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Numbers avoiding certain digits

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This page is about numbers not having one or some given digits in their decimal or maybe some other base B expansion.


Although focusing on decimal digits of numbers (the so-called "base" sequences in the OEIS) is sometimes frowned upon, some considerations in that sense have recently regained big interest:

  • In 2016 the EMS (Europ. Math. Soc.) has given their prestigious prize to James Maynard for "Primes with restricted digits"[1][2][3]
  • Also in 2016, work from RJL Oliver and K Soundararajan about the frequency of consecutive primes with given final digits, has made big international "buzz".[4]

Related sequences

Basic sequences

Depending on which digit is to be avoided, we have the following sequences, and subset of primes:

   avoided digit       0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9
 numbers without    A052382  A052383  A052404  A052405  A052406  A052412  A052413  A052419  A052421  A007095
subset of primes    A038618  A038603  A038604  A038611  A038612  A038613  A038614  A038615  A038616  A038617

Special cases:

  • The list of numbers with no decimal digit 9 is the same as the list of all numbers but written in base 9. This yields an efficient method to compute the n-th term of all of this and also the other digit-avoiding sequences, see #Programs section.
  • The numbers/primes without digit '0' are commonly called "zeroless numbers"/primes. (Primes with a digit 0 or "nought" are sometimes jokingly called "naughty primes". So zeroless primes would be non-naughty primes.)
  • For other digits, sometimes the (fun) terminology of "ban-X" sequences (e.g., ban-2 or "Banto") is used, similar to "Eban numbers", "Uban numbers", ... (which however refers to the English name of the numbers, which must not have the letter E or U etc...)

All these sequences are 10-automatic (see the index here).


  • 2 digits excluded: for excluded digits X = {8, 9}, this is A007094: numbers in base 8
  • 3 digits excluded: for excluded digits X = {7, 8, 9}, this is A007093: numbers in base 7
  • 4 digits excluded: for excluded digits X = {6, 7, 8, 9}, this is A007092: numbers in base 6
    for X = {2, 3, 5, 7}: Prime digits are excluded, so we get numbers having only non-prime digits
    For X = { 0, (4?), 6, 8, 9}: Complement of the "holy" numbers Axxx (having a "hole" in one of the digits).
  • 5 digits excluded: for excluded digits X = {5, ..., 9}, this is A007091: numbers in base 5
    For X = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}: numbers with only odd digits
    For X = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}: numbers with only even digits
  • 6 digits excluded: for excluded digits X = {4, ..., 9}, this is A007090: numbers in base 4
    For X = {0, 1, 4, 6, 8, 9}, non-prime digits are excluded, so we get Annn: numbers having only prime digits {2, 3, 5, 7}
    for X = {0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7}: Prime digits and 0 and 1 are excluded, so we get numbers having only composite digits {4, 6, 8, 9}
  • 7 digits excluded: for excluded digits X = {3, ..., 9}, this is A007089: numbers in base 3
  • 8 excluded digits, i.e., only 2 digits allowed: (All of these sequences follow in an obvious way from the first one, the binary numbers.)
    Cf. A007088 (digits 0 & 1), A007931 (digits 1 & 2), A032810 (digits 2 & 3), A032834 (digits 3 & 4), A256290 (digits 4 & 5) - A256292 (digits 6 & 7), A256340 (digits 7 & 8), A256341 (digits 8 & 9).
    [more? to be completed...]
  • 9 digits excluded: for excluded digits X = {0, 2, ..., 9} (only 1 is allowed) these are the repunits A000042, R(n) = (10^n-1)/9 (a.k.a. numbers in base 1).



For the basic sequences, it is quite easy to implement the complete set of functions:

  • Axxx: directly compute the n-th term.
To do so, use the base (b-1) expansion of n and replace all digits >= the excluded one with the next larger digit. (The zeroless numbers require a slightly different treatment, and for the 9-less numbers there is no need for the "replace..." step.)
This method also generalizes to sets of numbers avoiding more than one given digit:
if only m digits are allowed, use base m expansion and replace the digits 0, ..., m-1 by the corresponding allowed digits d(1), ..., d(m), respectively.
  • isAxxx or AxxxQ: check for membership in Axxx.
The straightforward method is to compute the base b expansion and check whether the given digit is present. In principle, we don't need the whole expansion: as soon as the first forbidden digit is computed, we may return false. If all digits are computed, we can scan from the beginning and stop once a forbidden digit is found. The worst one can do in terms of efficiency is to count the number of times the digit is there and return false if > 0.
However, often built-in functions that compute the whole expansion will give faster code than a custom implementation computing one digit after the other. Even checking for membership of forbidden digit(s) within the set of digits (in increasing order and with duplicates removed) will be faster.
  • nextAxxx: given n, compute the smallest term > n of Axxx. [=> Iterators in languages providing such structure.]
Rather than checking all successors of n with isAxxx, one should find the first forbidden digit in n+1, increase it by one and set the subsequent digits to the smallest possible value. (Some additional considerations are needed when the forbidden digit is 0 or b-1 in base b.)
  • Axxx_vec: the vector of the first n initial values. Typically, ( x_i; i=1..n ) with x_i = nextAxxx(x_{i-1}) for i > 1.
  • Axxx_upto: the vector of the terms not exceeding a given limit.
Easily implemented as select( isAxxx, [0..n]), but it may be more efficient to a while loop with nextAxxx

