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Primes of the form (a^n+b^n)/(a+b) and (a^n-b^n)/(a-b)

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Primes of the form and

There are many sequences in the OEIS dealing with primes of these forms. They are summarized below.
Consideration here is limited to integers a, b, n >= 0.

Note that F is a Fermat number when a=2, b=-1 and n is a power of 2.

Note that M is a Mersenne number when a=2 and b=1.

Thus, these forms may be considered generalized Mersenne and Fermat numbers.
Studies have been reported when b=1 for both the F and M forms. See Links below.

The sections labeled "Sequences Related to F" and "Sequences Related to M" contain tables indicating the OEIS sequence that list the values of n where F or M is prime (or a probable prime) for the specified values of a and b. These tables also include those entries that have few or no values of n and thus do not have an OEIS sequence.

The sections "Properties of F" and "Properties of M" lists some properties that can be shown using elementary algebra. The most interesting are those that show M and F can be prime only if n is prime. There is at least one exception: F can be prime when a,b are not coprime and n is a power of two. Also, there are several conjectures that provide an opportunity for those that want to provide proofs.

Sequences Related to F

Table 1. Values of n where is prime
a b=a-1 b=1 b=2 b=3 b=4 b=5
1 none none A000978 A007658 only n=3 A057171
2 A000978 A000978 none A057469 none A082387
3 A057469 A007658 A057469 none A128066 A122853
4 A128066 only n=3 none A128066 none A128335
5 A128335 A057171 A082387 A122853 A128335 only n=2
6 A128336 A057172 none none none A128336
7 A187805 A057173 A125955 A128067 A218373 A128337
8 A181141 none none A128068 none A128338
9 A187819 A057175 A125956 none A211409 A128339
10 A217095 A001562 none A128069 none none
11 A185239 A057177 A125957 A128070 A224501 A128340
12 A213216 A057178 none none none A128341
13 A225097 A057179 A222265 A128071 A213176 A128342
14 A224984 A057180 none A128072 none A128343
15 A221637 A057181 A225191 none A227049 none
16 A227170 A057182 none A128073 none A225397
17 A228573 A057183 A224507 A228225 A228558 A227046
18 A227171 A057184 none none none A228130
19 A225818 A057185 A228922 A128075 A231329 A229612
20 A057186 none none
21 A057187 none
22 A057188 none none
23 A057189
24 A057190 none none none
25 A057191 none
26 A071380 none none
27 none none
28 A071381 none none
29 n=7, ?
30 A071382 none none none none
31 A126856
32 none none none
33 A185230 none
34 n=3, ? none none
35 A185240 none
36 A229145 none none none
37 5,7,2707, ...
38 A229524 none none
39 A230036 none
40 A229663 none none none
41 17,691, ...
42 A231604 none none none
43 A231865
44 7,41233, ... none none
45 103,157,37159, ... none none
46 A235683 none none
47 A236167
48 A236530 none none none
49 A237052
50 1153,26903,56597, ... none none none

