The rows of the binomial triangle reduced to balanced ternary lists encoded as decimal numbers.
0, 1, 4, 7, 16, 61, 160, 547, 1456, 5110, 13120, 44287, 118096, 398581, 1075840, 3720094, 9565936, 32285041, 86093440, 290565367, 774840976, 2711943430, 7059662080, 23535794707, 61987278400, 212693848522, 564945153280, 1979718703900, 5083731656656
Define an operation ~: ZxZ -> {-1,0,1} (Z integers) by b ~ n = (b sigmod n) [|b sigmod n|=1]. Here [] is the Iverson bracket and sigmod is the signed mod operation defined as b sigmod n = b - n*ceil(b/n - 1/2) if n <> 0 and b otherwise. Further let T(n) = list_{k=0..n-1} binomial(n-1,k) ~ n for n > 1 and n if n is 0 or 1. We call T(n) the binomial notation of n.
A non-obvious arithmetical property of the binomial triangle becomes apparent from these balanced ternary lists: the rows which have an odd prime number as an index and only these rows are represented by a ternary list where 1 and -1 are alternating. One might also say that an odd integer is prime iff n > 1 and its binomial notation is zerofree.
Finally a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n-1} T(n)[k]*3^k.
The sequence starts at n=0 although the definitions can be extended to the negative integers by flipping the signs of the ternary digits. To illustrate the definitions:
n T(n) a(n)
[-6] -1, 1, 0, 0, 1, -1 [-160]
[-5] -1, 1, -1, 1, -1 [ -61]
[-4] -1, 1, 1, -1 [ -16]
[-3] -1, 1, -1 [ -7]
[-2] -1, -1 [ -4]
[-1] -1 [ -1]
[ 0] 0 [ 0]
[ 1] 1 [ 1]
[ 2] 1, 1 [ 4]
[ 3] 1, -1, 1 [ 7]
[ 4] 1, -1, -1, 1 [ 16]
[ 5] 1, -1, 1, -1, 1 [ 61]
[ 6] 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1 [ 160]
A182929 := proc(n) local lop, k, Tlist;
lop := proc(a, n) if n = 0 then a else mods(a, n);
`if`(abs(%)=1, %, 0) fi end;
Tlist := proc(n) `if`(abs(n)<2, n, seq(signum(n)*
lop(binomial(abs(n)-1, k), n), k=0..abs(n)-1)) end:
[Tlist(n)]; signum(n)*add(3^k*%[k+1], k=0..abs(n)-1) end:
seq(A182929(n), n=0..30);
lop[a_, n_] := Module[{m}, m = If[n == 0, a, Mod[a, n, -Quotient[Abs[n]-1, 2]]]; If[Abs[m] == 1, m, 0]];
Tlist[n_] := If[Abs[n]<2, {n}, Table[Sign[n]*lop[Binomial[Abs[n]-1, k], n], {k, 0, Abs[n]-1}]];
a[n_] := Module[{t=Tlist[n]}, Sign[n]*Sum[3^k*t[[k+1]], {k, 0, Abs[n]-1}]];
Table[a[n], {n, 0, 30}] (* Jean-François Alcover, Jun 22 2019, from Maple *)
a(n) = {
if (n == 0, 0,
subst(apply(r->if(r==1, 1, r==n-1, -1, 0), lift(Mod(1+'x, n)^(n-1))), 'x, 3));
vector(29, n, a(n-1)) \\ Gheorghe Coserea, Nov 21 2016
Peter Luschny, Mar 16 2011