PARI code

(Concerning the style below: the function definitions {isAnnn(n)=...}, Axxx_vec()=... etc. are "wrapped" into a code that not only defines them but also applies them to small values providing an example of use and check of correctness. The whole line can be copy-pasted into the PARI command line or [online interpreter], it will display the result of applying the function to some value(s), but the main purpose is to have the function defined thereafter.)

apply( {A007095(n)=fromdigits(digits(n-1,9))}, [1..99])   # n-th number avoiding digit 9: write n-1 in base 9!
# for numbers avoiding a digit < 9 we also write n in base 9 but increment digits >= the one we want to avoid
apply( {A052414(n)=fromdigits(apply(d->d+(d>=6), digits(n-1,9)))}, [1..99])   # n-th number avoiding digit 6
# for zeroless numbers, slightly different: subtract sum 9^k, then write in base 9, then add repunit 1...1 
apply( {A052382(n, L=logint(n, 9))=fromdigits(digits(n-9^L>>3, 9))+10^L\9}, [1..100]) # n-th zeroless number

Next larger term of the sequence: (here: numbers with no digit 6)

next_A052414(n, d=digits(n+=1))={for(i=1,#d, d[i]==6&&return((1+n\d=10^(#d-i))*d)); n}  # least a(k) > n

Example of use: first n terms >= M (if given)

( {A052414_vec(n,M=0)=M--;vector(n, i, M=next_A052414(M))} )(10, 1000)

Characteristic function:

select( {is_A052414(n)=!setsearch(Set(digits(n)),6)}, [0..99])

Naïve application: (better use next_Annn() above: there may be a big range with the forbidden digit near to the left.

( {A052414_upto(N,M=0)=select( is_A052414, [M..N])} )(99)   \\ the function is within {...}, outside the "check & demo wrapper"

Subset of primes:

select( {is_A038614(n)=is_A052414(n)&&isprime(n)}, [1..350]) \\ is_A052414 from above 
( {A038614_upto(N,M=2)=select( is_A052414, primes([M,N]))} )(350) \\ compute terms <= N (and >= M if given)

next_A038611(n)={until((n=nextprime(n+1))==n=next_A052405(n-1), ); n} \\ more efficient

Example of use: compute list of the first n terms >= M (if given):

( {A038611_vec(n, M=2)=M--; vector(n, i, M=next_A038611(M))} )(20, 1000)

Less efficient variants: (explain why!)

next_A038614(n)={until(isprime(n), n=next_A052414(nextprime(n+1)-1));n} # or: until(is_A052414(n), n=nextprime(next_A052414(n)));n

Python code

Here is example code for a class which comprises a generator function.

Project: define classes IntSeq & subclasses NumbersAvoidingDigit ... which allow to say A052404=NumbersAvoidingDigit('2') which should provide A052404.term(n), A052404.has(n),, A052404.range([start,]stop), ...

class A052404:
   """ numbers with no digit '2', a.k.a. Bantu / banto / bantwo / ban2 numbers
       Use with one, two or zero arguments, corresponding to starting/ending values (not indices!), e.g.:
       [x for x in A052404.range(1, 1000) if isprime(x)] # this yields the "Banto primes" A...
       for x in A052404(): ...; if ... break;      # (infinite generator)
   def range(self, *limits): # default limits: [[start = 0,] stop = math.inf]
       lim = limits[-1] if limits else math.inf
       n = limits[0] if len(limits)>1 else 0
       while n < lim:
           s=str(n); t = s.find('2')
           if t<0: yield n; n+=1
           else: t = 10**(len(s)-1-t); n += t - n % t

For 'fun', the following 1-lines:

def A052413(n): n-=1; return sum(n//9**e%9*6//5*10**e for e in range(math.ceil(math.log(n+1,9))))
def next_A052413(n): n+=1; s=str(n); s=10**(len(s)-1-s.find('5')); return n if s>n else n+s-n%s # compute least a(k) > n
def A052413_upto(N=math.inf, a=0): while a < N: yield a; a=next_A052413(a)
def A052413_list(n): A=A052413_upto(); return [next(A) for i in range(n)] # for illustration - maybe [A052413(i) for i in range(1,n+1)] is better!

See also


  1. James Maynard, Primes with restricted digits, arXiv:1604.01041 [math.NT], 2016:
  2. James Maynard and Brady Haran, Primes without a 7, Numberphile video (2019):
  3. Marianne Freiberger, Primes without 7s, +plus magazine, August 2016.
  4. RJL Oliver, K Soundararajan: Unexpected biases in the distribution of consecutive primes. PNAS 113 (31) (Aug 2016) E4446-E4454.


M. F. Hasler, Numbers avoiding certain digits.— From the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® Wiki (OEIS® Wiki). [] initial version: Jan 12 2020