Number of digits in Zeckendorf-binary representation of n. E.g., the Zeckendorf representation of 12 is 8+3+1, which in binary notation is 10101, which consists of 5 digits. - Clark Kimberling, Jun 05 2004
First position where value n occurs is A000045(n+1), i.e., a(A000045(n)) = n-1, for n >= 2 and a(A000045(n)-1) = n-2, for n >= 3.
This is the number of distinct Fibonacci numbers greater than 0 which are less than or equal to n. - Robert G. Wilson v, Dec 10 2006
The smallest nondecreasing sequence a(n) such that a(Fibonacci(n-1)) = n. - Tanya Khovanova, Jun 20 2007
Reinhard Zumkeller, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000
A. J. Macfarlane, On the fibbinary numbers and the Wythoff array, arXiv:2405.18128 [math.CO], 2024. See page 4.
Popular Computing (Calabasas, CA), A Coding Exercise (from a suggestion by R. W. Hamming), Vol. 5 (No. 54, Sep 1977), p. PC55-18.
G.f.: (Sum_{n>1} x^Fibonacci(n))/(1-x). - Michael Somos, Apr 25 2003
From Hieronymus Fischer, May 02 2007: (Start)
a(n) = floor(log_phi((sqrt(5)*n + sqrt(5*n^2+4))/2)) - 1, where phi is A001622.
a(n) = floor(arcsinh(sqrt(5)*n/2)/log(phi)) - 1.
a(n) = A108852(n) - 2. (End)
a(n) = -1 + floor( log_phi( (n+0.2)*sqrt(5) ) ), where log_phi(x) is the logarithm to the base (1+sqrt(5))/2. - Ralf Stephan, May 14 2007
Sum_{n>=1} (-1)^(n+1)/a(n) = Pi/(3*sqrt(3)) (A073010). - Amiram Eldar, Feb 18 2024
1, 1, then F(2) 2's, then F(3) 3's, then F(4) 4's, ..., then F(k) k's, ...
A072649 := proc(n)
local j;
for j from ilog[(1+sqrt(5))/2](n) while combinat[fibonacci](j+1)<=n do
end do;
end proc:
seq(A072649(n), n=1..120); # Alois P. Heinz, Mar 18 2013
Table[Table[n, {Fibonacci[n]}], {n, 10}] // Flatten (* Robert G. Wilson v, Jan 14 2007 *)
a[n_] := Module[{j}, For[j = Floor@Log[GoldenRatio, n], Fibonacci[j+1] <= n, j++]; j-1];
Table[a[n], {n, 1, 120}] (* Jean-François Alcover, Nov 17 2022, after Alois P. Heinz *)
(PARI) a(n) = -1+floor(log(((n+0.2)*sqrt(5)))/log((1+sqrt(5))/2))
(PARI) a(n)=local(m); if(n<1, 0, m=0; until(fibonacci(m)>n, m++); m-2)
a072649 n = a072649_list !! (n-1)
a072649_list = f 1 where
f n = (replicate (fromInteger $ a000045 n) n) ++ f (n+1)
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Jul 04 2011
from sympy import fibonacci
def a(n):
if n<1: return 0
while fibonacci(m)<=n: m+=1
return m-2
print([a(n) for n in range(1, 101)]) # Indranil Ghosh, Jun 09 2017
def A072649(n):
a, b, c = 0, 1, -2
while a <= n:
a, b = b, a+b
c += 1
return c # Chai Wah Wu, Nov 04 2024
(MIT/GNU Scheme) (define (A072649 n) (let ((b (A072648 n))) (+ -1 b (floor->exact (/ n (A000045 (1+ b))))))) ;; (The implementation below is better)
(Scheme) (define (A072649 n) (if (<= n 3) n (let loop ((k 5)) (if (> (A000045 k) n) (- k 2) (loop (+ 1 k)))))) ;; (Use this with the memoized implementation of A000045 given under that entry. No floating point arithmetic is involved). - Antti Karttunen, Oct 06 2017
Cf. A131234.
Antti Karttunen, Jun 02 2002
Typo fixed by Charles R Greathouse IV, Oct 28 2009