Maximum number of squares in a square grid whose interiors can be touched by a (possibly skew) line segment of length n.
3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97
In order to derive the formulas below, the following two facts are useful. Let i, j be arbitrary nonnegative integers. (1) A segment with length slightly greater than sqrt(i^2+j^2) can touch i+j+3 squares, if it is aligned from (0,0) to (i,j) and then shifted a little. (2) For a given length, it suffices to consider segments aligned from (0,0) to either (i,i) or (i,i+1) (other orientations result in a smaller number of squares touched).
The sequence is increasing, with a(n+1)-a(n) equal to 1 or 2. There can be no more than two consecutive increments equal to 1. Increments equal to 2 always appear isolated, except at the initial sequence terms (3,5,7). - Luis Mendo, Jul 29 2021
Alex Arkhipov and Luis Mendo, On the number of tiles visited by a line segment on a rectangular grid, Mathematika, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 1242-1281, October 2023. Also on Arxiv.
a(n) = i+j-1 with i = ceiling(n/sqrt(2))+1, j = ceiling(sqrt(n^2-(i-2)^2))+1.
a(n) = i+j-1 with i = ceiling((sqrt(2*n^2-1)+1)/2)+1, j = ceiling(sqrt(n^2-(i-2)^2))+1.
a(n) = max{m with m integer such that m^2 - 6*m + 10 - m mod 2 < 2*n^2}.
a(n) = floor(sqrt(2*n^2-2))+3. - Alex Arkhipov, Jul 11 2021
For n = 1, a line segment with its center close to a square vertex and oriented at 45 degrees with respect to the grid touches 3 squares (see image linked above).
Table[Floor[Sqrt[2*n^2-2]]+3, {n, 80}] (* Stefano Spezia, Jul 13 2021 *)
from math import isqrt
def A346232(n): return isqrt(n**2-1<<1)+3 # Chai Wah Wu, Aug 09 2022
(PARI) a(n) = sqrtint(2*n^2-2) + 3; \\ Michel Marcus, Aug 09 2022
"Inverse" of A346693.
Sequence in context: A218979 A325417 A183868 * A299542 A144724 A196990
Luis Mendo, Jul 11 2021
More terms from Stefano Spezia, Jul 13 2021