^n, lambda n, x: (x+2)^n, k)
for n in range(7): A193842_row(n) # Peter Luschny, Jul 23 2014
(PARI) T(n, k) = sum(j=0, k, 3^(k-j)*binomial(n-j, k-j)); \\ G. C. Greubel, Feb 18 2020
(Magma) [ (&+[3^(k-j)*Binomial(n-j, k-j): j in [0..k]]): k in [0..n], n in [0..10]]; // G. C. Greubel, Feb 18 2020
Cf. A193722 (fusion of P by Q), A193649 (Q-residue), A193843 (mirror of A193842).
Sequence in context: A010643 A377344 A108906 * A134250 A139045 A349147
Clark Kimberling, Aug 07 2011
Name and Comments edited by Petros Hadjicostas, Jun 05 2020