Sequences Related to M

Table 2. Values of n where is prime
a b=a-1 b=1 b=2 b=3 b=4 b=5
1 none none A000043 A028491 only n=2 A004061
2 A000043 A000043 none A057468 none A082182
3 A057468 A028491 A057468 none A059801 A121877
4 A059801 only n=2 none A059801 none A059802
5 A059802 A004061 A082182 A121877 A059802 none
6 A062572 A004062 none none none A062572
7 A062573 A004063 A215487 A128024 A213073 A128344
8 A062574 only n=3 none A128025 none A128345
9 A059803 none A173718 none only n=2 A128346
10 A062576 A004023 none A128026 none none
11 A062577 A005808 A210506 A128027 A216181 A128347
12 A062578 A004064 none none none A128348
13 A062579 A016054 A217320 A128028 A224691 A128349
14 A062580 A006032 none A128029 none A128350
15 A062581 A006033 A225955 none A241921 none
16 A062582 only n=2 none A128030 none A128351
17 A062583 A006034 A225807 A128031 A230139 A128352
18 A188051 A133857 none none none A128354
19 A062585 A006035 A229542 A128032 A228076 A128354
20 A062586 A127995 none 2,43, ... none none
21 A062587 A127996 none
22 A062588 A127997 none none
23 A062589 A204940
24 A214658 A127998 none none none
25 A214655 none none
26 A062592 A127999 none none
27 A062593 only n=3 none
28 A062594 A128000 none none
29 A062595 A181979
30 A062596 A098438 none none none none
31 A062597 A128002
32 A062598 none none none
33 A062599 A209120 none
34 A062600 A185073 none none
35 A062601 313,1297, ... none
36 A215535 only n=2 none none none
37 A062603 A128003
38 A062604 A128004 none none
39 A062605 A181987 none
40 A062606 A128005 none none none
41 A062607 A239637
42 A062608 2,1319, ... none none none
43 A062609 A240765
44 A215632 5,31,167, ... none none
45 A062611 A242797 none none
46 A062612 A243279 none none
47 A062613 127,18013,39623, ...
48 58543, ... A245237 none none none
49 A062615 none only n=2
50 A062616 A245442 none none none
51 A062617 none
52 A062618 none none
53 A062619 A173767
54 A062620 none none none
55 A062621 none
56 A062622 none none
57 A062623 none
58 5,25633, ... none none
59 A062625
60 A062626 none none none none
61 54517, ...
62 A062628 none none
63 A062629 none
64 A062630 none none none
65 A062631 none
66 A062632 none none none
67 A062633
68 3,251, ... none none
69 A062635 none
70 A062636 none none none
71 A062637
72 A062638 none none none
73 A062639
74 A062640 none none
75 A062641 none none
76 A062642 none none
77 A062643
78 A062644 none none none
79 A062645
80 A062646 none none none
81 A062647 none none none
82 A062648 none none
83 331, ...
84 A062650 none none none
85 A062651 none
86 A062652 none none
87 2,3,47, ... none
88 A062654 none none
89 A062655
90 A062656 none none none none
91 A062657
92 A062658 none none
93 A062659 none
94 A062660 none none
95 A062661 none
96 A062662 none none none
97 A062663
98 n=7, ? none none
99 A062665 none
100 A062666 only n=2 none only n=2 none none

Properties of F

Some trivial properties of F:

1) If a=b=0 then F is undefined.

2) F is a Fermat number () when a=2, b=-1 and n is a power of 2.

3) If n=0 then F is prime (F=2) only if a+b=1

4) If n=1 then F=1

5) If b=a then F is prime only if n=2 and a is prime.

If n=0, F=1/a and cannot be prime.
If n=1, F=1 and thus not prime.
If n=2, F=a and is prime only if a is prime.
If n>2, F has more than one factor of a and thus is not prime.

6) If a=0 or b=0 (but not both) then F is prime only if n=2 and a is prime.

Some nontrivial properties of F:

The cases where a,b=0, a=b and n<2 have been explored above.
And since a and b are commutative, there is no loss in generality in assuming that a>b>0 and n>1 in the properties below.
The following identities are referenced below.
(I1) If n>1 is odd:
, where
Note that if n>1 then and .
(I2) If n>1 has an odd factor, then n=k*j with k odd and j a power of 2:
, where
Note that if n>1 then and .

7) If a>b>0 and n is odd and composite, F is not prime.

Since n is composite it can be written as n=k*m. Since n is odd, k and m must both be odd, otherwise n would be even. And since the smallest composite odd integer is 9, m>=3 and k>=3. Using the identity (I1) twice:
F has two integer factors greater than 1 and thus cannot be prime.

8) If a>b>0 and n is even but has an odd factor, F is not prime.

Since n is composite it can be written as n=k*j, where j is a power of 2 and k is odd. And since the smallest composite even integer with an odd factor is 6, k>=3 and j>=2. Using the identity (I2):
case 1) does not divide when is a power of 2, so is one factor of F.
If divides , then is another factor of F. Thus F is not prime.
case 2)If does not divide , then F is not an integer and thus not prime.
Either way F is not prime.

9) If a>b>0, a,b coprime and n is a power of 2, F is not prime.

When is a power of 2 and a,b coprime, does not divide , therefore F is not an integer.
Example: If a=2, b=3, n=2 then F = (2^2+3^2)/(2+3) = (4+9)/5 = 13/5

10) If F is prime, a>b>0 and a,b coprime, n must be an odd prime.

