Coefficients are listed in Abramowitz and Stegun order (A036036).
Given an invertible function f(t) analytic about t=0 (or a formal power series) with f(0)=0 and Df(0) not equal to 0, form h(t) = t / f(t) and let h_n denote the coefficient of t^n in h(t).
Lagrange inversion gives the compositional inverse about t=0 as g(t) = Sum_{j>=1} ( t^j * (1/j) * Sum_{permutations s with s(1) + s(2) + ... + s(j) = j - 1} h_s(1) * h_s(2) * ... * h_s(j) ) = t * T(1,1) * h_0 + Sum_{j>=2} ( t^j * Sum_{k=1..(# of partitions for j-1)} T(j,k) * H(j-1,k ; h_0,h_1,...) ), where H(j-1,k ; h_0,h_1,...) is the k-th partition for h_1 through h_(j-1) corresponding to n=j-1 on page 831 of Abramowitz and Stegun (ordered as in A&S) with (h_0)^(j-m)=(h_0)^(n+1-m) appended to each partition subsumed under n and m of A&S.
Denoting h_n by (n') for brevity, to 8th order in t,
g(t) = t * (0')
+ t^2 * [ (0') (1') ]
+ t^3 * [ (0')^2 (2') + (0') (1')^2 ]
+ t^4 * [ (0')^3 (3') + 3 (0')^2 (1') (2') + (0') (1')^3 ]
+ t^5 * [ (0')^4 (4') + 4 (0')^3 (1') (3') + 2 (0')^3 (2')^2 + 6 (0')^2 (1')^2 (2') + (0') (1')^4 ]
+ t^6 * [ (0')^5 (5') + 5 (0')^4 (1') (4') + 5 (0')^4 (2') (3') + 10 (0')^3 (1')^2 (3') + 10 (0')^3 (1') (2')^2 + 10 (0')^2 (1')^3 (2') + (0') (1')^5 ]
+ t^7 * [ (0')^6 (6') + 6 (0')^5 (1') (5') + 6 (0')^5 (2') (4') + 3 (0')^5 (3')^2 + 15 (0')^4 (1')^2 (4') + 30 (0')^4 (1') (2') (3') + 5 (0')^4 (2')^3 + 20 (0')^3 (1')^3 (3') + 30 (0')^3 (1')^2 (2')^2 + 15 (0')^2 (1')^4 (2') + (0') (1')^6]
+ t^8 * [ (0')^7 (7') + 7 (0')^6 (1') (6') + 7 (0')^6 (2') (5') + 7 (0')^6 (3') (4') + 21 (0')^5 (1')^2* (5') + 42 (0')^5 (1') (2') (4') + 21 (0')^5 (1') (3')^2 + 21 (0')^5 (2')^2 (3') + 35 (0')^4 (1')^3 (4') + 105 (0)^4 (1')^2 (2') (3') + 35 (0')^4 (1') (2')^3 + 35 (0')^3 (1')^4 (3') + 70 (0')^3 (1')^3 (2')^2 + 21 (0')^2 (1')^5 (2') + (0') (1')^7 ]
+ ..., where from the formula section, for example, T(8,1',2',...,7') = 7! / ((8 - (1'+ 2' + ... + 7'))! * 1'! * 2'! * ... * 7'!) are the coefficients of the integer partitions (1')^1' (2')^2' ... (7')^7' in the t^8 term.
A125181 is an extended, reordered version of the above sequence, omitting the leading 1, with alternate interpretations.
If the coefficients of partitions with the same exponent for h_0 are summed within rows, A001263 is obtained, omitting the leading 1.
From identification of the elements of the inversion with those on page 25 of the Ardila et al. link, the coefficients of the irregular table enumerate non-crossing partitions on [n]. - Tom Copeland, Oct 13 2014
From Tom Copeland, Oct 28-29 2014: (Start)
Operating with d/d(1') = d/d(h_1) on the n-th partition polynomial Prt(n;h_0,h_1,..,h_n) in square brackets above associated with t^(n+1) generates n * Prt(n-1;h_0,h_1,..,h_(n-1)); therefore, the polynomials are an Appell sequence of polynomials in the indeterminate h_1 when h_0=1 (a special type of Sheffer sequence).
