
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

The binary Fibonacci compositions. Irregular triangle with n >= 0 where the length of row n is Fibonacci(n) for n > 0.
1, 11, 111, 101, 1111, 1101, 1011, 11111, 1001, 11101, 11011, 10111, 111111, 11001, 10101, 10011, 111101, 111011, 110111, 101111, 1111111, 10001, 111001, 110101, 101101, 110011, 101011, 100111, 1111101, 1111011, 1110111, 1101111, 1011111, 11111111
Taking up an idea of Cayley the binary Fibonacci compositions are defined as the conjugates of the compositions of n + 1 which do not have a part '1'. a(0) = 1 by convention and for n > 0 the representation of the composition c is given by Sum_{c} (2 - c[j])*2^j, where the c[j] are the parts of the composition c. With this interpretation the sequence is a permutation of the positive odd numbers (A005408).
A. Cayley, Theorems in Trigonometry and on Partitions, Messenger of Mathematics, 5 (1876), pp. 164, 188. Also in Mathematical Papers Vol. 10, n. 634, p. 16.
The number of zeros in all binary Fibonacci compositions of n equal the number of elements in all subsets of {1, 2, ..., n} with no consecutive integers. (For example, the number of zeros in row 7 (see the triangle below) is 20 = A001629(6).)
The triangle starts:
[0] [ 1]
[1] [ 11]
[2] [ 111]
[3] [ 101, 1111]
[4] [ 1101, 1011, 11111]
[5] [ 1001, 11101, 11011, 10111, 111111]
[6] [11001, 10101, 10011, 111101, 111011, 110111, 101111, 1111111]
[7] [10001, 111001, 110101, 101101, 110011, 101011, 100111, 1111101, 1111011, 1110111, 1101111, 1011111, 11111111]
For instance, to compute T(7, 2) start with the composition [2, 3, 3]. Then take the conjugate, normalize the parts with 2 - c[j] and then represent the digits as an integer. The steps are:
[2, 3, 3] -> [1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1] -> [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1] -> 110101 = T(7, 2).
import functools
def alpha(P, Q): # order of compositions
if len(P) < len(Q): return int(-1)
if len(P) == len(Q):
for i in range(len(P)):
if P[i] < Q[i]: return int(-1)
if P[i] > Q[i]: return int(1)
return int(0)
return int(0)
def compositions(n):
A = [c.conjugate() for c in Compositions(n+1) if not(1 in c)]
B = [[2-i for i in a] for a in A]
sorted(B, key = functools.cmp_to_key(alpha))
return B
def Int(c): # convert to decimal integer representation
s = ""
for t in c: s += str(t)
return Integer(s) if s else 1
def A327992row(n):
if n == 0: return [1]
return [Int(c) for c in compositions(n)]
for n in (0..8): print(A327992row(n))
Cf. A000045, A001629, A327993 (row sums).
Sequence in context: A004287 A061493 A093788 * A204847 A098759 A273977
Peter Luschny, Oct 12 2019