Whereas the Zeckendorf (binary) rep (A014417) has no consecutive 1's (no two consecutive Fibonacci numbers in a set whose sum is n), the Dual Zeckendorf Representation has no consecutive 0's. Also called the Maximal (Binary) Fibonacci Representation, the Zeckendorf rep. being the Minimal in terms of number of 1's in the binary representation.
Also known as the lazy Fibonacci representation of n. - Glen Whitney, Oct 21 2017
N. J. A. Sloane, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..28655
J. L. Brown, Jr., A new characterization of the Fibonacci numbers, Fibonacci Quarterly 3, no. 1 (1965) 1-8.
Eric DuchĂȘne, Aviezri S. Fraenkel, Vladimir Gurvich, Nhan Bao Ho, Clark Kimberling, and Urban Larsson, Wythoff Wisdom, 43 pages, no date, apparently unpublished. See Table 2.
Eric DuchĂȘne, Aviezri S. Fraenkel, Vladimir Gurvich, Nhan Bao Ho, Clark Kimberling, and Urban Larsson, Wythoff Wisdom, unpublished, no date [Cached copy, with permission]
As a sum of Fibonacci numbers (A000045) [using 1 at most once], 13 is 13=8+5=8+3+2.
The largest set here is 8+3+2 or, in base Fibonacci, 10110 so a(13)=10110(fib).
The Zeckendorf representation would be the smallest set or {13}=100000(fib).
dualzeckrep:=proc(n)local i, z; z:=zeckrep(n); i:=1; while i<=nops(z)-2 do if z[i]=1 and z[i+1]=0 and z[i+2]=0 then z[i]:=0; z[i+1]:=1; z[i+2]:=1; if i>3 then i:=i-2 fi else i:=i+1 fi od; if z[1]=0 then z:=subsop(1=NULL, z) fi; z end proc: seq(dualzeckrep(n), n=0..20) ;
fb[n_] := Module[{k = Ceiling[Log[GoldenRatio, n*Sqrt[5]]], t = n, fr = {}}, While[k > 1, If[t >= Fibonacci[k], AppendTo[fr, 1]; t = t - Fibonacci[k], AppendTo[fr, 0]]; k--]; fr]; a[n_] := Module[{v = fb[n]}, nv = Length[v]; i = 1; While[i <= nv - 2, If[v[[i]] == 1 && v[[i + 1]] == 0 && v[[i + 2]] == 0, v[[i]] = 0; v[[i + 1]] = 1; v[[i + 2]] = 1; If[i > 2, i -= 3]]; i++]; i = Position[v, _?(# > 0 &)]; If[i == {}, 0, FromDigits[v[[i[[1, 1]] ;; -1]]]]]; Array[a, 34, 0] (* Amiram Eldar, Oct 31 2019 after Robert G. Wilson v at A014417 and the Maple code *)
Map[FromDigits, Select[IntegerString[Range[0, 255], 2], StringFreeQ[#, "00"] &]] (* Paolo Xausa, Apr 05 2024 *)
Ron Knott, Mar 01 2005
Index in formula corrected, missing parts of the maple code recovered, and sequence extended by R. J. Mathar, Oct 23 2010
Definition expanded and DuchĂȘne, Fraenkel et al. reference added by N. J. A. Sloane, Aug 07 2018