Prime decuplets (p+0,2,6,12,14,20,24,26,30,32) are one of the two types of densest permissible constellations of 10 primes (A027569 and A027570).
Average gaps between prime k-tuples are O(log^k(p)), with k=10 for decuplets, by the Hardy-Littlewood k-tuple conjecture. If a gap is larger than any preceding gap, we call it a maximal gap, or a record gap. Maximal gaps may be significantly larger than average gaps; this sequence suggests that maximal gaps are O(log^11(p)).
A202362 lists initial primes in decuplets (p+0,2,6,12,14,20,24,26,30,32) preceding the maximal gaps.
Norman Luhn, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..49 (terms 1..27 from Dana Jacobsen).
Tony Forbes and Norman Luhn, Prime k-tuplets
G. H. Hardy and J. E. Littlewood, Some Problems of 'Partitio Numerorum.' III. On the Expression of a Number as a Sum of Primes, Acta Math. 44, 1-70, 1923.
Alexei Kourbatov, Maximal gaps between prime k-tuples
Alexei Kourbatov, Maximal gaps between prime k-tuples: a statistical approach, arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.2242 [math.NT], 2013 and J. Int. Seq. 16 (2013) #13.5.2.
Alexei Kourbatov, Tables of record gaps between prime constellations, arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.4053 [math.NT], 2013.
Alexei Kourbatov, The distribution of maximal prime gaps in Cramer's probabilistic model of primes, arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.6959 [math.NT], 2014.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, k-Tuple Conjecture
(1) Upper bound: gaps between prime decuplets (p+0,2,6,12,14,20,24,26,30,32) are smaller than 0.00059*(log p)^11, where p is the prime at the end of the gap.
(2) Estimate for the actual size of maximal gaps near p: max gap = a(log(p/a)-0.2), where a = 0.00059*(log p)^10 is the average gap between 10-tuples near p.
Both formulas (1) and (2) are derived from the Hardy-Littlewood k-tuple conjecture via probability-based heuristics relating the expected maximal gap size to the average gap. Neither of the formulas has a rigorous proof.
The gap of 12102794130 between the very first decuplets starting at p=9853497737 and p=21956291867 is the initial term a(1)=12102794130.
The next gap after the decuplet starting at p=21956291867 is smaller, so it is not in this sequence.
The next gap of 141702673770 between the decuplets at p=22741837817 and p=164444511587 is a new record; therefore the next term is a(2)=141702673770.
(Perl) use ntheory ":all"; my($i, $l, $max)=(-1, 0, 0); for (sieve_prime_cluster(1, 1e13, 2, 6, 12, 14, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32)) { my $gap=$_-$l; if ($gap>$max) { say "$i $gap" if ++$i > 0; $max=$gap; } $l=$_; } # Dana Jacobsen, Oct 09 2015
Alexei Kourbatov, Dec 18 2011