Conjecture: a(n) > 0 for all n > 0. Moreover, for each n > 0, there is an even permutation f of {1,...,n} with prime(k)*prime(f(k)) - 2 prime for all k = 1,...,n. Also, for any integer n > 2, there is an odd permutation f of {1,...,n} with prime(k)*prime(f(k)) - 2 prime for all k = 1,...,n.
If we let b(n) denote the number of even permutations f of {1,...,n} with prime(k)*prime(f(k)) - 2 prime for all k = 1,...,n, then (b(1),...,b(11)) = (1,1,1,1,3,6,1,1,33,125,226).
In 1973 J.-R. Chen proved that there are infinitely many primes p with p + 2 a product of at most two primes, such primes p are now called Chen primes.
Jing Run Chen, On the representation of a larger even integer as the sum of a prime and the product of at most two primes, Sci. Sinica 16 (1973), pp. 157-176.
Zhi-Wei Sun, Chen primes and permutations, Question 315679 on Mathoverflow, Nov. 19, 2018.
Zhi-Wei Sun, On permutations of {1, ..., n} and related topics, arXiv:1811.10503 [math.CO], 2018.
a(7) = 2. The only even permutation of {1,...,7} meeting the requirement is (1,5,7,4,2,6,3) with prime(1)*prime(1) - 2 = 2, prime(2)*prime(5) - 2 = 31, prime(3)*prime(7) - 2 = 83, prime(4)*prime(4) - 2 = 47, prime(5)*prime(2) - 2 = 31, prime(6)*prime(6) - 2 = 167 and prime(7)*prime(3) - 2 = 83 all prime. Also, the only odd permutation of {1,...,7} meeting the requirement is (1,5,7,6,2,4,3) with prime(1)*prime(1) - 2 = 2, prime(2)*prime(5) - 2 = 31, prime(3)*prime(7) - 2 = 83, prime(4)*prime(6) - 2 = 89, prime(5)*prime(2) - 2 = 31, prime(6)*prime(4) - 2 = 89 and prime(7)*prime(3) - 2 = 83 all prime.
Permanent[m_List]:=With[{v = Array[x, Length[m]]}, Coefficient[Times @@ (m.v), Times @@ v]];
a[n_]:=a[n]=Permanent[Table[Boole[PrimeQ[Prime[i]*Prime[j]-2]], {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, n}]];
Do[Print[n, " ", a[n]], {n, 1, 27}]
(PARI) a(n) = matpermanent(matrix(n, n, i, j, ispseudoprime(prime(i)*prime(j) - 2))); \\ Jinyuan Wang, Jun 13 2020
Zhi-Wei Sun, Nov 19 2018
a(28)-a(29) from Jinyuan Wang, Jun 13 2020
a(30)-a(36) from Vaclav Kotesovec, Aug 20 2021