Consequently, umbrally, [Prt(.;1,x,h_2,..) + y]^n = Prt(n;1,x+y,h_2,..); that is, Sum_{k=0..n} binomial(n,k) * Prt(k;1,x,h_2,..) * y^(n-k) = Prt(n;1,x+y,h_2,..).
Or, e^(x*z) * exp[Prt(.;1,0,h_2,..) * z] = exp[Prt(.;1,x,h_2,..) * z]. Then with x = h_1 = -(1/2) * d^2[f(t)]/dt^2 evaluated at t=0, the formal Laplace transform from z to 1/t of this expression generates g(t), the comp. inverse of f(t), when h_0 = 1 = df(t)/dt eval. at t=0.
I.e., t / (1 - t*(x + Prt(.;1,0,h_2,..))) = t / (1 - t*Prt(.;1,x,h_2,..)) = g(t), interpreted umbrally, when h_0 = 1.
Connections to and between arrays associated to the Catalan (A000108 and A007317), Riordan (A005043), Fibonacci (A000045), and Fine (A000957) numbers and to lattice paths, e.g., the Motzkin, Dyck, and Łukasiewicz, can be made explicit by considering the inverse in x of the o.g.f. of A104597(x,-t), i.e., f(x) = P(Cinv(x),t-1) = Cinv(x) / (1 + (t-1)*Cinv(x)) = x*(1-x) / (1 + (t-1)*x*(1-x)) = (x-x^2) / (1 + (t-1)*(x-x^2)), where Cinv(x) = x*(1-x) is the inverse of C(x) = (1 - sqrt(1-4*x)) / 2, a shifted o.g.f. for the Catalan numbers, and P(x,t) = x / (1+t*x) with inverse Pinv(x,t) = -P(-x,t) = x / (1-t*x). Then h(x,t) = x / f(x,t) = x * (1+(t-1)Cinv(x)) / Cinv(x) = 1 + t*x + x^2 + x^3 + ..., i.e., h_1=t and all other coefficients are 1, so the inverse of f(x,t) in x, which is explicitly in closed form finv(x,t) = C(Pinv(x,t-1)), is given by A091867, whose coefficients are sums of the refined Narayana numbers above obtained by setting h_1=(1')=t in the partition polynomials and all other coefficients to one. The group generators C(x) and P(x,t) and their inverses allow associations to be easily made between these classic number arrays. - Tom Copeland, Nov 03 2014
From Tom Copeland, Nov 10 2014: (Start)
Inverting in x with t a parameter, let F(x;t,n) = x - t*x^(n+1). Then h(x) = x / F(x;t,n) = 1 / (1-t*x^n) = 1 + t*x^n + t^2*x^(2n) + t^3*x^(3n) + ..., so h_k vanishes unless k = m*n with m an integer in which case h_k = t^m.
Finv(x;t,n) = Sum_{j>=0} {binomial((n+1)*j,j) / (n*j + 1)} * t^j * x^(n*j + 1), which gives the Catalan numbers for n=1, and the Fuss-Catalan sequences for n>1 (see A001764, n=2). [Added braces to disambiguate the formula. - N. J. A. Sloane, Oct 20 2015]
This relation reveals properties of the partitions and sums of the coefficients of the array. For n=1, h_k = t^k for all k, implying that the row sums are the Catalan numbers. For n = 2, h_k for k odd vanishes, implying that there are no blocks with only even-indexed h_k on the even-numbered rows and that only the blocks containing only even-sized bins contribute to the odd-row sums giving the Fuss-Catalan numbers for n=2. And so on, for n > 2.
These relations are reflected in any combinatorial structures enumerated by this array and the partitions, such as the noncrossing partitions depicted for a five-element set (a pentagon) in Wikipedia.
