a(0) = 1; thereafter a(n) = n*a(n-1)^2.
1, 1, 2, 12, 576, 1658880, 16511297126400, 1908360529573854283038720000, 29134719286683212541013468732221146917416153907200000000
Somos's quadratic recurrence sequence.
Iff n is prime (n>2), the n-adic valuation of a(2n) is 3*A001045(n) (three times the values at the prime indices of Jacobsthal numbers), which is 2^n+1. For example: the 11-adic valuation at a(22) = 2049 = 3*A001045(11)= 683. 3*683 = 2^11+1 = 2049. True because: When n is prime, n-adic valuation is 1 at A052129(n), then doubles as n-increases to 2n, at which point 1 is added; thus A052129(2n) = 2^n+1. Since 3*A001045(n) = 2^n+1, n-adic valuation of A052129(2n) = 3*A001045(n) when n is prime. - Bob Selcoe, Mar 06 2014
Unreduced denominators of: f(1) = 1, f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-1)/(n-1). - Daniel Suteu, Jul 29 2016
S. R. Finch, Mathematical Constants, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003, p. 446.
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Jörg Neunhäuserer, On the universality of Somos' constant, arXiv:2006.02882 [math.DS], 2020.
Jonathan Sondow and Petros Hadjicostas, The generalized-Euler-constant function gamma(z) and a generalization of Somos's quadratic recurrence constant, arXiv:math/0610499 [math.CA], 2006.
Jonathan Sondow and Petros Hadjicostas, The generalized-Euler-constant function gamma(z) and a generalization of Somos's quadratic recurrence constant, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 332 (2007), 292-314.
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Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Somos's Quadratic Recurrence Constant.
a(n) ~ s^(2^n) / (n + 2 - 1/n + 4/n^2 - 21/n^3 + 138/n^4 - 1091/n^5 + ...) where s = 1.661687949633... (see A112302) and A116603. - Michael Somos, Apr 02 2006
a(n) = n * A030450(n - 1) if n>0. - Michael Somos, Oct 22 2006
a(n) = (a(n-1) + a(n-2)^2) * (a(n-1) / a(n-2))^2. - Michael Somos, Mar 20 2012
a(n) = product_{k=1..n} k^(2^(n-k)). - Jonathan Sondow, Mar 17 2014
A088679(n+1)/a(n) = n+1. -Daniel Suteu, Jul 29 2016
a(3) = 3*a(2)^2 = 3*(2*a(1)^2)^2 = 3*(2*(1*a(0)^2)^2)^2 = 3*(2*(1*1^2)^2)^2 = 3*(2*1)^2 = 3*4 = 12.
G.f. = 1 + x + 2*x^2 + 12*x^3 + 576*x^4 + 1658880*x^5 + 16511297126400*x^6 + ...
Join[{1}, RecurrenceTable[{a[1]==1, a[n]==n a[n-1]^2}, a, {n, 10}]] (* Harvey P. Dale, Apr 26 2011 *)
a[ n_] := If[ n < 1, Boole[n == 0], Product[ (n - k)^2^k, {k, 0, n - 1}]]; (* Michael Somos, May 24 2013 *)
a[n_] := Product[ k^(2^(n - k)), {k, 1, n}] (* Jonathan Sondow, Mar 17 2014 *)
NestList[{#[[1]]+1, #[[1]]*#[[2]]^2}&, {1, 1}, 10][[All, 2]] (* Harvey P. Dale, Jul 30 2018 *)
(PARI) {a(n) = if( n<1, n==0, prod(k=0, n-1, (n - k)^2^k))}; /* Michael Somos, May 24 2013 */
Reinhard Zumkeller, Feb 12 2002