Deutsch shows in his 1999 paper that this automorphism maps the number of doublerises of Dyck paths to number of valleys and height of the first peak to the number of returns, i.e., that A126306(n) = A127284(a(n)) and A126307(n) = A057515(a(n)) hold for all n.
JungHwan Min, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..10000
Emeric Deutsch, An involution on Dyck paths and its consequences, Discrete Math., 204 (1999), no. 1-3, 163-166.
Antti Karttunen, C program which computes this sequence.
Dana G. Korssjoen, Biyao Li, Stefan Steinerberger, Raghavendra Tripathi, and Ruimin Zhang, Finding structure in sequences of real numbers via graph theory: a problem list, arXiv:2012.04625, Dec 08, 2020.
This involution (self-inverse permutation) of natural numbers is induced when we reflect the rooted plane binary trees encoded by A014486. E.g., we have A014486(5) = 44 (101100 in binary), A014486(7) = 52 (110100 in binary) and these encode the following rooted plane binary trees, which are reflections of each other:
0 0 0 0
\ / \ /
1 0 0 1
\ / \ /
0 1 1 0
\ / \ /
1 1
thus a(5)=7 and a(7)=5.
ReflectBinTree := n -> ReflectBinTree2(n)/2; ReflectBinTree2 := n -> (`if`((0 = n), n, ReflectBinTreeAux(A030101(n))));
ReflectBinTreeAux := proc(n) local a, b; a := ReflectBinTree2(BinTreeLeftBranch(n)); b := ReflectBinTree2(BinTreeRightBranch(n)); RETURN((2^(A070939(b)+A070939(a))) + (b * (2^(A070939(a)))) + a); end;
NextSubBinTree := proc(nn) local n, z, c; n := nn; c := 0; z := 0; while(c < 1) do z := 2*z + (n mod 2); c := c + (-1)^n; n := floor(n/2); od; RETURN(z); end;
BinTreeLeftBranch := n -> NextSubBinTree(floor(n/2));
BinTreeRightBranch := n -> NextSubBinTree(floor(n/(2^(1+A070939(BinTreeLeftBranch(n))))));
A014486Q[0] = True; A014486Q[n_] := Catch[Fold[If[# < 0, Throw[False], If[#2 == 0, # - 1, # + 1]] &, 0, IntegerDigits[n, 2]] == 0]; tree[n_] := Block[{func, num = Append[IntegerDigits[n, 2], 0]}, func := If[num[[1]] == 0, num = Drop[num, 1]; 0, num = Drop[num, 1]; 1[func, func]]; func]; A057163L[n_] := Function[x, FirstPosition[x, FromDigits[Most@Cases[tree[#] /. 1 -> Reverse@*1, 0 | 1, All, Heads -> True], 2]][[1]] - 1 & /@ x][Select[Range[0, 2^n], A014486Q]]; A057163L[11] (* JungHwan Min, Dec 11 2016 *)
This automorphism conjugates between the car/cdr-flipped variants of other automorphisms, e.g., A057162(n) = a(A057161(a(n))), A069768(n) = a(A069767(a(n))), A069769(n) = a(A057508(a(n))), A069773(n) = a(A057501(a(n))), A069774(n) = a(A057502(a(n))), A069775(n) = a(A057509(a(n))), A069776(n) = a(A057510(a(n))), A069787(n) = a(A057164(a(n))).
Antti Karttunen, Aug 18 2000
Equivalence with Deutsch's 1998 involution realized Dec 15 2006 and entry edited accordingly by Antti Karttunen, Jan 16 2007