Squares of numbers divisible by the squares of two distinct primes.
1296, 5184, 10000, 11664, 20736, 32400, 38416, 40000, 46656, 50625, 63504, 82944, 90000, 104976, 129600, 153664, 156816, 160000, 186624, 194481, 202500, 219024, 234256, 250000, 254016, 291600, 331776, 345744, 360000, 374544, 419904, 455625, 456976, 467856, 490000
Also, the squares in A376936.
Proper subset of A378767, in turn a proper subset of A286708, the intersection of A001694 and A024619.
Numbers that have 3 kinds of coreful divisor pairs (d, k/d), d | k, i.e., rad(d) = rad(k/d) = rad(k) where rad = A007947. These kinds are described as follows:
Type A: d = k/d, which pertain to square k (in A000290).
Type B: d | k/d, d < k/d, which pertain to k in A320966, powerful numbers divisible by a cube.
Type C: neither d | k/d nor k/d | d, which pertain to k in A376936.
Since divisors d, k/d may either divide or not divide the other, there are no other cases.
In addition the following kinds of divisor pairs are also seen:
Type D: (d, k/d) such that d | k/d but there exists a factor Q | k/d that does not divide d. Then omega(d) < omega(k/d) = omega(k).
Type E: Nontrivial unitary divisor pairs (d, k/d) such that gcd(d, k/d) = 1, d > 1, k/d > 1. Let prime power factor p^m | k be such that m is maximized. Then set d = p^m and it is clear that for any k in A024619, there exists at least 1 nontrivial unitary divisor pair.
Michael De Vlieger, Listing of select divisor pairs of a(n), n = 1..12, showing divisor pairs of type A in light gray, type B in orange and purple, and type C in black.
a(n) = A036785(n)^2.
Sum_{n>=1} 1/a(n) = Pi^2/6 - (15/Pi^2) * (1 + Sum_{p prime} 1/(p^4-1)) = 0.0015294876575980711757... . - Amiram Eldar, Dec 21 2024
Let b = A036785.
Table of the first 12 terms of this sequence, showing examples of types A, B, and C of coreful pairs of divisors.
n a(n) Factors of a(n) b(n) Type B Type C
1 1296 2^4 * 3^4 36 6 * 216 24 * 54
2 5184 2^6 * 3^4 72 6 * 864 48 * 108
3 10000 2^4 * 5^4 100 10 * 1000 40 * 250
4 11664 2^4 * 3^6 108 6 * 1944 24 * 486
5 20736 2^8 * 3^4 144 6 * 3456 54 * 384
6 32400 2^4 * 3^4 * 5^2 180 30 * 1080 120 * 270
7 38416 2^4 * 7^4 196 14 * 2744 56 * 686
8 40000 2^6 * 5^4 200 10 * 4000 80 * 500
9 46656 2^6 * 3^6 216 6 * 7776 48 * 972
10 50625 3^4 * 5^4 225 15 * 3375 135 * 375
11 63504 2^4 * 3^4 * 7^2 252 42 * 1512 168 * 378
12 82944 2^10 * 3^4 288 6 * 13824 54 * 1536
s = Union@ Select[Flatten@ Table[a^2*b^3, {b, Surd[#, 3]}, {a, Sqrt[#/b^3]}], IntegerQ@ Sqrt[#] &] &[500000];
Union@ Select[s, Length@ Select[FactorInteger[#][[All, -1]], # > 2 &] >= 2 &]
Michael De Vlieger, Dec 12 2024