From Tom Copeland, Nov 12 2014: (Start)
An Appell sequence possesses an umbral inverse sequence (cf. A249548). The partition polynomials here, Prt(n;1,h_1,...), are an Appell sequence in the indeterminate h_1=u, so have an e.g.f. exp[Prt(.;1,u,h_2...)*t] = e^(u*t) * exp[Prt(.;1,0,h2,...)*t] with umbral inverses with an e.g.f e^(-u*t) / exp[Prt(.;1,0,h2,...)*t]. This makes contact with the formalism of A133314 (cf. also A049019 and A019538) and the signed, refined face partition polynomials of the permutahedra (or their duals), which determine the reciprocal of exp[Prt(.,0,u,h2...)*t] (cf. A249548) or exp[Prt(.;1,u,h2,...)*t], forming connections among the combinatorics of permutahedra and the noncrossing partitions, Dyck paths and trees (cf. A125181), and many other important structures isomorphic to the partitions of this entry, as well as to formal cumulants through A127671 and algebraic structures of Lie algebras. (Cf. relationship of permutahedra with the Eulerians A008292.)
From Tom Copeland, Nov 24 2014: (Start)
The n-th row multiplied by n gives the number of terms in the homogeneous symmetric monomials generated by [x(1) + x(2) + ... + x(n+1)]^n under the umbral mapping x(m)^j = h_j, for any m. E.g., [a + b + c]^2 = [a^2 + b^2 + c^2] + 2 * [a*b + a*c + b*c] is mapped to [3 * h_2] + 2 * [3 * h_1^2], and 3 * A134264(3) = 3 *(1,1)= (3,3) the number of summands in the two homogeneous polynomials in the square brackets. For n=3, [a + b + c + d]^3 = [a^3 + b^3 + ...] + 3 [a*b^2 + a*c^2 + ...] + 6 [a*b*c + a*c*d + ...] maps to [4 * h_3] + 3 [12 * h_1 * h_2] + 6 [4 * (h_1)^3], and the number of terms in the brackets is given by 4 * A134264(4) = 4 * (1,3,1) = (4,12,4).
The further reduced expression is 4 h_3 + 36 h_1 h_2 + 24 (h_1)^3 = A248120(4) with h_0 = 1. The general relation is n * A134264(n) = A248120(n) / A036038(n-1) where the arithmetic is performed on the coefficients of matching partitions in each row n.
Abramowitz and Stegun give combinatorial interpretations of A036038 and relations to other number arrays.
This can also be related to repeated umbral composition of Appell sequences and topology with the Bernoulli numbers playing a special role. See the Todd class link.
These partition polynomials are dubbed the Voiculescu polynomials on page 11 of the He and Jejjala link. - Tom Copeland, Jan 16 2015
See page 5 of the Josuat-Verges et al. reference for a refinement of these partition polynomials into a noncommutative version composed of nondecreasing parking functions. - Tom Copeland, Oct 05 2016
(Per Copeland's Oct 13 2014 comment.) The number of non-crossing set partitions whose block sizes are the parts of the n-th integer partition, where the ordering of integer partitions is first by total, then by length, then lexicographically by the reversed sequence of parts. - Gus Wiseman, Feb 15 2019
With h_0 = 1 and the other h_n replaced by suitably signed partition polynomials of A263633, the refined face partition polynomials for the associahedra of normalized A133437 with a shift in indices are obtained (cf. In the Realm of Shadows). - Tom Copeland, Sep 09 2019
Number of primitive parking functions associated to each partition of n. See Lemma 3.8 on p. 28 of Rattan. - Tom Copeland, Sep 10 2019
With h_n = n + 1, the d_k (A006013) of Table 2, p. 18, of Jong et al. are obtained, counting the n-point correlation functions in a quantum field theory. - Tom Copeland, Dec 25 2019
By inspection of the diagrams on Robert Dickau's website, one can see the relationship between the monomials of this entry and the connectivity of the line segments of the noncrossing partitions. - Tom Copeland, Dec 25 2019
Speicher has examples of the first four inversion partition polynomials on pp. 22 and 23 with his k_n equivalent to h_n = (n') here with h_0 = 1. Identifying z = t, C(z) = t/f(t) = h(t), and M(z) = f^(-1)(t)/t, then statement (3), on p. 43, of Theorem 3.26, C(z M(z)) = M(z), is equivalent to substituting f^(-1)(t) for t in t/f(t), and statement (4), M(z/C(z)) = C(z), to substituting f(t) for t in f^(-1)(t)/t. - Tom Copeland, Dec 08 2021
