Number of possible permutations of a Rubik cube of size n X n X n.
1, 3674160, 43252003274489856000, 7401196841564901869874093974498574336000000000, 282870942277741856536180333107150328293127731985672134721536000000000000000
More precisely, order of group of n X n X n Rubik cube, under assumptions not-s, not-m, not-i.
The three possible assumptions considered here are the following:
s (for n odd) indicates that we are working in the "supergroup" and so take account of twists of the face centers.
m (for n > 3) indicates that the pieces are marked so that we take account of the permutation of the identically-colored pieces on a face.
i (for n > 3) indicates that we are working in the theoretical invisible group and solve the pieces on the interior of the cube as well as the exterior. It is assumed that the M and S traits apply to the interior pieces as if they were on the exterior of a smaller cube.
Dan Hoey, posting to Cube Lovers List, Jun 24, 1987.
Rowley, Chris, The group of the Hungarian magic cube, in Algebraic structures and applications (Nedlands, 1980), pp. 33-43, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 74, Dekker, New York, 1982.
Robert Munafo, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..27 (first 10 terms from Robert G. Wilson v)
Answers.com, Rubik's Cube.
Cube Lovers Archive, Mailing List
Cube20.org, God's Number is 20
Christophe Goudey, Information
Naren Ramesh, Generalising the configurations of an N X N X N Rubik's Cube, Parabola (2023) Vol. 59, Issue 3. See p. 22.
Jaap Scherphuis, Puzzle Pages
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Rubik's Cube
Wikipedia, Rubik's Cube
Wikipedia, Professor's Cube
a(1)=1; a(2)=7!*3^6; a(3)=8!*3^7*12!*2^10; a(n)=a(n-2)*24^6*(24!/24^6)^(n-2). - Herbert Kociemba, Dec 08 2016
a(n) = ceiling(3674160*11771943321600^(n mod 2)*620448401733239439360000^floor((n - 2)/2)*3246670537110000^floor(((n - 2)/2)^2)). - Davis Smith, Mar 20 2020
f := proc(n) local A, B, C, D, E, F, G; if n mod 2 = 1 then A := (n-1)/2; F := 0; B := 1; C := 1; D := 0; E := (n+1)*(n-3)/4; G := (n-1)*(n-3)/4; else A := n/2; F := 1; B := 1; C := 0; D := 0; E := n*(n-2)/4; G := (n-2)^2/4; fi; (2^A*((8!/2)*3^7)^B*((12!/2)*2^11)^C*((4^6)/2)^D*(24!/2)^E)/(24^F*((24^6)/2)^G); end;
f[n_] := Block[{a, b, c, d, e, f, g}, If[OddQ@ n, a = (n - 1)/2; b = c = 1; d = f = 0; e = (n + 1) (n - 3)/4; g = (n - 1) (n - 3)/4, a = n/2; b = f = 1; c = d = 0; e = n (n - 2)/4; g = (n - 2)^2/4]; Ceiling[(2^a*((8!/2)*3^7)^b*((12!/2)*2^11)^c*((4^6)/2)^d*(24!/2)^e)/(24^f*((24^6)/2)^g)]]; Array[f, 10] (* Robert G. Wilson v, May 23 2009 *)
f[1]=1; f[2]=7!3^6; f[3]=8!3^7 12!2^10; f[n_]:=f[n-2]*24^6*(24!/24^6)^(n-2); Table[f[n], {n, 1, 10}] (* Herbert Kociemba, Dec 08 2016 *)
f[1]=1; f[n_]:=7!3^6(6*24!!)^(s=Mod[n, 2])24!^(r=(n-s)/2-1)(24!/4!^6)^(r(r+s)); Array[f, 5] (* Herbert Kociemba, Jul 03 2022 *)
(Maxima) A075152(n) := block( if n = 1 then return (1), [a:1, b:1, c:1, d:1, e:1, f:1, g:1], if mod(n, 2) = 1 then ( a : (n-1)/2, f : 0, b : 1, c : 1, d : 0, e : (n+1)*(n-3)/4, g : (n-1)*(n-3)/4 ) else ( a : n/2, f : 1, b : 1, c : 0, d : 0, e : n*(n-2)/4, g : (n-2)^2/4 ), return ( (2^a * ((factorial(8)/2)*3^7)^b * ((factorial(12)/2)*2^11)^c * ((4^6)/2)^d * (factorial(24)/2)^e) / (24^f * ((24^6)/2)^g) ) )$ for i:1 thru 27 step 1 do ( sprint(i, A075152(i)), newline() )$ // Robert Munafo, Nov 12 2014
(PARI) A075152(n)=ceil(3674160*(11771943321600)^(n%2)*620448401733239439360000^floor((n-2)/2)*(3246670537110000)^floor(((n-2)/2)^2)) \\ Davis Smith, Mar 20 2020
See A007458, A054434, A074914, A080656-A080662 for other versions.
Cf. A079761, A079762, A152169 (sums give a(2)), A080601, A080602 (sums give a(3)).
Sequence in context: A217673 A271027 A080657 * A080658 A080656 A074914
Warren Power, Sep 05 2002
Entry revised by N. J. A. Sloane, Apr 01 2006
Offset changed to 1 by N. J. A. Sloane, Sep 02 2009