Numbers C from the ABC conjecture.
9, 32, 49, 64, 81, 125, 128, 225, 243, 245, 250, 256, 289, 343, 375, 512, 513, 539, 625, 676, 729, 961, 968, 1025, 1029, 1216, 1331, 1369, 1587, 1681, 2048, 2057, 2187, 2197, 2304, 2312, 2401, 2500, 2673, 3025, 3072, 3125, 3136, 3211, 3481, 3584, 3773, 3888
C-values are not repeated: (A,B,C)=(13,243,256) and (A,B,C)=(81,175,256) are only represented once, by 256, in the list, for example.
R. J. Mathar and T. D. Noe, Table of n, a(n) for n=1..868
Zenon B. Batang, Squarefree integers and the abc conjecture, arXiv:2109.10226 [math.GM], 2021. See H(c) p. 3; this is the sequence of x such that H(x)>0.
Bart de Smit, Triples of small size [references the ABC@Home project which is inactive since 2015].
A. Granville and T. J. Tucker, It's As Easy As abc, Notices of the AMS, November 2002 (49:10), pp. 1224-1231.
Abderrahmane Nitaj, The ABC Conjecture Home Page.
Ivars Peterson, Math Trek, The Amazing ABC Conjecture [Internet Archive Wayback Machine]
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, abc conjecture
Wikipedia, abc conjecture
A+B=C; gcd(A,B)=1; A007947(A*B*C) < C.
For A=1, B=63 and C=64, C=64 is in the list because 1 and 63 are coprime,
because the set of prime factors of 1, 63=3^2*7 and 64=2^6 has the product
of prime factors 3*2*7=42 and this product is smaller than 64.
rad[n_] := Times @@ First /@ FactorInteger[n]; isABC[a_, b_, c_] := (If[a + b != c || GCD[a, b] != 1, Return[0]]; r = rad[a*b*c]; If[r < c, Return[1], Return[0]]); isC[c_] := (For[a = 1, a <= Floor[c/2], a++, If[isABC[a, c - a, c] != 0, Return[1]]]; Return[0]); Select[Range[4000], isC[#] == 1 & ] (* Jean-François Alcover, Jun 24 2013, translated and adapted from Pari *)
(PARI) isABC(a, b, c)={ a+b==c && gcd(a, b)==1 && A007947(a*b*c)<c } \\ Edited by M. F. Hasler, Jan 16 2015
isC(c)={ for(a=1, floor(c/2), if( isABC(a, c-a, c), return(1) )); return(0); }
{ for(n=1, 6000, if( isC(n), print1(n, ", "))) }
(PARI) is_A120498(c)={for(a=1, c\2, gcd(a, c-a)==1 && A007947(a*(c-a)*c)<c && return(1))} \\ M. F. Hasler, Jan 16 2015
from itertools import count, islice
from math import prod, gcd
from sympy import primefactors
def A120498_gen(startvalue=1): # generator of terms >= startvalue
for c in count(max(startvalue, 1)):
pc = set(primefactors(c))
for a in range(1, (c>>1)+1):
b = c-a
if gcd(a, b)==1 and c>prod(set(primefactors(a))|set(primefactors(b))|pc):
yield c
A120498_list = list(islice(A120498_gen(), 30)) # Chai Wah Wu, Oct 19 2023
Cf. A130510 (values of c in the list of "abc-hits").
Sequence in context: A075433 A018833 A130510 * A155098 A063134 A027620
R. J. Mathar, Aug 06 2006