Square array of circular Delannoy numbers A(i,j) (i >= 0, j >= 0) read by antidiagonals.
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1, 1, 6, 16, 6, 1, 1, 8, 36, 36, 8, 1, 1, 10, 64, 114, 64, 10, 1, 1, 12, 100, 264, 264, 100, 12, 1, 1, 14, 144, 510, 768, 510, 144, 14, 1, 1, 16, 196, 876, 1800, 1800, 876, 196, 16, 1, 1, 18, 256, 1386, 3648, 5010, 3648, 1386, 256, 18, 1
An (n,m) Delannoy loop is an oriented unbased loop on a toroidal grid with points labeled by Z/n x Z/m composed of steps of the form (1,0), (0,1), and (1,1), and which loops around the torus exactly once in each of the x-direction and the y-direction. The circular Delannoy numbers count the number of (n,m) Delannoy loops. This array is a modification of the ordinary Delannoy numbers A008288.
Dimensions of hom spaces Hom(S^{{i}}, S^{{j}}) in the circular Delannoy category attached to the oligomorphic group of order preserving self-bijections of the circle.
Nate Harman, Andrew Snowden, and Noah Snyder, The circular Delannoy Category, arxiv: 2303.10814 [math.RT], 2023.
A(n,m) = A(m,n).
A(n,m) = Sum_{k=0..min(n,m)} binomial(n,k)*binomial(m,k)*k*2^k for n >= 1.
A(n,m) = n*(D(n,m-1) + D(n-1,m-1)) = n*(D(n,m) - D(n-1,m)) for n,m >= 1, where D(i,j) = A008288(i,j) are the Delannoy numbers.
G.f.: 2*x*y/(1-x-y-x*y)^2 (valid for n,m > 1).
For n,m >= 1, A(n,m) = 2*n*A142978(n,m).
A(n,m) = 2*n*m*hypergeom([1-n, 1-m], [2], 2) for n,m >= 1. - Peter Luschny, Mar 23 2023
The square array A(n,m) (n >= 0, m >= 0) begins:
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...
1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, ...
1, 4, 16, 36, 64, 100, 144, 196, 256, 324, ...
1, 6, 36, 114, 264, 510, 876, 1386, 2064, 2934, ...
1, 8, 64, 264, 768, 1800, 3648, 6664, 11264, 17928, ...
The triangle T(n,m) (0 <= m <= n) begins:
[0] 1;
[1] 1, 1;
[2] 1, 2, 1;
[3] 1, 4, 4, 1;
[4] 1, 6, 16, 6, 1;
[5] 1, 8, 36, 36, 8, 1;
[6] 1, 10, 64, 114, 64, 10, 1;
[7] 1, 12, 100, 264, 264, 100, 12, 1;
[8] 1, 14, 144, 510, 768, 510, 144, 14, 1;
[9] 1, 16, 196, 876, 1800, 1800, 876, 196, 16, 1;
A := (n, k) -> `if`(n*k=0, 1, 2*n*k*hypergeom([1 - n, 1 - k], [2], 2)):
seq(print(seq(simplify(A(n, k)), k = 0..9)), n=0..4); # Peter Luschny, Mar 23 2023
a[n_Integer?Positive, m_Integer?Positive] := Sum[k Binomial[n, k] Binomial[m, k] 2^k, {k, 1, Min[n, m]}]
from math import comb
def A361745_A(n, m): # compute square array A(n, m)
return 1 if not(m and n) else sum(comb(n-1, i)*comb(m+i, n) for i in range(max(n-m, 0), n))*n<<1 # Chai Wah Wu, Mar 23 2023
Circular analog of A008288.
Main diagonal: A361743.
Row sums: A361758.
Sequence in context: A161126 A128562 A034368 * A296157 A113582 A347147
Noah Snyder, Mar 22 2023