All numbers in this sequence are odd since the symmetric representation of 2*p, p prime > 3, has two parts each of size 3*(p+1)/2, and that for 6 has one part of size 12.
A number in this sequence has the form p*q, p and q prime, 3 <= p and 2*p < q, since in this case 2*p <= floor((sqrt(8*p*q + 1) - 1)/2) < q so that 1's in row p*q of A237048 occur only in positions 1, 2, p and 2*p.
This sequence is a subsequence of A046388, hence of A006881, as well as of A174905, A241008 and A280107.
The two central parts of the symmetric representation of sigma(p*q), each of size (p+q)/2, meet on the diagonal when q = 2*p + 1 since in this case 2*p = floor((sqrt(8*p*q + 1) - 1)/2). These triangular numbers p*(2p+1) form sequence A156592, except for its first element 10, and form a subsequence of the diagonal in the associated irregular triangle of this sequence given in the Example section. They also are a subsequence of A264104. A function to compute the coordinates on the diagonal where the two central parts meet is defined in sequence A240542.
21=3*7 is the smallest number in the sequence since 2*3<7.
1081=23*(2*23+1) is in the sequence; its central parts meet at 751 on the diagonal.
The semiprimes p*q can be arranged as an irregular triangle with rows and columns labeled by the respective odd primes:
q\p| 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23
7 | 21
11 | 33 55
13 | 39 65
17 | 51 85 119
19 | 57 95 133
23 | 69 115 161 253
29 | 87 145 203 319 377
31 | 93 155 217 341 403
37 | 111 185 259 407 481 629
41 | 123 205 287 451 533 697 779
43 | 129 215 301 473 559 731 817
47 | 141 235 329 517 611 799 893 1081
(* Function a237270[] is defined in A237270 *)
a006881Q[n_] := Module[{f=FactorInteger[n]}, Length[f]==2 && AllTrue[Last[Transpose[f]], #==1&]]
a298855[m_, n_] := Select[Range[m, n], a006881Q[#] && Length[a237270[#]]==4 &]
a298855[1, 400] (* data *)
(* column for prime p through number n *)
stalk[n_, p_] := Select[a298855[1, n], First[First[FactorInteger[#]]]==p&]
Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Jan 27 2018