
Reminder: The OEIS is hiring a new managing editor, and the application deadline is January 26.

Least index k such that the n-th prime properly divides the k-th tribonacci number.
5, 8, 15, 13, 9, 19, 29, 19, 30, 78, 15, 20, 36, 83, 30, 34, 65, 69, 101, 133, 32, 19, 271, 110, 20, 187, 14, 185, 106, 173, 587, 80, 12, 35, 46, 224, 72, 38, 42, 315, 101, 26, 73, 172, 383, 27, 84, 362, 35, 250, 37, 29, 507, 305, 55, 38, 178, 332, 62, 537, 778, 459, 31
The tribonacci numbers are indexed so that trib(0) = trib(1) = 0, trib(2) = 1, for n>2: trib(n) = trib(n-1) + trib(n-2) + trib(n-3). "Properly divides" means that this sequence is "Least index k such that the n-th prime divides the k-th tribonacci number not itself the n-th prime".
Since the tribonacci sequence is periodic mod p for any prime p, the sequence is well-defined. - T. D. Noe, Dec 01 2005
a(n) = minimum k such that prime(n) | A000073(k) and A000073(k) > prime(n). a(n) = minimum k such that A000040(n) | A000073(k) and A000073(k) > A000040(n).
a(1) = 5 because prime(1) = 2 and, although tribonacci(4) = 2, the first tribonacci number properly divided by 2 is tribonacci(5) = 4.
a(2) = 8 because prime(2) = 3 and tribonacci(8) = 24 = 2^3 * 3.
a(3) = 15 because prime(3) = 5 and tribonacci(15) = 1705 = 5 * 11 * 31.
a(4) = 13 because prime(4) = 7 and tribonacci(13) = 504 = 2^3 * 3^2 * 7.
a(5) = 9 because prime(5) = 11 and tribonacci(9) = 44 = 2^2 * 11.
a(6) = 19 because prime(6) = 13 and tribonacci(19) = 19513 = 13 * 19 * 79.
a(7) = 29 because prime(7) = 17 and tribonacci(29) = 646064 = 2^4 * 7 * 17 * 19 * 239.
a[0] = a[1] = 0; a[2] = 1; a[n_] := a[n] = a[n - 1] + a[n - 2] + a[n - 3]; f[n_] := Block[{k = 1, p = Prime[n]}, While[ Mod[a[k], p] != 0 || p >= a[k], k++ ]; k]; Array[f, 63] (* Robert G. Wilson v *)
Jonathan Vos Post, Nov 29 2005
Corrected and extended by Robert G. Wilson v, Nov 30 2005