
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

a(n) = (1 + 3^n - 2*3^(n/2))/4 if n is even, (1 + 3^n - 4*3^((n-1)/2))/4 if n odd.
0, 1, 4, 16, 52, 169, 520, 1600, 4840, 14641, 44044, 132496, 397852, 1194649, 3585040, 10758400, 32278480, 96845281, 290545684, 871666576, 2615029252, 7845176329, 23535617560, 70607118400, 211821620920, 635465659921
a(n-1) is the number of chiral pairs of color patterns (set partitions) for a row of length n using up to 3 colors (subsets). For n=4, a(n-1)=4, the chiral pairs are AAAB-ABBB, AABA-ABAA, AABC-ABCC, and ABAC-ABCB. - Robert A. Russell, Oct 28 2018
Balaban, A. T., Brunvoll, J., Cyvin, B. N., & Cyvin, S. J. (1988). Enumeration of branched catacondensed benzenoid hydrocarbons and their numbers of Kekulé structures. Tetrahedron, 44(1), 221-228. See Eq. 5.
Gy. Tasi and F. Mizukami, Quantum algebraic-combinatoric study of the conformational properties of n-alkanes, J. Math. Chemistry, 25, 1999, 55-64 (see p. 60).
G.f.: -x^2 / ( (x-1)*(3*x-1)*(3*x^2-1) ). - R. J. Mathar, Dec 16 2010
a(n) = 4*a(n-1) - 12*a(n-3) + 9*a(n-4). - Vincenzo Librandi, Jun 26 2012
From Robert A. Russell, Oct 28 2018: (Start)
a(n-1) = Sum_{j=0..k} (S2(n,j) - Ach(n,j)) / 2, where k=3 is the maximum number of colors, S2 is the Stirling subset number A008277, and Ach(n,k) = [n>=0 & n<2 & n==k] + [n>1]*(k*Ach(n-2,k) + Ach(n-2,k-1) + Ach(n-2,k-2)).
a(n-1) = (A124302(n) - A182522(n))/2.
a(n-1) = A124302(n) - A001998(n-1).
a(n-1) = A001998(n-1) - A182522(n).
a(n-1) = A122746(n-2) + A320526(n). (End)
E.g.f.: (1/12)*exp(-sqrt(3)*x)*(-3 + 2*sqrt(3) - (3 + 2*sqrt(3))*exp(2*sqrt(3)*x) + 3*exp((3 + sqrt(3))*x) + 3*exp(x + sqrt(3)*x)). - Stefano Spezia, Oct 29 2018
From Bruno Berselli, Oct 31 2018: (Start)
a(n) = (1 + 3^n - 3^((n-1)/2)*(4 + (-2 + sqrt(3))*(1 + (-1)^n)))/4. Therefore:
a(2*k) = (3^k - 1)^2/4;
a(2*k+1) = (3^k - 1)*(3^(k+1) - 1)/4. (End)
a:=proc(n) if n mod 2 = 0 then (1+3^n-2*3^(n/2))/4 else (1+3^n-4*3^((n-1)/2))/4 fi end: seq(a(n), n=1..32);
CoefficientList[Series[-x/((x-1)*(3*x-1)*(3*x^2-1)), {x, 0, 40}], x] (* or *) LinearRecurrence[{4, 0, -12, 9}, {0, 1, 4, 16}, 50] (* Vincenzo Librandi, Jun 26 2012 *)
Ach[n_, k_] := Ach[n, k] = If[n<2, Boole[n==k && n>=0], k Ach[n-2, k] + Ach[n-2, k-1] + Ach[n-2, k-2]] (* A304972 *)
k=3; Table[Sum[StirlingS2[n, j]-Ach[n, j], {j, k}]/2, {n, 2, 40}] (* Robert A. Russell, Oct 28 2018 *)
CoefficientList[Series[(1/12 E^(-Sqrt[3] x) (-3 + 2 Sqrt[3] - (3 + 2 Sqrt[3]) E^(2 Sqrt[3] x) + 3 E^((3 + Sqrt[3]) x) + 3 E^(x + Sqrt[3] x)))/x, {x, 0, 20}], x]*Table[(k+1)!, {k, 0, 20}] (* Stefano Spezia, Oct 29 2018 *)
(Magma) I:=[0, 1, 4, 16]; [n le 4 select I[n] else 4*Self(n-1)-12*Self(n-3)+9*Self(n-4): n in [1..30]]; // Vincenzo Librandi, Jun 26 2012
(PARI) x='x+O('x^50); concat(0, Vec(x^2/((1-x)*(3*x-1)*(3*x^2-1)))) \\ Altug Alkan, Sep 23 2018
(GAP) a:=[];; for n in [1..30] do if n mod 2 <> 0 then Add(a, (1+3^n-4*3^((n-1)/2))/4); else Add(a, (1+3^n-2*3^(n/2))/4); fi; od; a; # Muniru A Asiru, Oct 30 2018
Cf. A167993 (first differences).
Column 3 of A320751, offset by 1.
Cf. A124302 (oriented), A001998 (unoriented), A182522 (achiral), varying offsets.
Sequence in context: A266943 A100774 A336994 * A319775 A375307 A220936
Emeric Deutsch, Jun 12 2005
Entry revised by N. J. A. Sloane, Jul 29 2011