This sequence and A007678 are two equivalent ways of presenting the same sequence. - N. J. A. Sloane, Jan 23 2020
In contrast to A007678, which only counts the polygons, this sequence also counts the n segments of the circle bounded by the arc of the circle and the straight line, both joining two neighboring points on the circle. Therefore a(n) = A007678(n) + n. - M. F. Hasler, Dec 12 2021
Jean Meeus, Wiskunde Post (Belgium), Vol. 10, 1972, pp. 62-63.
N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).
T. D. Noe, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000
M. F. Hasler, Interactive illustration of A006561(n) & A006533(n); colored version for n=6 and for n=8.
Sascha Kurz, m-gons in regular n-gons
J. Meeus & N. J. A. Sloane, Correspondence, 1974-1975
Burkard Polster (Mathologer), The hardest "What comes next?" (Euler's pentagonal formula), Youtube video, Oct 17 2020.
Bjorn Poonen and Michael Rubinstein, The Number of Intersection Points Made by the Diagonals of a Regular Polygon, SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 11, No. 1 (1998), pp. 135-156. (Author's copy.).
Bjorn Poonen and Michael Rubinstein, The number of intersection points made by the diagonals of a regular polygon, arXiv:math/9508209 [math.MG]; some typos in the published version are corrected in the revisions from 2006.
Bjorn Poonen and Michael Rubinstein, Mathematica programs for these sequences
Michael Rubinstein, Drawings for n=4,5,6,...
Prasad Balakrishnan Warrier, The physiognomy of the Erdős-Szekeres conjecture (happy ending problem), Math. Student (Indian Math. Soc., 2024) Vol. 93, Nos. 3-4, 28-48.
del[m_, n_]:=If[Mod[n, m]==0, 1, 0];
R[n_]:=(n^4-6n^3+23n^2-18n+24)/24 + del[2, n](-5n^3+42n^2-40n-48)/48 - del[4, n](3n/4) + del[6, n](-53n^2+310n)/12 + del[12, n](49n/2) + del[18, n]*32n + del[24, n]*19n - del[30, n]*36n - del[42, n]*50n - del[60, n]*190n - del[84, n]*78n - del[90, n]*48n - del[120, n]*78n - del[210, n]*48n;
Table[R[n], {n, 1, 1000}] (* T. D. Noe, Dec 21 2006 *)
def d(n, m): return not n % m
def A006533(n): return (1176*d(n, 12)*n - 3744*d(n, 120)*n + 1536*d(n, 18)*n - d(n, 2)*(5*n**3 - 42*n**2 + 40*n + 48) - 2304*d(n, 210)*n + 912*d(n, 24)*n - 1728*d(n, 30)*n - 36*d(n, 4)*n - 2400*d(n, 42)*n - 4*d(n, 6)*n*(53*n - 310) - 9120*d(n, 60)*n - 3744*d(n, 84)*n - 2304*d(n, 90)*n + 2*n**4 - 12*n**3 + 46*n**2 - 36*n)//48 + 1 # Chai Wah Wu, Mar 08 2021
(PARI) apply( {A006533(n)=if(n%2, (((n-6)*n+23)*n-18)*n/24+1, ((n^3/2 -17*n^2/4 +22*n -if(n%4, 19, 28) +!(n%6)*(310 -53*n))/12 +!(n%12)*49/2 +!(n%18)*32 +!(n%24)*19 -!(n%30)*36 -!(n%42)*50 -!(n%60)*190 -!(n%84)*78 -!(n%90)*48 -!(n%120)*78 -!(n%210)*48)*n)}, [1..44]) \\ M. F. Hasler, Aug 06 2021
N. J. A. Sloane, Bjorn Poonen (poonen(AT)
Added more terms from b-file. - N. J. A. Sloane, Jan 23 2020
Edited definition. - N. J. A. Sloane, Mar 17 2024