Lexicographically earliest injective nonnegative sequence a(n) satisfying |a(n+1) - a(n)| = n for all n.
0, 1, 3, 6, 2, 7, 13, 20, 12, 21, 11, 22, 10, 23, 9, 24, 8, 25, 43, 62, 42, 63, 41, 64, 40, 65, 39, 66, 38, 67, 37, 68, 36, 69, 35, 70, 34, 71, 33, 72, 32, 73, 31, 74, 30, 75, 29, 76, 28, 77, 27, 78, 26, 79, 133, 188, 132, 189, 131, 190, 130, 191, 129, 192, 128, 193, 127, 194
The map n -> a(n) is an injective map to the nonnegative integers, i.e., no two terms are identical.
Appears not to contain numbers from the following sets (grouped intentionally): {4, 5}, {14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19}, {44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61}, etc. The numbers of terms in these groups appears to be A008776. - Paul Raff, Mar 15 2010 [This is correct: by the formula below, a(2*3^k+1...2*3^(k+1)) take all the values in the range [3^(k+1)-1, 5*3^k-2] U [7*3^k-1, 3^(k+2)-2], so the numbers not appearing are those in the range [5*3^k-1, 7*3^k-2] for some k. - Jianing Song, Oct 07 2022]
The first 23 terms are shared with Recamán's sequence A005132, but from then on they are different. - Philippe Deléham, Mar 01 2013, Omar E. Pol, Jul 01 2013
From M. F. Hasler, May 09 2013:
It appears that the starting points of the gaps (4, 14, 44, 134, 404, 1214, ...) are given by A181655(2n) = A198643(n-1), and thus the ending points (5, 19, 61, ...) by A181655(2n) + A048473(n-1).
The first differences have signs (grouped intentionally): +++, -, +++, -+-+-+-+- (5 times "-"), +++, -+...+- (17 times "-"), +++, ... where the number of minus signs is again given by A048473 = A008776-1. (End)
A correspondent, Dennis Reichard, conjectures that (i) a(n) <= 3.5*n for all n and (ii) the sequence covers 2/3 of all natural numbers. - N. J. A. Sloane, Jun 30 2018 [(i) is true: the indices of records for a(n)/n are n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 2*3^k+2 for k >= 1, with record values 0, 1/2, 1, 1, 3/2, 7/6, 13/7, and (7*3^k-1)/(2*3^k+2) for k >= 1, so a(n) <= 3.5*n. (ii) needs further justification: the lower natural density is lim_{k->+oo} #{terms <= 7*3^k-2}/(7*3^k-2) = lim_{k->+oo} (4*3^k-1)/(7*3^k-2) = 4/7, and the upper natural density is lim_{k->+oo} #{terms <= 5*3^k-2}/(5*3^k-2) = lim_{k->+oo} (4*3^k-1)/(5*3^k-2) = 4/5. - Jianing Song, Oct 07 2022]
a(n+1) = a(n) +- n with - iff n is even but not n = 2 + 2*3^k. (Cf. comment from May 09 2013.) - M. F. Hasler, Apr 05 2019
a(2*3^k + 2*r - 1) = 5*3^k - 1 - r, a(2*3^k + 2*r) = 7*3^k - 2 + r, for k >= 0 and 1 <= r <= 2*3^k. - Jianing Song, Oct 07 2022
We begin with 0, 0+1=1, 1+2=3. 3-3=0 cannot be the next term because 0 is already in the sequence so we go to 3+3=6. The next could be 6-4=2 or 6+4=10 but we choose 2 because it is smaller.
Contribution from Paul Raff, Mar 15 2010: (Start)
A171884[{}, _, _] := {};
A171884[L_List, max_Integer, True] := If[Length[L] == max, L, With[{n = Length[L]},
If[Last[L] - n < 1 || MemberQ[L, Last[L] - n],
If[MemberQ[L, Last[L] + n],
A171884[Drop[L, -1], max, False],
A171884[Append[L, Last[L] + n], max, True]],
A171884[Append[L, Last[L] - n], max, True]]]]
A171884[L_List, max_Integer, False] := With[{n = Length[L]},
If[MemberQ[L, Last[L] + n],
A171884[Drop[L, -1], max, False],
A171884[Append[L, Last[L] + n], max, True]]]
A171884[{0}, 200, True]
(PARI) A171884_upto(N, a=0, t=2)=vector(N, k, a+=if(!bitand(k, 1), k-1, t-=1, 1-k, t=k-1)) \\ or:
A171884_upto(N, a)=vector(N, k, a+=if(bitand(k, 1)&&k\2!=3^valuation(k-(k>1), 3), 1-k, k-1)) \\ M. F. Hasler, Apr 05 2019
a(n) = if(n<=2, n-1, my(k=logint((n-1)\2, 3), r=n-2*3^k); if(r%2, 5*3^k-1-(r+1)/2, 7*3^k-2+r/2)) \\ Jianing Song, Oct 07 2022
Cf. A005132, which allows duplicate values.
Cf. also A118201, in which every value of a(n) and of |a(n+1)-a(n)| occurs exactly once, but does not ensure that the latter is strictly increasing.
Sequence in context: A274647 A113880 A339192 * A339557 A226940 A098141
Robert Munafo, Mar 11 2010
Definition edited by M. F. Hasler, Apr 01 2019