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Numerator of the generalized harmonic number H(n,3,1) described below.
1, 5, 39, 209, 2857, 11883, 233057, 2632787, 13468239, 13739939, 433545709, 7488194853, 281072414761, 284780929571, 12393920563953, 288249495707519, 2038704876507433, 2058454144222533, 2077126179153173, 60750140156034617
For integers a and b, H(n,a,b) is the sum of the fractions 1/(a i + b), i = 0,1,..,n-1. This database already contains six instances of generalized harmonic numbers. Partial sums of the harmonic series 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+... are given by the sequence of harmonic numbers H(n,1,1) = A001008(n) / A002805(n).
The Jeep problem gives rise to the series H(n,2,1) = A025550(n) / A025547(n). Recent additions to the database are 3 * H(n,3,1) = A074596(n) / A051536(n), 3 * H(n,3,2) = A074597(n) / A051540(n), 4 * H(n,4,1) = A074598(n) / A051539(n) and 4 * H(n,4,3) = A074637(n) / A074638(n) . The numerator of H(n,4,1) is A075136. The fractions H(n,5,1), H(n,5,2), H(n,5,3) and H(n,5,4) are in A075137-A075144.
The sequence H(n,a,b) is of interest only when a and b are relatively prime. The sequence can also be computed as H(n,a,b) = (PolyGamma[n+1+b/a] - PolyGamma[1+b/a])/a. The sequence H(n,a,b) diverges for all a and b.
According to Hardy and Wright, if p is an odd prime, then p divides the numerator of the harmonic number H(p-1,1,1). This result can be extended to generalized harmonic numbers: for odd integer n, let q = (n-2)a + 2b. If q is prime, then q divides the numerator of H(n-1,a,b). For this sequence (a=3, b=1) we conclude that 11 divides a(4), 17 divides a(6), 29 divides a(10) and 47 divides a(16).
Graham, Knuth and Patashnik define another type of generalized harmonic number as the sum of fractions 1/i^k, i=1,...,n. For k=2, the sequence of fractions is A007406(n) / A007407(n).
R. L. Graham, D. E. Knuth and O. Patashnik, Concrete Mathematics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990, p. 263, 269, 272, 297, 302, 356.
G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright, An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 4th ed., Oxford Univ. Press, 1971, page 88.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Harmonic Series
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Harmonic Number
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Jeep Problem
a(3)=39 because 1 + 1/4 + 1/7 = 39/28.
a=3; b=1; maxN=20; s=0; Numerator[Table[s+=1/(a n + b), {n, 0, maxN-1}]]
Accumulate[1/Range[1, 60, 3]]//Numerator (* Harvey P. Dale, Dec 30 2019 *)
T. D. Noe, Sep 04 2002