Largest of a quadruple of primes p[1..4] such that (p[k]+1, k=1..4) is in geometric progression.
23, 47, 107, 191, 499, 647, 719, 809, 863, 1249, 1439, 1999, 2591, 2879, 3023, 3779, 4079, 5323, 6911, 7039, 7127, 7559, 8231, 8231, 8747, 9839, 10289, 10289, 10499, 10499, 10529, 10691, 11279, 11519, 12959, 13229, 13309, 13999, 15551, 15551, 15971, 18143, 19207
a(10) = 1249 is the first term not in A299171, a(15) = 3023 is the first term not in A293194, a(17) = 4079 is the first term not in A347977 and also the first term not in A374482, and a(21) = 7127 is the first term not in A184856.
Doddy Kastanya, Fun Math #241, Number Theory group on LinkedIn.com, Jul 04 2024
The terms of the sequence are column "p[4]" in the following table which lists the sequences of primes, and ratios of the geometric progression (p[k]+1):
n | p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4] | r = (p[k+1]+1) / (p[k]+1)
1 | 2, 5, 11, 23 | 2 = 6/3 = 12/6 = 24/12
2 | 5, 11, 23, 47 | 2 = 12/6 = 24/12 = 48/24
3 | 31, 47, 71, 107 | 3/2 = 48/32 = 72/48 = 108/72
4 | 2, 11, 47, 191 | 4 = 12/3 = 48/12 = 192/48
5 | 31, 79, 199, 499 | 5/2 = 80/32 = 200/80 = 500/200
6 | 2, 17, 107, 647 | 6 = 18/3 = 108/18 = 648/108
7 | 89, 179, 359, 719 | 2 = 180/90 = ...
8 | 29, 89, 269, 809 | 3 = 90/30 = ...
9 | 499, 599, 719, 863 | 6/5 = 600/500 = ...
10 | 79, 199, 499, 1249 | 5/2 = 200/80 = ...
11 | 179, 359, 719, 1439 | 2 = 360/180 = ...
12 | 53, 179, 599, 1999 | 10/3 = 180/54 = ...
(PARI) A373464_upto(N, show=0, D = 1, LIM=N\2) = { my(L=List()); forprime(p=1, LIM, my(denom = p+D); for(numer=denom+1, sqrtnint((N+D) * denom^2, 3), my(r=numer/denom); for(k=1, 3, (type(denom * r^k)=="t_INT" && isprime(denom * r^k - D)) || next(2)); listput(L, denom * r^3 - D); show && printf(" | %4d, %4d, %4d, %4d | %s\n", denom-D, denom*r-D, denom*r^2-D, denom*r^3-D, numer/denom))); vecsort(L)}
from itertools import islice
from fractions import Fraction
from sympy import nextprime
def A373464_gen(): # generator of terms
p, plist, pset = 1, [], set()
while True:
p = nextprime(p)
for q in plist:
r = Fraction(q+1, p+1)
q2 = r*(q+1)-1
if q2 < 2:
if q2.denominator == 1:
q2 = int(q2)
if q2 in pset:
q3 = r*(q2+1)-1
if q3 < 2:
if q3.denominator == 1 and int(q3) in pset:
yield p
plist = [p]+plist
A373464_list = list(islice(A373464_gen(), 20)) # Chai Wah Wu, Jul 16 2024
Subsequence of A089199 (primes p such that p+1 is divisible by a cube).
Sequence in context: A039374 A043197 A043977 * A042048 A347008 A239563
M. F. Hasler, Jul 12 2024
a(26)-a(43) from Chai Wah Wu, Jul 16 2024