Given a Laurent series of the form f(z) = 1/z + h_1 + h_2 z + h_3 z^2 + ..., the compositional inverse is f^(-1)(z) = 1/z + Prt(1;1,h_1)/z^2 + Prt(2;1,h_1,h_2)/z^3 + ... = 1/z + h_1/z^2 + (h_1^2 + h_2)/z^3 + (h_1^3 + 3 h_1 h_2 + h_3)/z^4 + (h_1^4 + 6 h_1^2 h_2 + 4 h_1 h_3 + 2 h_2^2 + h_4)/z^5 + ... for which the polynomials in the numerators are the partition polynomials of this entry. For example, this formula applied to the q-expansion of Klein's j-invariant / function with coefficients A000521, related to monstrous moonshine, gives the compositional inverse with the coefficients A091406 (see He and Jejjala). - Tom Copeland, Dec 18 2021
The partition polynomials of A350499 'invert' the polynomials of this entry giving the indeterminates h_n. A multinomial formula for the coefficients of the partition polynomials of this entry, equivalent to the multinomial formula presented in the first four sentences of the formula section below, is presented in the MathOverflow question referenced in A350499. - Tom Copeland, Feb 19 2022
A. Nica and R. Speicher (editors), Lectures on the Combinatorics of Free Probability, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series: 335, Cambridge University Press, 2006 (see in particular, Eqn. 9.14 on p. 141, enumerating noncrossing partitions).
Andrew Howroyd, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..2087 (rows 1..20)
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Tom Copeland, The Hirzebruch criterion for the Todd class Dec. 14, 2014.
Tom Copeland, Appell polynomials, cumulants, noncrossing partitions, Dyck lattice paths, and inversion Dec. 23, 2014.
Tom Copeland, Formal group laws and binomial Sheffer sequences, 2018.
Tom Copeland, In the Realm of Shadows: Umbral inverses and associahedra, noncrossing partitions, symmetric polynomials, and similarity transforms, 2019.
Tom Copeland, A Taste of Moonshine in Free Moments, 2022.
R. Dickau, Non-crossing partitions, Robert Dickau's website, 2012.
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MathOverflow, Guises of the Noncrossing Partitions (NCPs), an MO question posed by Tom Copeland, 2019.
MathOverflow, Combinatorial/diagrammatic models for free moment partition polynomials, an MO question posed by Tom Copeland, 2021.
J. McCammond, Non-crossing Partitions in Surprising Locations, American Mathematical Monthly 113 (2006) 598-610.
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R. Simion, Noncrossing partitions, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 217, Issues 1-3, pp. 367-409, 2000.
R. Speicher, Lecture Notes on "Free Probability Theory", arXiv:1908.08125 [math.OA], 2019.
R. Stanley, Parking Functions and Noncrossing Partitions, 1996.
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Wikipedia, Noncrossing partition
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For j>1, there are P(j,m;a...) = j! / [ (j-m)! (a_1)! (a_2)! ... (a_(j-1))! ] permutations of h_0 through h_(j-1) in which h_0 is repeated (j-m) times; h_1, repeated a_1 times; and so on with a_1 + a_2 + ... + a_(j-1) = m.
If, in addition, a_1 + 2 * a_2 + ... + (j-1) * a_(j-1) = j-1, then each distinct combination of these arrangements is correlated with a partition of j-1.
T(j,k) is [ P(j,m;a...) / j ] for the k-th partition of j-1 as described in the comments.
For example from g(t) above, T(5,4) = (5! / ((5-3)! * 2!)) / 5 = 6 for the 4th partition under n=5-1=4 with m=3 parts in A&S.
From Tom Copeland, Sep 30 2011: (Start)
Let W(x) = 1/(df(x)/dx)= 1/{d[x/h(x)]/dx}
= [(h_0)-1+:1/(1-h.*x):]^2 / {(h_0)-:[h.x/(1-h.x)]^2:}
= [(h_0)+(h_1)x+(h_2)x^2+...]^2 / [(h_0)-(h_2)x^2-2(h_3)x^3-3(h_4)x^4-...], where :" ": denotes umbral evaluation of the expression within the colons and h. is an umbral coefficient.
