a(n) = (A016957(n)/2^A007814(A016957(n)) - 1)/2, with A016957(n) = 6*n+4 and A007814(n) the 2-adic valuation of n.
0, 2, 0, 5, 3, 8, 2, 11, 6, 14, 0, 17, 9, 20, 5, 23, 12, 26, 3, 29, 15, 32, 8, 35, 18, 38, 2, 41, 21, 44, 11, 47, 24, 50, 6, 53, 27, 56, 14, 59, 30, 62, 0, 65, 33, 68, 17, 71, 36, 74, 9, 77, 39, 80, 20, 83, 42, 86, 5, 89, 45, 92, 23, 95, 48, 98, 12, 101, 51, 104, 26, 107, 54, 110, 3
All positive integers eventually reach 1 in the Collatz problem iff all nonnegative integers eventually reach 0 with repeated application of this map, i.e., if for all n, the sequence n, a(n), a(a(n)), a(a(a(n))), ... eventually hits 0.
0 <= a(n) <= (3n+1)/2, with the upper bound being achieved for all odd n.
The positions of the zeros are given by A020988 = (2/3)*(4^n-1). This is because if n = (2/3)*(4^k-1), then m = 2n+1 = (1/3)*(4^(k+1)-1), and 3m+1 = 4^(k+1) is a power of 4. - Howard A. Landman, Mar 14 2010
Subsequence of A025480, a(n) = A025480(3n+1), i.e., A025480 = 0,[0],1,0,[2],1,3,[0],4,2,[5],1,6,[3],7,0,[8],4,9,[2],10,5,[11],1,12,[6],13,3,[14],... with elements of A173732 in brackets. - Paul Tarau, Mar 21 2010
A204418(a(n)) = 1. - Reinhard Zumkeller, Apr 29 2012
Original name: "A compression of the Collatz (or 3x+1) sequence considered as a map from odd numbers to odd numbers." - Michael De Vlieger, Oct 07 2019
From Amiram Eldar, Aug 26 2024: (Start)
a(n) = (A075677(n+1) - 1)/2.
Sum_{k=1..n} a(k) ~ n^2 / 2. (End)
a(0) = 0 because 2n+1 = 1 (the first odd number), 3*1 + 1 = 4, dividing all powers of 2 out of 4 leaves 1, and (1-1)/2 = 0.
a(1) = 2 because 2n+1 = 3, 3*3 + 1 = 10, dividing all powers of 2 out of 10 leaves 5, and (5-1)/2 = 2.
Array[(#/2^IntegerExponent[#, 2] - 1)/2 &[6 # + 4] &, 75, 0] (* Michael De Vlieger, Oct 06 2019 *)
(C) #include <stdio.h> main() { int k, m, n; for (k = 0; ; k++) { n = 2*k + 1 ; m = 3*n + 1 ; while (!(m & 1)) { m >>= 1 ; } printf("%d, ", ((m - 1) >> 1)); } }
a173732 n = a173732_list !! n
a173732_list = f $ tail a025480_list where f (x : _ : _ : xs) = x : f xs
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Apr 29 2012
(PARI) odd(n) = n >> valuation(n, 2);
a(n) = (odd(6*n+4) - 1)/2; \\ Amiram Eldar, Aug 26 2024
Howard A. Landman, Feb 22 2010
Name changed by Michael De Vlieger, Oct 07 2019