Least k > 2 such that (n^k - 1)/(n-1) is prime, or 0 if no such prime exists.
3, 3, 0, 3, 3, 5, 3, 0, 19, 17, 3, 5, 3, 3, 0, 3, 25667, 19, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 0, 7, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7, 0, 3, 13, 313, 0, 13, 3, 349, 5, 3, 1319, 5, 5, 19, 7, 127, 19, 0, 3, 4229, 103, 11, 3, 17, 7, 3, 41, 3, 7, 7, 3, 5, 0, 19, 3, 19, 5, 3, 29, 3, 7, 5, 5, 3, 41, 3, 3, 5, 3, 0, 23, 5, 17, 5, 11, 7, 61, 3, 3
a(n) = A084740(n) for all n except n = p-1, where p is an odd prime, for which A084740(n) = 2.
All nonzero terms are odd primes.
a(n) = 0 for n = {4,9,16,25,32,36,49,64,81,100,121,125,144,...}, which are the perfect powers with exceptions of the form n^(p^m) where p>2 and (n^(p^(m+1))-1)/(n^(p^m)-1) are prime and m>=1 (in which case a(n^(p^m))=p). - Max Alekseyev, Jan 24 2009
a(n) = 3 for n in A002384, i.e., for n such that n^2 + n + 1 is prime.
a(152) > 20000. - Eric Chen, Jun 01 2015
a(n) is the least number k such that (n^k - 1)/(n-1) is a Brazilian prime, or 0 if no such Brazilian prime exists. - Bernard Schott, Apr 23 2017
These corresponding Brazilian primes are in A285642. - Bernard Schott, Aug 10 2017
a(152) = 270217, see the top PRP link. - Eric Chen, Jun 04 2018
a(184) = 16703, a(200) = 17807, a(210) = 19819, a(306) = 26407, a(311) = 36497, a(326) = 26713, a(331) = 25033; a(185) > 66337, a(269) > 63659, a(281) > 63421, and there are 48 unknown a(n) for n <= 1024. - Eric Chen, Jun 04 2018
Six more terms found: a(522)=20183, a(570)=12907, a(684)=22573, a(731)=15427, a(820)=12043, a(996)=14629. - Michael Stocker, Apr 09 2020
Max Alekseyev and Eric Chen, Table of n, a(n) for n = 2..184 (terms 2..151 from Max Alekseyev)
Eric Chen, Table of n, a(n) for n = 2..1024 status (updated by Jinyuan Wang)
H. Dubner, Generalized repunit primes, Math. Comp., 61 (1993), 927-930.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Repunit
a(7) = 5 because (7^5 - 1)/6 = 2801 = 11111_7 is prime and (7^k - 1)/6 = 1, 8, 57, 400 for k = 1, 2, 3, 4. - Bernard Schott, Apr 23 2017
Table[Function[m, If[m > 0, k = 3; While[! PrimeQ[(m^k - 1)/(m - 1)], k++]; k, 0]]@ If[Set[e, GCD @@ #[[All, -1]]] > 1, {#, IntegerExponent[n, #]} &@ Power[n, 1/e] /. {{k_, m_} /; Or[Not[PrimePowerQ@ m], Prime@ m, FactorInteger[m][[1, 1]] == 2] :> 0, {k_, m_} /; m > 1 :> n}, n] &@ FactorInteger@ n, {n, 2, 17}] (* Michael De Vlieger, Apr 24 2017 *)
(PARI) a052409(n) = my(k=ispower(n)); if(k, k, n>1)
a052410(n) = if (ispower(n, , &r), r, n)
is(n) = issquare(n) || (ispower(n) && !ispseudoprime((n^a052410(a052409(n))-1)/(n-1)))
a(n) = if(is(n), 0, forprime(p=3, 2^16, if(ispseudoprime((n^p-1)/(n-1)), return(p)))) \\ Eric Chen, Jun 01 2015, corrected by Eric Chen, Jun 04 2018, after Charles R Greathouse IV in A052409 and Michel Marcus in A052410
Cf. A002384, A049409, A100330, A162862, A217070-A217089. (numbers b such that (b^p-1)/(b-1) is prime for prime p = 3 to 97)
A126589 gives locations of zeros.
Sequence in context: A084103 A036477 A330013 * A376032 A339702 A260636
Alexander Adamchuk, Feb 20 2007
a(18) = 25667 found by Henri Lifchitz, Sep 26 2007