Shanks's array c_{a,n} (a >= 1, n >= 0) that generalizes Euler and class numbers, read by antidiagonals upwards.
1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 1, 8, 57, 61, 2, 16, 352, 2763, 1385, 2, 30, 1280, 38528, 250737, 50521, 1, 46, 3522, 249856, 7869952, 36581523, 2702765, 2, 64, 7970, 1066590, 90767360, 2583554048, 7828053417, 199360981, 2, 96, 15872, 3487246, 604935042, 52975108096
Matthew House, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10011 (first 141 antidiagonals; first 100 antidiagonals from Lars Blomberg)
D. Shanks, Generalized Euler and class numbers. Math. Comp. 21 (1967) 689-694.
D. Shanks, Corrigendum: Generalized Euler and class numbers. Math. Comp. 22, (1968) 699.
D. Shanks, Generalized Euler and class numbers, Math. Comp. 21 (1967), 689-694; 22 (1968), 699. [Annotated scanned copy]
Shanks gives recurrences.
The array begins:
A000364: 1, 1, 5, 61, 1385, 50521, 2702765,..
A000281: 1, 3, 57, 2763, 250737, 36581523, 7828053417,..
A000436: 1, 8, 352, 38528, 7869952, 2583554048, 1243925143552,..
A000490: 1,16, 1280, 249856, 90767360, 52975108096, 45344872202240,..
A000187: 2,30, 3522,1066590, 604935042, 551609685150, 737740947722562,..
A000192: 2,46, 7970,3487246, 2849229890, 3741386059246, 7205584123783010,..
A064068: 1,64,15872,9493504,10562158592,18878667833344,49488442978598912,..
amax = 10; nmax = amax-1; km0 = 10; Clear[cc]; L[a_, s_, km_] := Sum[ JacobiSymbol[-a, 2k+1]/(2k+1)^s, {k, 0, km}]; c[1, n_, km_] := 2(2n)! L[1, 2n+1, km] (2/Pi)^(2n+1) // Round; c[a_ /; a>1, n_, km_] := (2n)! L[a, 2n+1, km] (2a/Pi)^(2n+1)/Sqrt[a] // Round; cc[km_] := cc[km] = Table[ c[a, n, km], {a, 1, amax}, {n, 0, nmax}]; cc[km0]; cc[km = 2km0]; While[ cc[km] != cc[km/2, km = 2km]]; A235605[a_, n_] := cc[km][[a, n+1 ]]; Table[ A235605[ a-n, n], {a, 1, amax}, {n, 0, a-1}] // Flatten (* Jean-François Alcover, Feb 05 2016 *)
ccs[b_, nm_] := With[{ns = Range[0, nm]}, (-1)^ns If[Mod[b, 4] == 3, Sum[JacobiSymbol[k, b] (b - 4 k)^(2 ns), {k, 1, (b - 1)/2}], Sum[JacobiSymbol[-b, 2 k + 1] (b - (2 k + 1))^(2 ns), {k, 0, (b - 2)/2}]]];
csfs[1, nm_] := csfs[1, nm] = (2 Range[0, nm])! CoefficientList[Series[Sec[x], {x, 0, 2 nm}], x^2];
csfs[b_, nm_] := csfs[b, nm] = Fold[Function[{cs, cc}, Append[cs, cc - Sum[cs[[-i]] (-b^2)^i Binomial[2 Length[cs], 2 i], {i, Length[cs]}]]], {}, ccs[b, nm]];
rowA235605[a_, nm_] := With[{facs = FactorInteger[a], ns = Range[0, nm]}, With[{b = Times @@ (#^Mod[#2, 2] &) @@@ facs}, If[a == b, csfs[b, nm], If[b == 1, 1/2, 1] csfs[b, nm] Sqrt[a/b]^(4 ns + 1) Times @@ Cases[facs, {p_, e_} /; p > 2 && e > 1 :> 1 - JacobiSymbol[-b, p]/p^(2 ns + 1)]]]];
arr = Table[rowA235605[a, 10], {a, 10}];
Flatten[Table[arr[[r - n + 1, n + 1]], {r, 0, Length[arr] - 1}, {n, 0, r}]] (* Matthew House, Sep 07 2024 *)
Columns: A000003 (class numbers), A000233, A000362, A000508, ...
Cf. A235606.
Sequence in context: A367067 A340529 A197326 * A212695 A209422 A361944
N. J. A. Sloane, Jan 22 2014
a(27) removed, a(29)-a(42) added, and typo in name corrected by Lars Blomberg, Sep 10 2015
Offset corrected by Andrew Howroyd, Oct 25 2024