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Sequence of the Day
A179591: Decimal expansion of the surface area of a pentagonal cupola with edge length 1.
The pentagonal cupola is the fifth of the Johnson solids. It has 15 vertices, 25 edges and 12 faces (5 triangles, 5 squares, 1 pentagon, 1 decagon). The formula for its surface area is rather involved compared to the formulas for its volume and circumradius.
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On this day...
- March 4, 1822 Jules Antoine Lissajous is born in Versailles.
- March 4, 1918 George Lidstone is elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Sequences in the news
Sequences in the News
- Aug 17 2021 Swiss scientists announce they have calculated π (A000796) to 62.8 trillion digits in only 108 days.
- Dec 25 2018 German Heise-News "integers, please" column explains A003173 and OEIS.
- Feb 01 2018 Alphabet announced a $8,589,869,056 = $A000396(6) stock buyback.
- Jan 03 2018 Largest known term of A000043 announced: 77232917.
- Nov 18 2016 PrimeGrid proves that 10223 is not a Sierpinski number, since 10223 × 2 31172165 + 1 is prime. So no changes to A076336 for now.
- Sep 14 2016 Tom Greer discovers the twin primes 2996863034895 × 2 1290000 ± 1 using PrimeGrid, TwinGen and LLR.
- Jan 19 2016 Largest known term of A000043 announced: 74207281, also discovered by Curtis Cooper.
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