From 7) n cannot be odd and composite.
From 8) n cannot be even and composite.
From 9) n cannot be a power of 2.
Therefore n must be odd and prime.

11) If a>b>0 and a,b not coprime, F may be prime.

Let c=gcd(a,b), d=a/c, e=b/c then
F is an integer if (a+b) divides .
F is also an integer if . If so then .
For F to be prime, (a+b) must cancel all but one of the factors in the numerator with the remaining factor being prime. There are three possibilities:
1) and is prime.
2) and is prime.
3) and is prime, where .
Note also, that given 7) and 8) above, n must be a power of two.

Table 3. Examples of conditions when a,b not coprime where is prime
a b n c a+b d^n+e^n h F
6 2 2 2 8 10 2 5
6 3 2 3 9 5 1 5
15 3 2 3 18 26 2 13
18 14 4 2 32 8962 2 4481
88 40 2 8 128 146 2 73
270 242 8 2 512 156273767551462786 2 78136883775731393

12) Conjecture: If a,b are cubes, F is prime only when n=3.

13) Conjecture: If a=4 and b=1, F is prime only when n=3.

14) Conjecture: If a=29 and b=1, F is prime only when n=7.

15) Conjecture: If a=34 and b=1, F is prime only when n=3.

Properties of M

Some trivial properties of M:

1) M is a Mersenne number () when a=2 and b=1.

2) If b=a then M is undefined.

3) a and b are commutative.

4) If n=0 then M is zero.

5) If n=1 then M=1

6) If a=0 or b=0 (but not both) M is prime only if n=2 and a is prime.

If n=0, M=1/a and cannot be prime.
If n=1, M=1 and thus not prime.
If n=2, M=a and is prime only if a is prime.
If n>2, M has more than one factor of a and thus is not prime.

Some nontrivial properties of M:

The cases where a=0, b=0, a=b and n<2 have been explored above.
And since a and b are commutative from 3) above, there is no loss in generality in assuming that a>b>0 and n>1 in the properties below.
The following identities are referenced below.
(I2) If n>1:
, where
Note that if n>1 then , and .
(I3) If n>1 is even:
, where
Note that if n>2 then , and .
(I4) If n>1 is odd:
, where
Note that if n>1 then , and .

7) M is an integer. Using I2:

is always an integer, thus M is always an integer.

8) If n>2 is composite, M is not prime.

Since n is composite, let n=k*m. Using I2 twice:
Thus M consists of two integer factors greater than 1 and thus not prime.

9) If n=2, M is prime only if (a+b) is prime.

Using I1:

10) If n>2 and has no odd factor, M is not prime.

If there is no odd factor, n must be a power of two and can be written where j>1. Using I1 repeatedly:
This can be repeated on the first term until (a-b) is reached, cancelling the denominator. There are j other factors greater than one and thus M is not prime.

11) M can be prime only if n is prime.

From 8) n cannot be composite and greater than 2.
From 10) n cannot be a power of 2 greater than 2.
From 9) n can be 2, but 2 is prime.
Thus n must be prime.

12) Conjecture: If a,b are not coprime, M is not prime.

13) If a,b are both squares, M can be prime only if n=2 and (a+b) is prime.

If n>2 is even then let n=2m, using I1 and I2:
Thus M consists of two integer factors greater than 1 and thus not prime.

If n>2 is odd. Let and . Since a and b are squares, c and d are integers. Using I1, I2, I4 and I1 again:
Thus M consists of two integer factors greater than 1 and thus not prime.

This leaves n=2, and using I1:
Thus if a,b are squares, M is prime only if n=2 an (a+b) is prime.

14) Conjecture: If a=j^2, b=k^2, j>k, M is prime only when n=2.

15) Conjecture: If a=j^3, b=k^3, j>k, M is prime only when n=3.

16) Conjecture: If a=j^p, b=k^p, j>k, where p is any prime, M is prime only when n=p.

17) Conjecture: If a=j^m, b=k^m, j>k, where m is not a power of a prime, M is not prime.


  • J. Brillhart et al., Factorizations of b^n +- 1, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 22, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 3rd edition, 2002.
  • H. Dubner, Generalized Repunit Primes, Mathematics of Computation, Volume 61, Number 204, October 1993, pages 927-930.
  • H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Repunit