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User:Georg Fischer
From OeisWiki
OEIS contributions and favorites
- Groups of recurrences:
- Columns of the triangle A055277 Rooted trees with n nodes and k leaves, 1 <= k <= n.
- A341862 Even term in the linear recurrence signature for numerators and denominators
- A hierarchy of permutations of the integers: A307407 (level 0), A322469 (level 1, my first sequence), A307048 (level 2), A160016 (level 3, existed)
- A220952 (base 5, main entry, "Hn" - Knuth's sequence generated by an adjacency matrix, and similiar FASS curves, A307403 ("Hs"), A307404 ("Ln"), A307405 ("Ls"), A307406 (number of variants in base 2*n+1), A128173 (base 3, "n"), A300857 (base 7)
- Continued fractions of sqrt(n):
- Miscellaneous:
- A309589 Base 10 numbers sorted lexicographically, A309590 (inverse)
- A308436 (exported from A028574)
- A046816 Pascal's tetrahedron with G.f.: 1/(1-x-x*y-x*y*z); A189225 4-dimensional version of Pascal's triangle with G.f.: 1/(1-w-w*x-w*x*y-w*x*y*z)
- A309589 Number subsets {0, ..., 10^k - 1} written in base 10; A309590 (inverse)
- A337094 N(chi_n) for the irreducible characters chi_n of the Monster simple group
- cf.
OEIS maintenance projects
- Broken link maintenance
- B-file check
- Colorized b-files
- Coincidences - search lists of similiar sequences
- Index updates
- Shared digits in squares, sequences A136nnn of Jonathan Wellons
- User:Terrel_Trotter,_Jr., restoration of the WTM (World of Trotter Math)
- Sean Irvine's jOEIS project (Java implementation of OEIS sequences), contributions to linear recurrences, continued fractions of sqrt(n) and other groups of sequences
- Java, database, web applications, programming languages (speaking ALGOL 60, FORTRAN, PL/1, Pascal, Simula 67, C, Perl, Java, XSLT, SQL, JavaScript, understanding COBOL)
- Web (xHTML, CSS, SVG,
- Symbolic computation (c.f.
Community Projects
Number Theory
- Diophantine equations, especially power sums
- Fermat's lost proofs (except for FLT) with infinite descent
- Link collection of Gravestones and commemorative plates of mathematicians and physicists, preferrably with formula
- Wikipedia contributions
- 1947 born in Waldshut, southern Germany.
- 1968 - 1975 Studies of Mathematics in Freiburg, and Computer Science in München, Germany.
- 1976 Software engineer at Softlab GmbH, München
- 1977 - 1980 Assistant at the Department of Computer Science, Dortmund, Germany. PhD in Compiler Construction: Incremental LR(1) Parser Construction as an Aid to Syntactical Extensibility
- 1980 - 1985 Chief consultant again at Softlab GmbH
- 1986 - 1994 Owner and Technical CEO of punctum GmbH, Munich (with two partners)
- 1995 - 1998 Maintenance and marketing of converter software, mainly for floppy disk file structures and text processing formats
- 1999 - 2004 Freelancer in Y2K, ISIN, Euro conversion projects at Commerzbank; computer aided software analysis
- 2005 - 2012 Principal Database Engineer at Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt, Germany; software metadata analysis and display
- 2012 - retired
- 2017 - IT-related development projects: microfinance database in Madagascar, Java programming training on Java (Bekasi, Indonesia)
- today - living in D-79341 Kenzingen, South-West Germany. at the border of the Black Forest; speaking German, English and some French