Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) is the number of n-bead necklaces with exactly k different colored beads.
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 4, 9, 6, 1, 6, 30, 48, 24, 1, 12, 91, 260, 300, 120, 1, 18, 258, 1200, 2400, 2160, 720, 1, 34, 729, 5106, 15750, 23940, 17640, 5040, 1, 58, 2018, 20720, 92680, 211680, 258720, 161280, 40320, 1, 106, 5613, 81876, 510312, 1643544, 2963520, 3024000, 1632960, 362880
Equivalently, T(n,k) is the number of sequences (words) of length n on an alphabet of k letters where each letter of the alphabet occurs at least once in the sequence. Two sequences are considered equivalent if one can be obtained from the other by a cyclic shift of the letters. Cf. A054631 where the surjective restriction is removed. - Geoffrey Critzer, Jun 18 2013
Robert A. Russell's g.f. for column k >= 1 (in the Formula section below) can be proved by integrating both sides of the formula Sum_{n>=1} S2(n, k)*x^(n-1) = x^(k-1)/((1 - x)* (1 - 2*x) * (1 - 3*x) * ... * (1 - k*x)) w.r.t. x. A variation of this identity (valid for |x| < 1/k) can be found in the Formula section of A008277. - Petros Hadjicostas, Aug 20 2019
T(n,k) = Sum_{i=0..k-1} (-1)^i * C(k,i) * A075195(n,k-i); A075195 = Jablonski's table.
T(n,k) = (k!/n) * Sum_{d|n} phi(d) * S2(n/d, k), where S2(n,k) = Stirling numbers of 2nd kind A008277.
G.f. for column k: -Sum_{d>0} (phi(d)/d) * Sum_{j = 1..k} (-1)^(k-j) * C(k,j) * log(1 - j * x^d). - Robert A. Russell, Sep 26 2018
T(n,k) = Sum_{d|n} A254040(d, k) for n, k >= 1. - Petros Hadjicostas, Aug 19 2019
The triangle begins with T(1,1):
1, 1;
1, 2, 2;
1, 4, 9, 6;
1, 6, 30, 48, 24;
1, 12, 91, 260, 300, 120;
1, 18, 258, 1200, 2400, 2160, 720;
1, 34, 729, 5106, 15750, 23940, 17640, 5040;
1, 58, 2018, 20720, 92680, 211680, 258720, 161280, 40320;
1, 106, 5613, 81876, 510312, 1643544, 2963520, 3024000, 1632960, 362880;
For T(4,2) = 4, the necklaces are AAAB, AABB, ABAB, and ABBB.
For T(4,4) = 6, the necklaces are ABCD, ABDC, ACBD, ACDB, ADBC, and ADCB.
T:= (n, k)-> (k!/n) *add(phi(d) *Stirling2(n/d, k), d=divisors(n)):
seq(seq(T(n, k), k=1..n), n=1..12); # Alois P. Heinz, Jun 19 2013
Table[Table[Sum[EulerPhi[d]*StirlingS2[n/d, k]k!, {d, Divisors[n]}]/n, {k, 1, n}], {n, 1, 10}]//Grid (* Geoffrey Critzer, Jun 18 2013 *)
(PARI) T(n, k) = (k!/n) * sumdiv(n, d, eulerphi(d) * stirling(n/d, k, 2)); \\ Joerg Arndt, Sep 25 2020
Diagonals: A000142 and A074143.
Row sums: A019536.
Cf. A000010 (Euler totient phi function), A008277 (Stirling2 numbers), A075195 (table of Jablonski).
Sequence in context: A137399 A158985 A295687 * A185041 A086873 A101560
Formula section edited by Petros Hadjicostas, Aug 20 2019