Sum of 4-infinitary divisors of n: if n=Product p(i)^r(i) and d=Product p(i)^s(i), each s(i) has a digit a<=b in its 4-ary expansion everywhere that the corresponding r(i) has a digit b, then d is a 4-infinitary-divisor of n.
1, 3, 4, 7, 6, 12, 8, 15, 13, 18, 12, 28, 14, 24, 24, 17, 18, 39, 20, 42, 32, 36, 24, 60, 31, 42, 40, 56, 30, 72, 32, 51, 48, 54, 48, 91, 38, 60, 56, 90, 42, 96, 44, 84, 78, 72, 48, 68, 57, 93, 72, 98, 54, 120, 72, 120, 80, 90, 60, 168, 62, 96, 104, 119, 84, 144, 68, 126, 96
If we group the exponents e in the Bower-Harris formula into the sets with d_k=0, 1, 2 and 3, we see that every n has a unique representation of the form n=prod q_i *prod (r_j)^2 *prod (s_k)^3, where each of q_i, r_j, s_k is a prime power of the form p^(k^4), p prime, k>=0. Using this representation, a(n)=prod (q_i+1)prod ((r_j)^2+r_j+1)prod ((s_k)^3+(s_k)^2+s_k+1) by simple expansion of the quotient on the right hand side of the Bower-Harris formula. - Vladimir Shevelev, May 08 2013
Multiplicative. If e = sum_{k >= 0} d_k 4^k (base 4 representation), then a(p^e) = prod_{k >= 0} (p^(4^k*{d_k+1}) - 1)/(p^(4^k) - 1). - Christian G. Bower and Mitch Harris, May 20 2005
2^4*3 is a 4-infinitary-divisor of 2^5*3^2 because 2^4*3 = 2^10*3^1 and 2^5*3^2 = 2^11*3^2 in 4-ary expanded power. All corresponding digits satisfy the condition. 1<=1, 0<=1, 1<=2.
A074847 := proc(n) option remember; ifa := ifactors(n)[2] ; a := 1 ; if nops(ifa) = 1 then p := op(1, op(1, ifa)) ; e := op(2, op(1, ifa)) ; d := convert(e, base, 4) ; for k from 0 to nops(d)-1 do a := a*(p^((1+op(k+1, d))*4^k)-1)/(p^(4^k)-1) ; end do: else for d in ifa do a := a*procname( op(1, d)^op(2, d)) ; end do: return a; end if; end proc:
seq(A074847(n), n=1..100) ; # R. J. Mathar, Oct 06 2010
f[p_, e_] := Module[{d = IntegerDigits[e, 4]}, m = Length[d]; Product[(p^((d[[j]] + 1)*4^(m - j)) - 1)/(p^(4^(m - j)) - 1), {j, 1, m}]]; a[1] = 1; a[n_] := Times @@ f @@@ FactorInteger[n]; Array[a, 100] (* Amiram Eldar, Sep 09 2020 *)
(Haskell) following Bower and Harris, cf. A049418:
a074847 1 = 1
a074847 n = product $ zipWith f (a027748_row n) (a124010_row n) where
f p e = product $ zipWith div
(map (subtract 1 . (p ^)) $
zipWith (*) a000302_list $ map (+ 1) $ a030386_row e)
(map (subtract 1 . (p ^)) a000302_list)
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Sep 18 2015
Cf. A049417 (2-infinitary), A049418 (3-infinitary), A097863 (5-infinitary).
Sequence in context: A097011 A366992 A365682 * A365170 A365174 A325317
Yasutoshi Kohmoto, Sep 10 2002
More terms from R. J. Mathar, Oct 06 2010