a(n) = A003418(n+1)*H(n), where H(n) = 1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/n is the n-th harmonic number.
2, 9, 22, 125, 137, 1029, 2178, 6849, 7129, 81191, 83711, 1118273, 1145993, 1171733, 2391514, 41421503, 42142223, 813635157, 825887397, 837527025, 848612385, 19761458895, 19994251455, 101086721625, 102157567401, 309561680403, 312536252003, 9146733078187
abs(log(a(n)) - n - log(log(n))) < c*sqrt(n)*log(n)^(-1/2), where constant c = (2+A206431)*Pi/4. This also gives the upper bound of the squared error, (log(a(n)) - n - log(log(n)))^2 < (c^2)*n*log(n)^(-1).
A slightly better absolute error bound could be achieved by using the imaginary part of the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function, (zetazero(n)-1/2)/sqrt(-1) ~ (2*Pi)*n*LambertW(n/exp(1))^(-1). That bound would be, abs(log(a(n)) - n - log(log(n))) < sqrt(k)*sqrt(n)*LambertW(n/exp(1))^(-1/2), where constant k = 4*Pi/(1+2*A206431). This also gives the upper bound of the squared error, (log(a(n)) - n - log(log(n)))^2 < k*n*LambertW(n/exp(1))^(-1). The midline of the squared error would run along (4/(4+A206431))*n*LambertW(n/exp(1))^(-1).
Another slightly better absolute error bound but without relying on the properties of the zeta zeros would be, abs(log(a(n)) - n - log(log(n))) < n^(3/(9-10*A077761)).
log(a(n))-c*sqrt(n)*log(n)^(-1/2) is a lower bound of sigma_1(n) = A000203(n). Such that, n+log(log(n))-c*sqrt(n)*log(n)^(-1/2) < sigma_1(n) < H(n)+exp(H(n))*log(H(n)).
a(n) gives the total number of ordered pairs (k,m) where k in set {1,2,...,n}, m in set {1,2,...,A003418(n+1)}, and k divides m. Example: For n = 3, there are 22 ordered pairs (k,m) where k is {1,2,3} and m is a multiple of k up to 12. For k = 1, every m is a multiple of 1, m is {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} so there are 12 pairs. For k = 2, every m is a multiple of 2, m is {2,4,6,8,10,12} so there are 6 pairs. For k = 3, every m is a multiple of 3, m is {3,6,9,12} so there are 4 pairs. So the total ordered pairs is 12 + 6 + 4 = 22 = a(3). Each ordered pair (k,m) also represents an edge in a bipartite graph. Counting all such pairs gives the total number of edges in a graph.
J. C. Lagarias, An elementary problem equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis, Am. Math. Monthly 109 (6) (2002) 534-543. arXiv preprint, arXiv:math/0008177 [math.NT], 2000-2001.
a(n) = A025558(n)*(Integral_{x=0..1} Li_1(x^(1/(n+1)))/x^(1/(n+1)) dx).
a(n) = A025558(n) + A027457(n+1).
Integral_{x=0..1} Li_1(x^(1/(n+1)))/x^(1/(n+1)) dx = ((n+1)/n)*H(n) = a(n)/A025558(n).
((n+1)/n)*H(n) ~ log(n) + gamma + (log(n)+gamma+1/2)/n + O(1/n^2).
log(a(n)) ~ n + log(log(n)) + O(c*sqrt(n)*log(n)^(-1/2)), (See comments for constant c).
G.f. for ((n+1)/n)*H(n): G(x) = Li_2(x)+(1/2)*log(1-x)^2-log(1-x)/(1-x), the lim_{x->oo} G(x) = -zeta(2).
Hyperbolic l.g.f. for ((n+1)/n)*H(n): LH(x) = Li_2(x)+(1/2)*log(1-x)^2+Li_3(x)-Li_3(1-x)+Li_2(1-x)*log(1-x)+(1/2)*log(x)*log(1-x)^2+zeta(3), the Integral_{x=0..1} LH(x) dx = 2*zeta(3) = A152648.
Dirichlet g.f. for ((n+1)/n)*H(n): zeta(s+1)*(zeta(s)+zeta(s+2)).
a(n)/A025558(n) = [ 2/1, 9/4, 22/9, 125/48, 137/50, 1029/360, 2178/735, ... ]
To evaluate the integral:
For n = 1: Integral_{x=0..1} Li_1(x^(1/2))/x^(1/2) dx = Integral_{x=0..1} -log(1-x^(1/2))/x^(1/2) dx = -2 * -(Sum_{x=1..oo} 1/(x*(x+1))) = -2 * -1 = 2.
For n = 2: Integral_{x=0..1} Li_1(x^(1/3))/x^(1/3) dx = Integral_{x=0..1} -log(1-x^(1/3))/x^(1/3) dx = -3 * -(Sum_{x=1..oo} 1/(x*(x+2))) = -3 * -((1/2)*(1+1/2)) = -3 * -3/4 = 9/4.
For n = 3: Integral_{x=0..1} Li_1(x^(1/4))/x^(1/4) dx = Integral_{x=0..1} -log(1-x^(1/4))/x^(1/4) dx = -4 * -(Sum_{x=1..oo} 1/(x*(x+3))) = -4 * -((1/3)*(1+1/2+1/3)) = -4 * -11/18 = 22/9.
(PARI) a(n) = lcm(vector(n+1, i, i))*sum(i=1, n, 1/i); \\ Michel Marcus, Dec 28 2024
Cf. A001008/A002805 (harmonic numbers).
Cf. A003418 (lcm).
Cf. A025558 (denominator).
Cf. A193758 (very similar sequence).
Sequence in context: A032224 A254710 A193758 * A368626 A032149 A032054
Miko Labalan, Dec 26 2024