Roman numerals written using 1 for I, 2 for V, 3 for X, 4 for L, 5 for C, 6 for D, 7 for M.
1, 11, 111, 12, 2, 21, 211, 2111, 13, 3, 31, 311, 3111, 312, 32, 321, 3211, 32111, 313, 33, 331, 3311, 33111, 3312, 332, 3321, 33211, 332111, 3313, 333, 3331, 33311, 333111, 33312, 3332, 33321, 333211, 3332111, 33313, 34, 341, 3411, 34111, 3412
From Daniel Forgues, Jan 16 2015: (Start)
The Romans did not have 0 as a number, which is why there was no year zero (1 B.C. is followed by 1 A.D.).
The initial "N" (nulla, meaning "nothing") was used as a zero symbol in a table of Roman numerals by Bede or his colleague around 725. (End)
3999 (MMMCMXCIX) is the largest decimal number that has a well-defined Roman numeral representation. Therefore the sequence deliberately stops there to avoid the ambiguous representations of larger numbers. - Jamie Robert Creasey, May 01 2021
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Roman Numerals
Wikipedia, Roman numerals
a(n)=i <=> A003587(i)=n, for i in {1,...,7}, i.e., A061493 is a left inverse of A003587 on {1,...,7}. - M. F. Hasler, Jan 12 2015
a(14) = 312 because 14 = XIV in Roman, and I,V,X are coded as 1,2,3 respectively.
a(66)= 4321, LXVI is 50+10+5+1= 66, a(44)=3412, XLIV is -10+50-1+5= 44
Array[FromDigits[Characters@ RomanNumeral[#] /. {"I" -> 1, "V" -> 2, "X" -> 3, "L" -> 4, "C" -> 5, "D" -> 6, "M" -> 7}] &, 44] (* Michael De Vlieger, May 01 2021 *)
a061493 n = read $ r 1 [] n :: Integer where
r _ roms 0 = roms
r p roms z = case p of
1 -> r 2 (d '1' '2' '3' m) z'
2 -> r 3 (d '3' '4' '5' m ++ roms) z'
3 -> r 4 (d '5' '6' '7' m ++ roms) z'
4 -> replicate z '7' ++ roms
where (z', m) = divMod z 10
d i j k c =
[[], [i], [i, i], [i, i, i], [i, j], [j], [j, i], [j, i, i], [j, i, i, i], [i, k]] !! c
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Apr 14 2013
(PARI) {A061493(n, s="", c=[1000, 7, 900, 57, 500, 6, 400, 56, 100, 5, 90, 35, 50, 4, 40, 34, 10, 3, 9, 13, 5, 2, 4, 12, 1, 1])= forstep(i=1, #c, 2, while(n>=c[i], n-=c[i]; s=Str(s, c[i+1]))); eval(s)} \\ M. F. Hasler, Jan 11 2015
def f(s, k):
return s[:2] if k==4 else (s[1]*(k>=5)+s[0]*(k%5) if k<9 else s[0]+s[2])
def a(n):
m, c, x, i = n//1000, (n%1000)//100, (n%100)//10, n%10
return int("7"*m + f("567", c) + f("345", x) + f("123", i))
print([a(n) for n in range(1, 45)]) # Michael S. Branicky, Aug 24 2022
Frank Ellermann, Jun 12 2001
0 removed again by Georg Fischer, Jan 20 2019