A tree like (2, 3, 4, 7, 8) contains all numbers below 8 such that iterating the sum of divisors function to any of them, while staying below 8, will lead to 8.
Inspired by the article in link, where a (p1, p2, p3)-tree is defined with p1 the smallest number in the tree, and p2, p3, such that all sequences {sigma^i(n)} (iterations of sigma), with p1 <= n <= p2 and sigma^i(n) < p3 have nonempty intersection with {sigma^i(p1)}. For instance, 21 (p1, 200, 10^10)-trees and 64 (p1, 1000, 10^100)-trees were found.
M. F. Hasler, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000
G. L. Cohen and H. J. J. te Riele, Iterating the sum-of-divisors function, Experimental Mathematics, 5 (1996), pp. 93-100.
For n > 1, a(n) = a(n-1) + 1 - A054973(n), a(1) = 1. - Michel Marcus, Oct 22 2013
It appears that a(n)/n = 0.32721... + O(1/sqrt(n)). - M. F. Hasler, Nov 19 2019
For n=23, there are 10 disjoint trees: (1), (2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 15), (5, 6, 11, 12), (9, 13, 14), (10, 17, 18), (16), (19, 20), (21), (22), (23). With the arrival of 24, 3 trees are united, that is those that contain 15, 14 and 23, so that there are now 8 trees.
Some further values: a(100) = 33, a(500) = 167, a(1000) = 333.
Further values: a(10^4) = 3282, a(10^5) = 32739, a(10^6) = 327165, a(10^7) = 3272134. - M. F. Hasler, Nov 19 2019
From M. F. Hasler, Nov 19 2019: (Start)
A216200_vec(N)={my(C=Map(), s, c); vector(N, n, mapisdefined(C, n)&& c+=mapget(C, n) + mapdelete(C, n); mapput(C, s=sigma(n), if(mapisdefined(C, s), mapget(C, s))+1); n-c)} \\ Use allocatemem() for N >= 10^6.
A216200(n)={my(C=Map(), s); n-sum(n=2, n, mapput(C, s=sigma(n), if(mapisdefined(C, s), mapget(C, s))+1); if(mapisdefined(C, n), mapget(C, n) + mapdelete(C, n)))} \\ (slightly faster to compute a single value)
tree(n)=[n, if(n>1, apply(self, invsigma(n)), "fixed point")] \\ to create the tree rooted in n. (End)
Michel Marcus, Mar 12 2013