Then for the partition polynomials of A134264,
Poly[n;h_0,...,h_(n-1)]=(1/n!)(W(x)*d/dx)^n x, evaluated at x=0, and the compositional inverse of f(t) is g(t) = exp(t*W(x)*d/dx) x, evaluated at x=0. Also, dg(t)/dt = W(g(t)), and g(t) gives A001263 with (h_0)=u and (h_n)=1 for n>0 and A000108 with u=1.
From Tom Copeland, Oct 20 2011: (Start)
With exp(x* PS(.,t)) = exp(t*g(x)) = exp(x*W(y)d/dy) exp(t*y) eval. at y=0, the raising (creation) and lowering (annihilation) operators defined by R PS(n,t) = PS(n+1,t) and L PS(n,t) = n*PS(n-1,t) are
R = t*W(d/dt) = t*((h_0) + (h_1)d/dt + (h_2)(d/dt)^2 + ...)^2 / ((h_0) - (h_2)(d/dt)^2 - 2(h_3)(d/dt)^3 - 3(h_4)(d/dt)^4 + ...), and
L = (d/dt)/h(d/dt) = (d/dt) 1/((h_0) + (h_1)*d/dt + (h_2)*(d/dt)^2 + ...)
Then P(n,t) = (t^n/n!) dPS(n,z)/dz eval. at z=0 are the row polynomials of A134264. (Cf. A139605, A145271, and link therein to Mathemagical Forests for relation to planted trees on p. 13.)
Using the formalism of A263634, the raising operator for the partition polynomials of this array with h_0 = 1 begins as R = h_1 + h_2 D + h_3 D^2/2! + (h_4 - h_2^2) D^3/3! + (h_5 - 5 h_2 h_3) D^4/4! + (h_6 + 5 h_2^3 - 7 h_3^2 - 9 h_2 h_4) D^5/5! + (h_7 - 14 h_2 h_5 + 56 h_2^2 h_3) D^6/6! + ... with D = d/d(h_1). - Tom Copeland, Sep 09 2016
Let h(x) = x/f^{-1}(x) = 1/[1-(c_2*x+c_3*x^2+...)], with c_n all greater than zero. Then h_n are all greater than zero and h_0 = 1. Determine P_n(t) from exp[t*f^{-1}(x)] = exp[x*P.(t)] with f^{-1}(x) = x/h(x) expressed in terms of the h_n (cf. A133314 and A263633). Then P_n(b.) = 0 gives a recursion relation for the inversion polynomials of this entry a_n = b_n/n! in terms of the lower order inversion polynomials and P_j(b.)P_k(b.) = P_j(t)P_k(t)|_{t^n = b_n} = d_{j,k} >= 0 is the coefficient of x^j/j!*y^k/k! in the Taylor series expansion of the formal group law FGL(x,y) = f[f^{-1}(x)+f^{-1}(y)]. - Tom Copeland, Feb 09 2018
A raising operator for the partition polynomials with h_0 = 1 regarded as a Sheffer Appell sequence in h_1 is described in A249548. - Tom Copeland, Jul 03 2018
1) With f(t) = t / (t-1), then h(t) = -(1-t), giving h_0 = -1, h_1 = 1 and h_n = 0 for n>1. Then g(t) = -t - t^2 - t^3 - ... = t / (t-1).
2) With f(t) = t*(1-t), then h(t) = 1 / (1-t), giving h_n = 1 for all n. The compositional inverse of this f(t) is g(t) = t*A(t) where A(t) is the o.g.f. for the Catalan numbers; therefore the sum over k of T(j,k), i.e., the row sum, is the Catalan number A000108(j-1).
3) With f(t) = (e^(-a*t)-1) / (-a), h(t) = Sum_{n>=0} Bernoulli(n) * (-a*t)^n / n! and g(t) = log(1-a*t) / (-a) = Sum_{n>=1} a^(n-1) * t^n / n. Therefore with h_n = Bernoulli(n) * (-a)^n / n!, Sum_{permutations s with s(1)+s(2)+...+s(j)=j-1} h_s(1) * h_s(2) * ... * h_s(j) = j * Sum_{k=1..(# of partitions for j-1)} T(j,k) * H(j-1,k ; h_0,h_1,...) = a^(j-1). Note, in turn, Sum_{a=1..m} a^(j-1) = (Bernoulli(j,m+1) - Bernoulli(j)) / j for the Bernoulli polynomials and numbers, for j>1.
