Numbers that set records in A379592.
8, 32, 128, 512, 2048, 8192, 20736, 41472, 82944, 165888, 186624, 373248, 746496, 1492992, 2985984, 5971968, 6718464, 11943936, 23887872, 26873856, 53747712, 107495424, 214990848, 241864704, 429981696, 859963392, 967458816, 1719926784, 3439853568, 3869835264, 7464960000
Proper subset of the intersection of A025487 and A320966.
Let k be a powerful number (in A001694) and let coreful d | k be such that k/d is also coreful, i.e., rad(d) = rad(d/k) = rad(k), where rad = A007947 is the squarefree kernel. Suppose d < d/k. Then coreful d may either divide k/d or not (indeed, if d/k < d, k/d may either divide d or not).
Then we have either d | k/d (the cardinality of such divisors is A379592(n) for k = A320966(n)) or d does not divide k/d (the cardinality of such divisors is A379552(n) for k = A376936(n)). (The case d = k/d, both certainly coreful, of course pertains to perfect squares k in A000290.)
Coreful divisors are counted by A361430 across natural numbers, and A370329 across powerful numbers A001694. Numbers that set records in A361430 (and A370329) are in A005934 (highly powerful numbers), with records in A036965.
Michael De Vlieger, Prime power decomposition of a(n), n = 1..119.
Let b(n) = A379592(n).
Table showing exponents of prime power factors of a(n) for n = 1..12. Example: a(7) = 20736 = 2^8*3^4, so "8.4" appears in the "exp." column.
n a(n) exp. b(a(n))
1 8 3 1 2*4
2 32 5 2 2*16 = 4*8
3 128 7 3 2*64 = 4*32 = 8*16
4 512 9 4 2*256 = 4*128 = 8*64 = 16*32
5 2048 11 5 2*1024 = 4*512 = 8*256 = 16*128 = 32=64
6 8192 13 6 2*4096 = 4*2048 = 8*1024 = 16*512 = 32*256 = 64*128
7 20736 8.4 7
8 41472 9.4 8
9 82944 10.4 9
10 165888 11.4 10
11 186624 8.6 11
12 373248 9.6 12
(* Load function f at A025487 *)
r = 0; s = Union@ Flatten@ f[10]; nn = Length[s];
rad[x_] := Times @@ FactorInteger[x][[All, 1]];
Transpose@ Reap[Monitor[
Do[k = s[[i]];
If[# > r, r = #; Sow[k]] &@
Count[Transpose@ {#, k/#} &@ #[[2 ;; Ceiling[Length[#]/2]]] &@ Divisors[k],
_?(And[rad[#1] == rad[#2],
Xor[Divisible[#2, #1],
Divisible[#1, #2]]] & @@ # &)], {i, nn}], {i, nn}] ][[-1, 1]]
Michael De Vlieger, Dec 30 2024