a(n) = largest integer such that, when any of its divisors divides A025487(n), the quotient is a member of A025487.
1, 2, 4, 3, 8, 6, 16, 12, 5, 32, 9, 24, 10, 64, 18, 48, 20, 128, 36, 15, 96, 7, 27, 40, 256, 72, 30, 192, 14, 54, 80, 512, 144, 60, 384, 28, 108, 25, 160, 1024, 45, 288, 21, 81, 120, 768, 56, 216, 50, 320, 2048, 90, 576, 11, 42, 162, 240, 1536, 112, 432, 100, 640, 4096, 180, 1152
A permutation of the natural numbers.
The number of divisors of a(n) equals the number of ordered factorizations of A025487(n) as A025487(j)*A025487(k). Cf. A182762.
From Antti Karttunen, Dec 28 2019: (Start)
Rearranges terms of A108951 into ascending order, as A108951(a(n)) = A025487(n).
The scatter plot looks like a curtain of fractal spray, which is typical for many of the so-called "entanglement permutations". Indeed, according to the terminology I use in my 2016-2017 paper, this sequence is obtained by entangling the complementary pair (A329898, A330683) with the complementary pair (A005843, A003961), which gives the following implicit recurrence: a(A329898(n)) = 2*a(n) and a(A330683(n)) = A003961(a(n)). An explicit form is given in the formula section.
If A025487(n) is considered in its form as Product A002110(i)^e(i), then a(n) = Product p(i)^e(i). If A025487(n) is instead considered as Product p(i)^e(i), then a(n) = Product (p(i)/A008578(i))^e(i).
a(n) = A122111(A181820(n)). - Matthew Vandermast, May 21 2012
From Antti Karttunen, Dec 24-29 2019: (Start)
a(n) = Product_{i=1..A051282(n)} A000040(A304886(i)).
a(n) = A329900(A025487(n)) = A319626(A025487(n)).
a(n) = A163511(A329905(n)).
For n > 1, if A330682(n) = 1, then a(n) = A003961(a(A329904(n))), otherwise a(n) = 2*a(A329904(n)).
A252464(a(n)) = A329907(n).
A330690(a(n)) = A050378(n).
a(A306802(n)) = A329902(n).
For any divisor d of 9 (d = 1, 3, 9), 36/d (36, 12, 4) is a member of A025487. 9 is the largest number with this relationship to 36; therefore, since 36 = A025487(11), a(11) = 9.
(* First, load the program at A025487, then: *)
Map[If[OddQ@ #, 1, Times @@ Prime@ # &@ Rest@ NestWhile[Append[#1, {#3, Drop[#, -LengthWhile[Reverse@ #, # == 0 &]] &[#2 - PadRight[ConstantArray[1, #3], Length@ #2]]}] & @@ {#1, #2, LengthWhile[#2, # > 0 &]} & @@ {#, #[[-1, -1]]} &, {{0, TakeWhile[If[# == 1, {0}, Function[g, ReplacePart[Table[0, {PrimePi[g[[-1, 1]]]}], #] &@ Map[PrimePi@ First@ # -> Last@ # &, g]]@ FactorInteger@ #], # > 0 &]}}, And[FreeQ[#[[-1, -1]], 0], Length[#[[-1, -1]] ] != 0] &][[All, 1]] ] &, Union@ Flatten@ f@ 6] (* Michael De Vlieger, Dec 28 2019 *)
(PARI) A181815(n) = A329900(A025487(n)); \\ Antti Karttunen, Dec 24 2019
If this sequence is considered the "primorial deflation" of A025487(n) (see first formula), the primorial inflation of n is A108951(n), and the primorial inflation of A025487(n) is A181817(n).
A181820(n) is another mapping from the members of A025487 to the positive integers.
Sequence in context: A244981 A284571 A124833 * A324931 A168521 A244982
Matthew Vandermast, Nov 30 2010