b(n) = A114206(n) gives the length of P (including leading zeros), c(n) = A036275(n) gives the smallest cycle in QQQ... (including terminating zeros) and d(n) = A051626(n) gives the length of that cycle.
Thus 1/n = 10^(-b(n)) * ( a(n) + c(n)/(10^d(n) - 1) ). When c(n)=d(n)=0, the fraction c(n)/(10^d(n) - 1), which is 0/0, evaluates (by definition) to 0.
n .. expansion of 1/n .... a b c d
2 .50000000000000000000... 5 1 0 0
3 .33333333333333333333... 0 0 3 1
4 .25000000000000000000... 25 2 0 0
5 .20000000000000000000... 2 1 0 0
6 .16666666666666666667... 1 1 6 1
7 .14285714285714285714... 0 0 142857 6
8 .12500000000000000000... 125 3 0 0
9 .11111111111111111111... 0 0 1 1
10 .1000000000000000000... 1 1 0 0
11 .0909090909090909090... 0 1 90 2
12 .0833333333333333333... 8 2 3 1
13 .0769230769230769230... 0 1 769230 6
14 .0714285714285714285... 0 1 714285 6
15 .0666666666666666666... 0 1 6 1
16 .0625000000000000000... 625 4 0 0
92 .0108695652173913043... 10 3(?) 869...260 22
102 .009803921568627450... 0 2 980...450 16
416 .002403846153846153... 240 5 384615 6
4544 .00022007042253521... 2200 7(?) 704...450 35
(End) - Ruud H.G. van Tol, Nov 20 2024
A114205 := proc(n) local sh, lpow, mpow, a, b ; lpow:=1 ; while true do for mpow from lpow-1 to 0 by -1 do if (10^lpow-10^mpow) mod n =0 then a := (10^lpow-10^mpow)/n ; sh := 10^(lpow-mpow)-1 ; b := a mod sh ; a := floor(a/sh) ; while b>0 and b*10 < sh+1 do a := 10*a ; b := 10*b ; end ; RETURN(a) ; fi ; od ; lpow := lpow+1 ; od ; end: for n from 2 to 600 do printf("%d %d ", n, A114205(n)) ; od ; # R. J. Mathar, Oct 19 2006
fa[n_] := Block[{p}, p = First[RealDigits[1/n]]; If[ ! IntegerQ[Last[p]], p = Most[p]]; FromDigits[p]]; Table[fa[n], {n, 100}] (* Ray Chandler, Oct 18 2006 *)
(* alternate program *)
r[x_] := RealDigits[1/x]
w[x_] := First[r[x]]
f[x_] := First[w[x]]
l[x_] := Last[w[x]]
z[x_] := Last[r[x]]
a[x_] := Which[IntegerQ[l[x]], FromDigits[w[x]], IntegerQ[f[x]] ==False, 0, True, FromDigits[Drop[w[x], -1]]]
b[x_] := Which[IntegerQ[l[x]], Length[w[x]]-1*z[x], IntegerQ[f[x]] ==False, -1*z[x], True, Length[Drop[w[x], -1]]-1*z[x]]
c[x_] := Which[IntegerQ[l[x]], 0, IntegerQ[f[x]]==False, FromDigits[f[x]], True, FromDigits[l[x]]]
d[x_] := Which[IntegerQ[l[x]], 0, IntegerQ[f[x]]==False, Length[f[x]], True, Length[l[x]]] (* Hans Havermann, Oct 19 2006 *)
(PARI) a(n)= my(s=max(valuation(n, 2), valuation(n, 5))); s||return(0); my([p, r]= divrem(10^s, n)); if(r&&(r=n\r)>9, s+=logint(r, 10)); 10^s\n; \\ Ruud H.G. van Tol, Nov 19 2024
N. J. A. Sloane, Oct 17 2006
More terms from Ray Chandler and Hans Havermann, Oct 18 2006