4) With f(t,x) = t / (x-1+1/(1-t)), then h(t,x) = x-1+1/(1-t), giving (h_0)=x and (h_n)=1 for n>1. Then g(t,x) = (1-(1-x)*t-sqrt(1-2*(1+x)*t+((x-1)*t)^2)) / 2, a shifted o.g.f. in t for the Narayana polynomials in x of A001263.
5) With h(t)= o.g.f. of A075834, but with A075834(1)=2 rather than 1, which is the o.g.f. for the number of connected positroids on [n] (cf. Ardila et al., p. 25), g(t) is the o.g.f. for A000522, which is the o.g.f. for the number of positroids on [n]. (Added Oct 13 2014 by author.)
6) With f(t,x) = x / ((1-t*x)*(1-(1+t)*x)), an o.g.f. for A074909, the reverse face polynomials of the simplices, h(t,x) = (1-t*x) * (1-(1+t)*x) with h_0=1, h_1=-(1+2*t), and h_2=t*(1+t), giving as the inverse in x about 0 the o.g.f. (1+(1+2*t)*x-sqrt(1+(1+2*t)*2*x+x^2)) / (2*t*(1+t)*x) for signed A033282, the reverse face polynomials of the Stasheff polytopes, or associahedra. Cf. A248727. (Added Jan 21 2015 by author.)
7) With f(x,t) = x / ((1+x)*(1+t*x)), an o.g.f. for the polynomials (-1)^n * (1 + t + ... + t^n), h(t,x) = (1+x) * (1+t*x) with h_0=1, h_1=(1+t), and h_2=t, giving as the inverse in x about 0 the o.g.f. (1-(1+t)*x-sqrt(1-2*(1+t)*x+((t-1)*x)^2)) / (2*x*t) for the Narayana polynomials A001263. Cf. A046802. (Added Jan 24 2015 by author.)
From Gus Wiseman, Feb 15 2019: (Start)
Triangle begins:
1 1
1 3 1
1 4 2 6 1
1 5 5 10 10 10 1
1 6 6 3 15 30 5 20 30 15 1
1 7 7 7 21 42 21 21 35 105 35 35 70 21 1
Row 5 counts the following non-crossing set partitions:
{{1234}} {{1}{234}} {{12}{34}} {{1}{2}{34}} {{1}{2}{3}{4}}
{{123}{4}} {{14}{23}} {{1}{23}{4}}
{{124}{3}} {{12}{3}{4}}
{{134}{2}} {{1}{24}{3}}
Table[Binomial[Total[y], Length[y]-1]*(Length[y]-1)!/Product[Count[y, i]!, {i, Max@@y}], {n, 7}, {y, Sort[Sort/@IntegerPartitions[n]]}] (* Gus Wiseman, Feb 15 2019 *)
C(v)={my(n=vecsum(v), S=Set(v)); n!/((n-#v+1)!*prod(i=1, #S, my(x=S[i]); (#select(y->y==x, v))!))}
row(n)=[C(Vec(p)) | p<-partitions(n-1)]
{ for(n=1, 7, print(row(n))) } \\ Andrew Howroyd, Feb 01 2022
(A001263,A119900) = (reduced array, associated g(x)). See A145271 for meaning and other examples of reduced and associated.
Cf. A119900 (e.g.f. for reduced W(x) with (h_0)=t and (h_n)=1 for n>0).
Cf. A000045, A000108, A000957, A001764, A000522, A005043, A007317, A033282,A036038, A046802, A074909, A075834, A104597, A145271, A248727.
Cf. A249548 for use of Appell properties to generate the polynomials.
Cf. A006013.
Cf. A350499
Tom Copeland, Jan 14 2008
Added explicit t^6, t^7, and t^8 polynomials and extended initial table to include the coefficients of t^8. - Tom Copeland, Sep 14 2016
Title modified by Tom Copeland, May 28 2018
More terms from Gus Wiseman, Feb 15 2019
Title modified by Tom Copeland, Sep 10 2019