
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Triangle of coefficients of the Pbar polynomials, read by rows.
1, -3, 4, 25, -56, 32, -427, 1228, -1184, 384, 12465, -41840, 52416, -29184, 6144, -555731, 2079892, -3076288, 2258688, -829440, 122880, 35135945, -142843304, 237829600, -208562688, 102279168, -26787840, 2949120, -2990414715, 12987478876, -23672564832, 23581133952, -13947525120, 4929576960, -970260480
Pbar(r,n) is a polynomial of degree r defined by the recurrence
Pbar(r+1,n) = (2*n-1)^2 * Pbar(r,n) - 4*(n-1)^2 * Pbar(r,n-1)
with initial condition Pbar(0,n) = 1.
B. C. Berndt, Ramanujan's Notebooks Part II, Springer-Verlag, Chapter 10, p. 20 and p. 23.
R. P. Brent, Generalising Tuenter's binomial sums, arXiv:1407.3533 [math.CO], 2014.
R. P. Brent, Generalizing Tuenter's binomial sums, Journal of Integer Sequences, 18 (2015), Article 15.3.2.
L. Carlitz, Explicit formulas for the Dumont-Foata polynomials, Discrete Mathematics, 30 (1980), 211-255.
H. J. H. Tuenter, Walking into an absolute sum, The Fibonacci Quarterly, 40 (2002), 175-180.
In terms of Dumont-Foata polynomials F(r,x,y,z),
Pbar(r,n) = (-4)^r F(r+1,1/2-n,1/2,1/2).
In terms of odd absolute moments of a symmetric Bernoulli random walk with an odd number of steps,
n*C(2*n,n)*Pbar(r,n) = Sum_{k} C(2*n-1,k) * |2*n-1-2*k|^(2*r+1).
In terms of the Pochhammer symbol or ascending factorial (x)_k,
Pbar(r,n) = Sum_{1 <= j <= k <= r+1} (-1)^(j+1)*(1-n)_{k-1}*(2j-1)^(2r+1)/((k-j)!(k)_j).
n*Pbar(r,n) = 1 + 3^(2*r+1)*(n-1)/(n+1) + 5^(2*r+1)*(n-1)*(n-2)/((n+1)*(n+2)) + 7^(2*r+1)*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)/((n+1)*(n+2)*(n+3)) + ... = Sum_{k = 0..n-1} binomial(n-1,k)/binomial(n+k,k)*(2*k + 1)^(2*r+1); this follows easily from the above recurrence. Examples are given below. - Peter Bala, Jan 22 2018
Pbar(1,n) = 4*n-3, Pbar(2,n) = 32*n^2 - 56*n + 25.
Triangle begins:
-3, 4,
25, -56, 32,
-427, 1228, -1184, 384,
12465, -41840, 52416, -29184, 6144,
From Peter Bala, Jan 22 2018: (Start)
The polynomials Pbar(r,n) as hypergeometric series:
r = 0: n*Pbar(0,n) = n = 1 + 3*(n-1)/(n+1) + 5*(n-1)*(n-2)/((n+1)*(n+2)) + 7*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)/((n+1)*(n+2)*(n+3)) + ..., for n a positive integer (when the series terminates). The identity is also valid for complex n with real part greater than 1/2.
r = 1: n*Pbar(1,n) = n*(4*n - 3) = 1 + 3^3*(n-1)/(n+1) + 5^3*(n-1)*(n-2)/((n+1)*(n+2)) + 7^3*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)/((n+1)*(n+2)*(n+3)) + ..., for n a positive integer (when the series terminates). The identity is also valid for complex n with real part greater than 3/2.
r = 2: n*Pbar(2,n) = n*(32*n^2 - 56*n + 25) = 1 + 3^5*(n-1)/(n+1) + 5^5*(n-1)*(n-2)/((n+1)*(n+2)) + 7^5*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)/((n+1)*(n+2)*(n+3)) + ..., for n a positive integer (when the series terminates). The identity is also valid for complex n with real part greater than 5/2.
The above identities when r = 0 and r = 1 were found by Ramanujan. See Example 5 and Example 13 in Chapter 10 of Berndt. (End)
N=10; P=vector(N+2); P[1]=1;
for (r=0, N, P[r+2] = (2*n-1)^2 * Pbar(r) - 4*(n-1)^2 * subst(Pbar(r), n, n-1) );
seq=[]; for(r=1, N, seq=concat(seq, Vecrev(P[r])); ); seq
\\ Joerg Arndt, Jan 27 2015
(-1)^r Pbar(r,0) is sequence A009843. The leading coefficient of Pbar(r,n) is sequence A047053. Cf. also A036970, A083061, A160485 for analogous moments of Bernoulli random walks.
Sequence in context: A362165 A338425 A304210 * A009391 A212696 A192346
Richard P. Brent, Jul 14 2014
More terms from Joerg Arndt, Jan 27 2015