D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 4: Generating All Trees--History of Combinatorial Generation, vi+120pp. ISBN 0-321-33570-8 Addison-Wesley Professional; 1ST edition (Feb 06, 2006).
Antti Karttunen, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..2055
Robert Donaghey, Automorphisms on Catalan trees and bracketing, J. Combin. Theory, Series B, 29 (1980), 75-90.
Robert Donaghey and Louis W. Shapiro, Motzkin numbers, J. Combin. Theory, Series A, Vol. 23, No. 3 (1977), pp. 291-301.
Indranil Ghosh, Python program for computing this sequence (after the functions mentioned in the OEIS wiki).
Antti Karttunen, Illustration of symmetric general trees whose A057163-reflection is also symmetric (ones that occur in 2-cycles of A057505/A057506)
Antti Karttunen, On the fixed points of A071661 (Notes in OEIS Wiki regarding the 2-cycles of this automorphism)
D. E. Knuth, Pre-Fascicle 4a: Generating All Trees, Exercise 17,
a(0) = 0, and for n>=1, a(n) = A085201(a(A072771(n)), A057548(a(A072772(n)))). [This recurrence reflects the S-expression implementation given first in the Program section: A085201 is a 2-ary function corresponding to 'append', A072771 and A072772 correspond to 'car' and 'cdr' (known also as first/rest or head/tail in some languages), and A057548 corresponds to unary form of function 'list'].
As a composition of related permutations:
map(CatalanRankGlobal, map(DonagheysM, A014486)); or map(CatalanRankGlobal, map(DeepRotateTriangularization, A014486));
DonagheysM := n -> pars2binexp(DonagheysMP(binexp2pars(n)));
DonagheysMP := h -> `if`((0 = nops(h)), h, [op(DonagheysMP(car(h))), DonagheysMP(cdr(h))]);
DeepRotateTriangularization := proc(nn) local n, s, z, w; n := binrev(nn); z := 0; w := 0; while(1 = (n mod 2)) do s := DeepRotateTriangularization(BinTreeRightBranch(n))*2; z := z + (2^w)*s; w := w + binwidth(s); z := z + (2^w); w := w + 1; n := floor(n/2); od; RETURN(z); end;
(Scheme functions implementing this automorphism on S-expressions, three different variants):
(define (*A057505 a) (cond ((null? a) a) (else (append (*A057505 (car a)) (list (*A057505 (cdr a)))))))
(define (*A057505 bt) (let loop ((lt bt) (nt (list))) (cond ((not (pair? lt)) nt) (else (loop (car lt) (cons (*A057505 (cdr lt)) nt))))))
;; A version working directly on nonnegative integers (definec is a memoization macro from Antti Karttunen's IntSeq-library):
Inverse: A057506.
Cycle counts: A057507. Maximum cycle lengths: A057545. LCM's of all cycles: A060114. See A057501 for other Maple procedures.
Row 17 of table A122288.
Antti Karttunen, Sep 03 2000